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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Dayummmmmm, Miyavi looks like a badass This actually looks like a great film too
  2. nullmoon

    I hope to god they start reverting back to the original Obscure. The retake is so lame.
  3. nullmoon

    3. His classical tour is cancelled
  4. I introduced my girlfriend to it and now she loves bands like Versailles and A as she was all about K-pop beforehand I think I deserve bonus points
  5. nullmoon

    ...looks like they've entered an alternate universe with all those colours going on!
  6. nullmoon

    I think that's the problem with singles albums; they miss out SO MANY GOOD SONGS!
  7. nullmoon

    I wonder if they play songs like Increase Blue in the old or new style...
  8. nullmoon

    I dunno...anything can happen in 10 months In reality: Nothing will happen for 9 months and then they'll do a mini farewell tour...
  9. nullmoon

    I was really impressed with The Swan and even Deicida of Silence (even though most people tend to hate it?). On the former EP especially, the instrumental work was incredible and actually set them apart from their previous Dir En Grey-lite sound. Wataru's questionable vocal work took some getting used to but once this was achieved both EPs were actually really impressive for me. Hopefully a new album will be released before they are on hiatus.
  10. nullmoon

    Well this is a kick in the nuts! They were just getting good again as well
  11. Soooo he's a vocalist now?!
  12. nullmoon

    These playlists are awesome! Loving the mix of old and new! I mean, Mask?!?!
  13. nullmoon

    @dogmanx - have you ever thought that people might want to buy these lives? Most overseas fans don't exactly get to see the band that often/at all. I don't really see the point in criticising this.
  14. nullmoon

    Wow, Jessica?! Asunaki Foufuku, Koenaki Asu?! Awesome
  15. nullmoon

    Nope, I don't think I could ever forgive myself XD Have you ever managed to stay awake for 24 hours or over?
  16. nullmoon

  17. I wonder what happened; none of the members are working together...
  18. nullmoon

    I'm pretty sure I've seen 'Guren' loads. I know that NoGoD and The GazettE have tracks with this name...
  19. nullmoon

    Alpha is pretty boring...except for Zero. That song kicks ass.
  20. nullmoon

    X Japan
  21. nullmoon

  22. nullmoon

    Ice cream mochi What's your favourite season?
  23. nullmoon

  24. nullmoon

    L'arc en Ciel
  25. nullmoon

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