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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Holy crap, this sounds beautiful
  2. Just thought you'd like an explanation is all.
  3. People don't like this because it isn't Hollow Crown. That album kicks ass
  4. nullmoon

    Hehe I saw ART OF PANTIES XD
  5. nullmoon

    @Keiyuu - that's incredible! I'm not even a cat lover but I love your cat
  6. nullmoon

    Haha nice try lol
  7. Awesome, about time!
  8. nullmoon

    Do we really need another best of?
  9. nullmoon

    I agree, I know a lot of people hate it, but I find it a much more enjoyable listen than DSS.
  10. nullmoon

    I implore all of you to never lose hope! I used to think the same way and thought I would grow old all on my own...and then I met my girlfriend. We've been together for over 5 years now and she's just perfect...I have no idea what I did to deserve her but I just want you guys and girls to know that true love is actually possible! (as corny as that sounds )
  11. I don't get where the 'abuse' is coming from? I'm so confused; how does talking loudly and being in someone's face equate to abuse?
  12. I'm confused, you wanted to beat up a guy because he was in his ex-girlfriend's face? That doesn't sound healthy, dude XD Obviously I wasn't there so I don't know the ins and outs but surely it's their own business? Plus there's good and bad in every culture, so I'm not sure why Chinese people would be excluded from being assholes just because of their history. As someone who is half-Chinese and a bit of an asshole I can definitely vouch for this
  13. nullmoon

    Was the tour themed? I would have assumed they would play more of their older stuff :/
  14. nullmoon

    Kick his ass, Seabass
  15. nullmoon

    Kyo is so small XD
  16. nullmoon

    It's pretty intense huh? it's really difficult if it's your hands because you're constantly using them!
  17. nullmoon

    Haha i really recommend something called Elocon ointment (mometasone furorate); i used to have REALLY bad eczema on my...ahem...nipples. This stuff cleared the worst of it overnight with one use
  18. nullmoon

    It could be eczema; I used to have this pretty bad when I was a kid :/
  19. nullmoon

    I think a good example is Emiru from Aicle; compare his vocals in that band compared to Yeti. The difference is astounding and you can tell his vocals in the latter band are 'normal' so to speak.
  20. nullmoon

    Someone sent me Flora by Nightmare back in high school...I have no idea why as it did absolutely nothing for me. However, shortly after someone mentioned Glay so I downloaded Drive and pretty much listened to that for ages. Shortly after finding JAME, I ended up listening to Alice Nine, An Cafe, The GazettE, Abingdon Boys School etc, which later led to me finding heavier bands like Dir En Grey. For some reason, in the hilarity of my teen days I searched for 'emo japanese music' on MySpace and ended up finding 9mm Parabellum Bullet...go figure. Finding the Japanese music scene was something different and something I could call my own I guess, so I've clung to the scene ever since
  21. nullmoon

    Toshiya looks awful The only cool members in this are Kyo and Die...
  22. nullmoon

    Wow...things just got a lot more interesting Although from the look of it, around 50% of the sound is devoted to the bass pedal
  23. nullmoon

    12. Yoshiki finally admits that his multiple faintings on stage were an act.
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