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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. More like a singles collection, but whatever XD
  2. nullmoon

    I'd like him to start making decent music, period
  3. nullmoon

    If it wasn't for the actual band members I don't think this band would get much of a reaction to be fair...
  4. nullmoon

    I truly think Aftermath is one of the best songs I've ever heard and it really got me psyched for this album. However after listening to it a few times, I really don't think it lives up to the hype at all. Apart from the aforementioned track and a few others like Zephyr and Latour, I feel pretty let down. It's too long, the tracks don't flow and there aren't enough songs that stand out. While I find their slightly menacing tone really enjoyable to listen to, I don't think they surpass 9goats or Deg in the slightest. Personally I would give this a 6/10.
  5. nullmoon

    Oh! I forgot Rentrer en Soi! To Infinity is fucking coooooool
  6. nullmoon

    I think for me, Deathgaze's 'ballads' are incredible and probaby their best stuff! Songs like Grace, Dearest, Glory Sky and Bliss Out Yourself are so good! D'espairsray's Squall is also another one of my favourites. Aaaaand pretty much all of Dir En Grey's also
  7. @Rocketeer- What's wrong with their fourth album?
  8. nullmoon

    ...is this a genuine case of DID or is it a new way of saying musical differences?!
  9. nullmoon

    My reasons are the same as Jigsaw's but like you say I think I expected a straight up horror film. The twist was interesting enough but the slew of "scary things in boxes" was just dumb. The ending was atrocious as well. The only part I liked about the film was the closing theme by NIN XD But that's just my opinion
  10. nullmoon

    Sorry, I thought I'd join in as I've found your thoughts really interesting. When I find time I'd love to go through all the old classics
  11. nullmoon

    My uncle subjected me to Chucky when I was like 2 or something? HE SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME! Nowadays I love horror movies and watch pretty much all the new releases with my girlfriend. It's a shame that most modern horror films are so devoid of any kind of atmosphere or tension. They're so samey in that they're predictable and lazy The only decent ones I can think of from the past few years are The Woman In Black, the Evil Dead remake, You're Next (more for the idea than the scares) and the first Paranormal Activity film. A few other points- -The Conjuring was overhyped and quite tame in my opinion; it was a huge disappointment as the trailer was so scary. -I don't get the love for The Cabin In The Woods. That film was a joke. -Every exorcism film from the last few years has been utter dookie.
  12. nullmoon

    My girlfriend Do you have any awful habits?
  13. nullmoon

    Only six months?! that's cool though, go Tetsu!
  14. nullmoon

    The world. So many songs have 'kono sekai...' in them!
  15. nullmoon

    That's fair, everyone has their own type for some reason I read your comment from a male perspective which is probably why it seemed a bit odd XD
  16. nullmoon

    Because biologically we're attracted to women who can provide the best child-carrying capabilities. Big hips+nice ass=genetic perpetuation. At the end of the day, deep down guys want to have a child to continue their legacy, so to speak. A guy with a big ass just sounds weird. Due to a lack of breasts, he'd just look out of proportion, surely. i thought having a toned ass was more desirable?
  17. nullmoon

    I've never heard of Ghost so I can't comment.
  18. nullmoon

    I was actually really impressed with Dazzle Vision's latest album. They've really stepped up this year! Maiko's vocals have especially improved. Symphony of the Vampire also gets my vote!
  19. nullmoon

    I've heard that apparently they love huge shoulders
  20. nullmoon

    Hahaha good point
  21. nullmoon

    Probably because they're essentially one huge parody. Don't get me wrong, I think the music is great but at the same time they're not a 'serious' metal band so to speak. Ugh I sound like such a metal snob but I'm really not! There are some people out there who think this kind of band shouldn't even EXIST!
  22. nullmoon

    Call me exclusive, but as much as I like Babymetal they really shouldn't be allowed to play at something like this :/
  23. nullmoon

    I dunno, they were all about being funky and bouncy before. Kra is the last band I would go to if I want heavier music. I prefer it when they play happier stuff sprinkled with a few heavier songs
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