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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Arithmetica, thank you XD
  2. nullmoon

    -D.I.D. is rubbish, mainly because they use auto-tune- Bull. They hardly EVER use auto-tune, plus they're freaking awesome! In any case I don't see what the big deal is with auto-tune. Sure, it can sound rubbish sometimes, but so can screaming, growling and (especially in VK land) singing! It actually works sometimes but no one but me seems to be aware of this?!
  3. nullmoon

    Sorry, 8/10?! You don't even seem to like half the songs!
  4. nullmoon

    I dunno, usually you can understand a song through it's tone. Obviously this isn't always the case, but as Frontier sounds badass, it's probably about being a badass doing badass things
  5. nullmoon

    This sums the single up perfectly for me. It's really strange; I usually love NoGoD's singles, including the B-Sides. However, none of these new tracks really blew me away. Frontier has some nice ideas but it doesn't really go anywhere; I was more impressed/excited by the trailer than the actual song.
  6. nullmoon

    ...er i thought the general consensus was that this release was hilarious?
  7. nullmoon

    I assume so...I guess everyone's getting on the Crossfaith bandwagon and failing miserably.
  8. nullmoon

    The Cheesecake Massacre.
  9. nullmoon

    Pretty much anything by NoGoD. Although my favourite solo ever is most likely the one in Heartless' Refuge. Freaking amazing guitar work.
  10. Currently learning Stay Away on bass. Help.

    1. evilcoconut


      hahahahah! good luck.

    2. nullmoon


      Haha thanks :D

      Cool, thanks Rez, I'll check them out :D

  11. nullmoon

    Oh! Everywhere their exploding....what exactly?! This is either an incomplete band name or an example of terrible grammar. Both are unacceptable.
  12. nullmoon

    I used to listen to these guys and totally loved their first album. Jelly Pink is DAMN good
  13. nullmoon

    I just have this image of Kamijo clutching onto a vampire cape as nurses try to drag him to a mental hospital
  14. nullmoon

    Thanks for the details Hmm maybe a little from column a and a little from column b?
  15. nullmoon

    Name that tune - "in my mind blue fish has just died" Hur hur
  16. nullmoon

    Unfortunately I have to disagree with the above review. I love the band to pieces, even songs like Utsushiyo Horrowshow and Stand Up! (which everyone seems to hate for some reason). However I found this single to be a disappointment. As predicted for NoGoD, the guitar work is fantastic and this rings true for all three songs. However, the drumming is so repetitive. I don't know whether they increased the volume of the drums especially for this single but it got kind of annoying for me. There weren't as many interesting flourishes as found in other songs and I just found it ruining the songs. Also Karin's intricate bass lines were nonexistent which is a real shame. Although Frontier was pretty good, the single as a whole sounds really generic and there isn't really anything other than the guitar work to render it interesting. It pains me to say it as I love the band; it's just that this new release is kind of bland to me. Maybe it will grow on me the more I listen to it but for now it's pretty generic sounding.
  17. nullmoon

    ^ haha the last paragraph was both hilarious and true
  18. nullmoon

    Totally agree with Dir En Grey. They're different with every release but it's always a good different ;D
  19. nullmoon

    -Now that i've listened to VK, everything else in the world is craptastic- Just no. VK is amazing but there's also a lot of crap; the same goes for all music. Just because VK is exotic and different, it doesn't make it superior by default. I hate it when people say that ALL Western music sucks because it simply doesn't. Plus, where do you think most VK gets its influences from? Both sides of the world have good and bad music...although VK has a much higher percentage of good bands to me
  20. nullmoon

    Awesome, thank you really loving this band now, i owe you one
  21. nullmoon

    Do they have any albums at all?
  22. nullmoon

    SIVA should reform. That would blow my mind.
  23. nullmoon

    Yeah, sorry :/ when and if I go into a band i'd want it to be the real thing I think, purely because I'd love the camaraderie and experience of trudging everywhere with my bass just to play for an hour or so XD
  24. nullmoon

    Yeah, sorry :/ when and if I go into a band i'd want it to be the real thing I think, purely because I'd love the camaraderie and experience of trudging everywhere with my bass just to play for an hour or so XD
  25. nullmoon

    Dumbass phone! *SPOILERS* the Chinese and Russian jaegers had, like, NO screentime whatsoever. *END SPOILERS* However, i think the fights in general were amazing; they were like an adult version of a Power Rangers megazord battle. Unlike in Transformers, you can actually SEE what's going on too. I definitely recommend this film but NOT in 3D! I went to the IMAX and was pretty disappointed by the lack of IN YOUR FACE CGI!! Still, a few things stuck out a bit...you know what '3D' films are like XD
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