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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    This helps to explain things a bit -http://homelessvisualkids.wordpress.com/2011/11/07/a-look-into-visual-kei-subgenres/
  2. nullmoon

    Definitely! I just wondered if there were official terms I can use.
  3. nullmoon

    @JukaForever- exactly, therefore there must be some way of categorising bands other than 'it's VK'
  4. nullmoon

    It's more to do with listening to certain genres WITHIN Japanese music but thanks for your insight
  5. nullmoon

    It's just a way of making it easier to shuffle music etc plus it would be nice to have a term which differentiates Girugamesh from, say, Hime Ichigo XD
  6. nullmoon

    Thanks for your responses guys and for confirming that I'm not alone It's really weird because I remember reading Zess' post which essentially pointed out that VK is more of a subculture (if anything) rather than a genre of music. As a result I assumed that there were some kind of super secret genres that I was missing, but I guess I was mistaken. So basically... The term 'visual kei' is not a genre of music, yet due to the complexity of the VK scene this term is the only way to encapsulate the form. Due to the sheer amount of genres being used, there is only one genre (which is in fact not a genre) which can describe this ever changing style and that is, confusingly, visual kei!
  7. nullmoon

    Hi guys, I've been listening to Visual Kei for years now but I still have absolutely no idea how to 'genre-ify' (is there a word for this?! Categorise I guess?) 99% of it. I'm totally cool with categorising Oshare Kei and Nagoya Kei because they're the only types I really feel comfortable labelling. With stuff like Crossfaith, I just bung it into a 'J-Metal' folder so as to distinguish it from Western stuff. However, I have a ton of bands who I don't know how to categorise. As a result I simply put them under Visual Kei, which according to this site is highly incorrect! Some guidance on the following bands would be really appreciated! -Bands like Kagrra -Bands like Kra -Bands like Alice Nine -Bands like Versailles -00's bands which had a lot of shouty stuff (early NoGoD, Ayabie, Lolita23q etc) -Bands like Alsdead/Deluhi/old Lycaon/Heartless etc -Bands like new Lycaon -Bands like D'espairsray -Bands like The GazettE, who I guess sorta links to Girugamesh now? -DIR EN GREY!!! (I guess they are in a genre of their own? People say their older albums are similar to old VK but I just don't see it. Were many bands doing songs like Myaku?!) -Older bands like Luna Sea, Glay etc -Copycat bands like Grieva (would they be the same as above?) -Miyavi...? -Punk bands like The Piass -Rentrer en Soi? What would they be...? Sorry, this is pretty messy but any help would be great! It would be cool to put a genre on shuffle and not come across songs that have nothing in common.
  8. nullmoon

    Based on the minute changes Deluhi made to their songs for their best of, I doubt it.
  9. nullmoon

    Why the hell is the UK date a Tuesday. What the hell, guys, seriously
  10. nullmoon

    If I had to make one complaint about the album, it's the fact the talking in the intro is so pretentious. It's even worse than the one in The Revenant Choir
  11. nullmoon

    I don't really know what to say...this album was actually very, very good. After hearing the lacklustre single, I reckoned this album would be balls but I was SO wrong. Classical Element is pure brilliance and features enough variety to cater to all tastes. I was really impressed with Zin's vocal work after listening to the album actually; the single does him no justice whatsoever. I'm not really a fan of making track by track reviews but I must say that every song on here is worth a listen. To me, absolutely none of it is filler. For a first album I think it is simply incredible and on par with some of Versailles' older work. Despite listening to this album once I'm happy to give it an 8/10, which will probably grow to a 10/10 by tomorrow. As a side note, both Jupiter and Kamijo as a solo artist seem to be making heavier music than late-Versailles. It's reminiscent of early-Versailles and I love it! Do you reckon their label forced them to tone down the harsher riffs and vocals? After listening to Jupiter's first single I was under the impression that they wanted to make flowery music still, but the album proved me wrong.
  12. nullmoon

    ...this is Division?!
  13. nullmoon

    I agree with RpgRiser, his voice could be a bit quieter. I was a bit disappointed that the single wasn't as heavy as I imagined it would be, but it's still closer to early-Versailles than Jupiter. I won't do a track by track review but I think the single is worth a strong 7/10. A very positive start for Kamijo's solo career. After listening to this single I realised that his voice is what essentially carried Versailles and made them unique. This is perhaps why I found Jupiter's single so underwhelming.
  14. nullmoon

    What the hell? This is essentially T.M Revolution bullshit TT
  15. nullmoon

    I'm going to be in the minority here but I thought Quiet was the best track on here! Heck, even Forbidden Beaver wasn't bad! Although it starts off as a shameless Love Addict rip off, the guitar work is nice. The solo is far superior to the one in the title track. Fadeless is far too generic; although it's tighter than Forbidden Beaver, it's lacks any kind of wow factor that's usually associated with A-Sides.
  16. nullmoon

    Agony is awesome
  17. nullmoon

    Girugamesh is just Engrish for Gilgamesh I believe...? Abingdon Boys School is a school in Oxford, UK. Not really sure as to why you would want to name your band after a school though...
  18. nullmoon

    @ Mind of the sun - How can you not like the story in Silent Hill ?!. The story is the whole point of the game and the reason why it is hailed as one of the best in the series O.o
  19. nullmoon

    I much prefer meth. 404NOTFOUND was so generic
  20. nullmoon

    Oh, and the back cover is sweet too.
  21. nullmoon

    Always loved this one.
  22. nullmoon

    Thanks I've tried it before but I think my hair is too thin; as a result it doesn't want to do an awful lot for me! I'll keep trying though. One day....
  23. nullmoon

    @manic - dude your hair is awesome! How do you do it?
  24. nullmoon

    Alan Wake is so much fun
  25. nullmoon

    I thoroughly recommend Silent Hill 2. It's not scary in the sense of things jumping out at you. Instead, in true SH style, it messes with your head and really affects you with its oppressie atmosphere. There's a bit near the start where you enter the first 'big area' (the apartments); outside it's quite bright despite the fog and noisy due to the monsters etc. As soon as you enter the apartments it's incredibly dark and COMPLETELY silent. I'm not a fan of horror games generally (because I'm a wimp ) but I stuck this game out until the end. Definitely worth playing for the story alone! I also heard that SH3 is damn good but after watching a couple of trailers, I pooped myself
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