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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Totally agree with this; I honestly don't see why people are raving about Last Heaven. I'm not a huge GazettE fan but I do listen to their albums from time to time. Division disappointed me slightly and I definitely see Toxic as the better album out the two. However, compared to this album, Division is much more coherent and...just more exciting. Beautiful Deformity suffers from being a tad boring and as others have said, there isn't really a stand out track. With that said though, the album isn't bad per se, just lacking the originality and excitement found in their other releases. Devouring One Another is perhaps my favourite but I'm a big fan of Fadeless. Oh, their use of Malformed Box and Coda is incredible. Both songs are great and they mix into their neighbouring tracks seamlessly. Brilliant stuff.
  2. nullmoon

    ...how?! XD
  3. nullmoon

    Because I have ears.
  4. It's really quite shocking. For a country that's so technologically advanced, Japan is incredibly backwards when it comes to its society. Obviously being traditional is commendable, but it isn't the 50s any more. Sex isn't bad any more! Having actual loving relationships and being encouraged to make the most of life should be mandatory. Easier said than done in a country like Japan, but if it's true that we only live once, it shouldn't be spent behind a desk. People should work to live and not live to work.
  5. nullmoon

    How on earth did you not like the 6 Party reprise?!
  6. nullmoon

    Hey Saaam-Chan, what was Mazohyst Of Decadence like live? I've only ever listened to it on Gauze.
  7. nullmoon

    Thanks i'll have to make sure i'm early
  8. nullmoon

    Is it just me or was this sort of disappointing? The title track is amazing but SO MANY of the 'rerecordings' sound almost identical to the originals. Sure, maybe there are a few changes to the vocals etc but on the whole most of the songs aren't different enough to be worth listening to again. Compare I Want To Die (practically identical) to Amaryllis (modified riffs, new solo).
  9. nullmoon

    @Relentless- you said it yourself, it makes perfect sense if it's at the end of the album.
  10. nullmoon

    I take it you've never listened to Six Ugly? :/
  11. nullmoon

    What a setlist!
  12. nullmoon

    Had anyone been there before? Is it any good/is the area ok?
  13. nullmoon

    Hades AND Filth?!
  14. nullmoon

    I wonder how photoshopped that image is. Surely her face must be like a wet paper bag by now?
  15. nullmoon

    I think this is a grower. Apart from The Swan, I found the mini-album really messy compared to their last effort. After a few listens I still find it quite messy but replete with some great ideas. It's very Westernised in its sound and not as varied as Deicida of Silence but its a decent effort. I'd at least give it a 7/10
  16. nullmoon

    I agree with Zess; while this has its moments, it's distinctly average. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't great. The first three songs are decent but the rest are throwaway. I used to hate Lycaon's 'erotic' era but it has so much more substance and lasting appeal than this release.
  17. nullmoon

    Booked my tickets last night I actually managed to convince my manager to let me have the time off (there are strict rules in place to ensure that no one has time off between October and January due to the Christmas period). NoGoD, you're mine
  18. nullmoon

    Ahhhh thanks for clearing that up for me
  19. nullmoon

    Hi guys, just wondering what Yomi sings right at the start of the song? I can't seem to find the lyrics for this bit anywhere and it's bugging me
  20. What about Unveil Raze?! :/ they only have 4 songs, are you kidding me?!
  21. nullmoon

    I agree with plantanity; I don't really get how this is some sort of come back for giru. It sounds like something off Now but a tiny bit heavier. The first two tracks are forgettable but takt is pretty good. On a side note, just listened to Music for the first time in ages today and it's actually a fantastic album.
  22. nullmoon

    @kurenaishineek - Sorry, in regards to Crossfaith I meant I wanted to separate it from Western artists. Clearly they sound alike but I like to separate the music of different countries into different genres. Oshare Kei and Nagoya Kei are really easy to distinguish so how come there aren't more?! I read up on Angura Kei recently which seems to sum up bands like Kagrra nicely, and yet according to some people bands like Girugamesh are Angura Kei?
  23. nullmoon

    The name is...er...unique.
  24. nullmoon

    I feel sorry for them. They make softer music for a change, probably due to their record label, and then people bitch about it. They then change it up to appease listeners and then the fans still bitch about it. Apart from SOME of the vocal work in their new phase, I honestly don't see what the problem is. Especially when loads of VK bands out there have much worse vocalists. I personally love the new era and I can even tolerate the poppier albums. In comparison I found Play Dolls boring as hell
  25. nullmoon

    Aside from the new font they're using for their band logo, I fail to see how they're like Diru. They sound nothing alike.
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