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    nullmoon got a reaction from Egnirys cimredopyh in Dir en grey   
    May as well remove half the album while you're at it and you'll end up with a solid mini-album 😛
  2. Like
    nullmoon reacted to geist in Dir en grey   
    I've got a review for you guys:
    It's good
  3. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from lichtlune in DuelJewel to Resume Activities   
    I keep meaning to listen to these guys as I adore the song Iolite. I can't see a discography on here though?! 
  4. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Kelrya in Dir en grey   
    My gf listens to Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne and Backstreet Boys lmao. She at least liked Ranunculus off of this album. A lot of my other Japanese friends listen to K-pop or J-rock like Bump of Chicken or something. I have one friend that just listens to vocaloid and anime theme songs and sings them at karaoke. I scared her by singing Different Sense  
  5. wow
    nullmoon got a reaction from Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The best thing to do is come back to this in a few weeks/months. I can imagine people's opinions will have changed wildly by then
  6. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    In fact, if you like anything after their 2 track demo tape performance as DEATHMASK, you're not a true fan. They sold out with MISSA and became mainstream trash.
  7. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Paraph in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Not really understanding how an opinion on personal taste has more/less merit depending on how long you've been a fan and if you've been to Japan or not. I personally have been listening to this album more than anything they've put out since VULGAR/Withering, so because of that it stands out as being one of their better efforts as far as I'm concerned. 
  8. Like
    nullmoon reacted to kuyashii in Dir en grey   
    Uroboros > Vulgar > DSS > Gauze > Arche > WtD > Marrow > Macabre > Either Kisou or TIW
    I already wore my protection and have a wooden club by my side if necessary.
    Not sure what I'd place on the bottom place but I dislike both deeply  I'd have to listen to Kisou again in order to compare it to TIW but I haven't heard it in years and I'm not willing to rn.
  9. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from NICKT in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The best thing to do is come back to this in a few weeks/months. I can imagine people's opinions will have changed wildly by then
  10. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Seelentau in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Some more info on the album's tracks etc.:
  11. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Try turning the treble up a bit and the volume down. 
    Honestly, it doesn’t sound great, but it doesn’t sound as bad as any rock album touched by Rick Rubin. Listen to the original mix of Metallica’s Death Magnetic for one of the worst example of brickwalling. 
  12. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Jesus Christ these lyrics are bleak as fuck, but then Ranunculus ends with “Scream alive, I am alive” so maybe he’s cool. 
  13. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I uh... dare I say this is the first time DEG has truly sounded heavy without sounding like they’re struggling? Like, seriously, that sludgy riff in Keigaku no Yoku is fucking HEAVY. 
  14. LOLOL
  15. Like
    nullmoon reacted to nekkichi in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    it does!
    dude gets a brutal (like papa Kaoru's guitar riff) sunstroke and the whole album from there on is his hallucinatory descent happening entirely inside of his headspace (cue "the insulated world") where horned daddy feeds him human flesh and little ppl hand out free abortions if he wears a beautiful bridal gown.

    internalized homophobia hun x
  16. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Ozileras10 in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The album is great but it’s having the same 2 issues as Gazette’s Ninth did. The mix is not so great(even worse than ninth), and there are no standout tracks on the album. I’ve come to enjoy Ningen wo Kaburu and Ranunculus even though I didn’t like them at first. These are my favorites so far
    Keigaku no yoku
  17. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    What? Kanji ARE Chinese characters. 
  18. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to blacktooth in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The real question is: does this commercial still fit in with the theme of The Insulated World?
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    nullmoon reacted to Egnirys cimredopyh in Dir en grey   
    Sustain grew on me, at least its not as boring as the inferno
  20. LOLOL
    nullmoon reacted to blacktooth in Dir en grey   
    I really like Toshiba's part in Keigaku no Hajimari.
  21. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    I’m changing the track list for myself. Shifting some files around on my laptop isn’t going to alter the experience for anybody else. The original body of work is still out there for hundreds of thousands of people to enjoy, including myself. It’s just a fun little experiment. I did the same thing with Arche. 
  22. Like
    nullmoon reacted to LIDL in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Hageshisa to... also, the single version >>>>>>>>>>
  23. Like
    nullmoon got a reaction from LEY in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    Surely this is in reverse order? There are many here who would burn you at the stake for putting the holy quadrinity dead last 😂
  24. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Duwang in DIMLIM   
    Chedoara is hands down my favorite release this year so far. I like Vanitas, Malformation, and Shigarami the most but I like all the songs. I wasn't really into Ambitiosus (Ambitious?) Principles upon first listen but it's a lot of fun live so I like it a lot now.
    Speaking of lives, I got some set lists for you guys. I went to all of Dimlim's lives this past week.
    9/21 at Ikebukuro Edge
    1. Grotesque
    2. Malformation
    4. Shigarami
    5. Ambitious Principles
    6. vanitas
    7. Aizou ni tsuki
    9/24 at Shibuya Chelsea Hotel
    They played all of the album songs but not quite in the order of the album. Started with Grotesque and ended with Hito to Katachi but everything else in the middle was switched around.
    Sadly it was only about 40 minutes long despite being a oneman but it was free so I can't complain.
    9/26 at Takadanobaba Area
    1. Grotesque
    2. D. Hymnus
    3. Malformation
    4. vanitas
    5. Aizou ni tsuki
  25. Like
    nullmoon reacted to Kiyoharu is God in DIR EN GREY released their 10th album "The Insulated World" on September 26, 2018   
    The only track is strongly hate is UTAFUMI, which is surprising because it's like my second favorite single of theirs... Of their entire discography.  That's how much I love that single. I appreciate the raw-er vocals, but why does it sound like a live demo recorded on a phone, then someone broadcasted it on radio, and what was put on CD was a phone recording uploaded to youtube of the radio broadcast. It sounds really fucking weird compared to everything on the album.
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