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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Pacific Rim I felt kind of worried about this after all the internet reviews but I was actually really impressed. I totally agree that *SPOILERS*
  2. nullmoon

  3. nullmoon

    The World by Nightmare! Oh wait...
  4. nullmoon

    I like them so I think it's pretty unfair to say they lack quality. Originality maybe, but not quality. At least you have the balls to be honest about NOT liking them though. Fair play, sir
  5. nullmoon

    Where the hell is Cosmos and I Gotta Kick Start Now?!?! Don't get me wrong, I love their cover of Life On Mars, but if they're including B-Sides, why not include Live Wire or Kyuketsu as well? What kind of a best of is this?! XD
  6. nullmoon

    ...weird shit?....dare I ask? O.o
  7. nullmoon

    Wow, that was actually really good! The video is so awesome and it's quite refreshing to see a piano take the lead rather than guitar
  8. nullmoon

    I think i'm going to have to be cruddy and drop out of this. I really don't have the time or equipment due to work. Sorry guys :/
  9. nullmoon

    Is this STILL going?!?! 9
  10. nullmoon

    I think it might be because it displays the band's sound at its purest? I dunno, i'm with you on this. I've listened to a lot of 9goats Black Out recently and although their first EP is great, their first album is only ok. Calling is ridiculously perfect in comparison. Higher production values and a change in sound aren't always a bad thing!
  11. nullmoon

    I think too many people are treating VK like it's too 'mainstream', to the point where successful groups are apparently making it worse for the industry. Like "ew The GazettE are popular now so I can't possibly like them. Oh noes, Dir En Grey is reaching out to a wider fan base and they can now play in my country". Stop ruining it for everyone else; VK is about supporting the bands you actually like and enjoying the music. People tend to want their favourite band to stay indie forever so then that way they can sort of own them; they don't want other people to know about them because that probably gives them less to talk about to their hipster friends or whatever. I don't get it; why wouldn't you want your favourite band to succeed ?
  12. nullmoon

    I'm with Miyuu on this one; how on earth does Mejibray sounds like The GazettE?!
  13. nullmoon

    Sorry to dig up Matenrou Opera again but I wish they would get rid of synths etc altogether. The only time it sounded ok was in the song Anomie. Songs with piano in them etc are fine, they're meant to be like that, but all of the heavier songs just sound so tacky when cheesy synths are introduced. It's one of the reasons why I choose to just stay away from them. Well that and the fact that Sono's vibrato is all you can hear. In. Every. Song.
  14. nullmoon

    Haha awesome, you got the card and everything XD I miss Deluhi; Sujk's albums aren't bad but I find Undivide SO BORING.
  15. nullmoon

    Ok so I was just wondering, if you guys could revive any VK band, who would it be and why? Personally I would love for Rentrer En Soi and Siva to come back; they're both really special bands that were finding their sound just before disbanding. For me, Satsuki now sucks balls so it would be a nice change to see him go back to where he belongs! The same goes for Cell from Siva; his bass playing is incredible and yet now he's in SIKA-BAMBI?! There are of course tons of others but these stick out to me right now How about you guys?
  16. nullmoon

    Grieva are doing a good job so far ;D
  17. I never really bothered listening to music when I was at uni as it really distracted me. I have quite a short attention span when I can't be bothered to work and end up procrastinating. However, when I'm at work a lot of the tasks I have are pretty mundane so I listen to music to help time go faster. It gives me time to listen to new albums; today's album of choice is 9Goats Black Out's Calling I should probably get back to work actually... XD
  18. nullmoon

    That's quite a huge generalisation there. Not all GazettE fans are annoying and immature, and I'm pretty sure all Lycaon fans aren't as wonderful as you believe. I'm not having a dig at you by the way, I just think that people should stop with the stereotyping already.
  19. nullmoon

    My Internet is really pants ^_^"
  20. nullmoon

    I don't get why people get in your face about liking a particular band. Like some of you have said, my friends don't take VK seriously simply because it's Japanese (apparently only British and American music is really 'legit'...coincidently the same is true for films). This is pretty annoying as it's this narrow-mindedness which prevents me being able to share some great music. Their loss However it also occurs amongst VK fans. A lot of people get all personal when others are into bands like The GazettE and it's just so pathetic. Let people listen to what they want; no one gives a shit if YOU don't like them! In short, people should be more tolerant and respectful of others
  21. nullmoon

    If the recording on my video was ok i can just do it that way. I record with my phone close to the amp
  22. nullmoon

    I record with my phone... XD
  23. nullmoon

    Some do! Look at Matenrou Opera
  24. nullmoon

    I agree with evilcoconut; I wanted to find heavy music and most of the Western stuff I found was so samey. I was attracted to VK because for the most part it's a unique form of rock/metal. I've honestly never really cared about the look of the bands I like
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