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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    This stuff looks insane! Kudos to you for having the energy!
  2. Artist: girugamesh EP: Gravitation Score: After a few years of borderline radio-friendly stagnation, Girugamesh have hit back with quite possibly their best release yet. After a few years of borderline radio-friendly stagnation, Girugamesh have hit back with quite possibly their best release yet. Last year's Monster symbolised a beacon of hope for both fans and the band. The aggression was back, the heaviness was back, Girugamesh was back. Although steeped in pop-sensibilities at times, the album took a 180 from pop to electronic metalcore, leaving the burning wrecks of Now and Go far behind. It's been a year since their last full-length Monster, and Gravitation not only keeps this reclaimed heaviness in place but polishes it to perfection. Kicking off with their hardest song to date, 'Go Ahead' lures you in with gentle tones before ripping your head off. Satoshi's transition from gentle crooning to terrifying growls, for example, are nothing short of frisson worthy. Having the rawest vocals, the hardest breakdown, and the most memorable chorus, this song characterises the EP and spearheads their new sound. As a song that can only be described with superlatives, 'Go Ahead' highlights how Gravitation has led the band to a new level of heaviness. This permeates throughout the EP. While 'Reflection' displays a hard metalcore influence, for instance, 'Vortex' goes beyond that, opting for a thrashy deathcore vibe; a massive departure from Go in many respects. I thought it would let up at some point but the whole EP is like this; every time a lull in the intensity is expected, it continues its bombardment of chunky riffs and pleasantly incessant drumming. This is exemplified best in 'Reflection' where Satoshi tries to do some severe damage to his throat...in the best possible way. They could have included a slower, gentler track to give the listener a breather, but instead they opted for five heavy songs varying in loudness and intensity. The infectious electronic elements and catchy vocals which have characterised their more recent efforts are used to full effect here, modernising their previous sound and making each track as memorable as the last. All of these elements culminate in 'Vortex' which, replete with screams, riff-heavy guitar work and double-bass pedaling, is the best way to end Gravitation: in the same loud and exciting way in which it started, exuding a confidence not found on their older material. This is the Girugamesh we wanted after Music and the band sure as hell knows it. By cramming everything their fans love about them into one neat package, Girugamesh has created their best effort yet. Contrary to more recent releases, the intensity and loudness of their old sound is back and better than ever. While taking a new form reflective of some current "-core" genres, classic Girugamesh permeates to the point where they might win their older fanbase back. Upon listening to Gravitation it's clear that Girugamesh are back and louder, heavier and better than ever!
  3. nullmoon

    In regards to the special edition, I hope to god it's not in a digipack. Those things are the worst.
  4. nullmoon

    I think so yeah; I assume it was a live version in that case...which is a shame because it's awesome! In regards to the new album, I'd be bummed out if they kept to their DSS style, yet really happy if they kept their Uroboros style. I don't see them going back to a style that precedes these two albums to be fair though.
  5. I dunno man, the guitar work in 12012's last mini was effing killer.
  6. This EP makes Crossfaith look like a bunch of chumps. "don't worry guys, we'll clean up the mess you made"
  7. @filth_y - everyone has their own opinion, but Uroboros is up there because it kicks ass on so many levels. Not only is the album heavy (in a much better way than DSS) but it also has some of their most experimental and interesting songs yet. Toguro and Stuck Man, for example, are just brilliant. Also Diabolos sounds nothing like Vinushka. The latter is so much better
  8. nullmoon

    A million times yes to Born Slippy.
  9. nullmoon

    Thanks again! I'll get there in the end, I just need a lot of practice!
  10. Way more mistakes on this one but I hope you enjoy
  11. After reading these comments I'm quite surprised some people have misgivings about withering to death. I thought people saw MOAB as the bad guy?! (I love both albums by the way).
  12. This is freaking tough because I keep changing my mind as to what my favourite is! I chose Uroboros in the end because it's pretty much perfect, but if I could choose two I'd probably go for Gauze as I love every song off it. It's a shame EPs aren't included as I would go for six Ugly in a heartbeat! I think the post-Kisou/pre-Vulgar sound was just awesome.
  13. nullmoon

    Despite a few awesome tracks, I found this album quite lacklustre compared to V (which I consider their best major album). With that said, HATE THIS WORLD is probably my favourite song of theirs since V. By the way, I don't know about you guys but I found Ⅰ-回顧 highly disappointing. Sure, it has some really brilliant parts but as a whole it's so disjointed; it sounds more like an album sample. Furthermore, the song doesn't even run into II-懐柔. Ring-A Ring-O still sounds like a much more suitable first track to the series, and doesn't sound anywhere near as convoluted.
  14. nullmoon

    Same :/
  15. nullmoon

    The mini album seems to start and end with 'the red'; I feel as if they've regressed to the Seven stage (which I personally wasn't too fond of). While I'm a fan of the inclusion of more clean vocals, i don't like how only one song seems to keep with the new sound. With that said, 'aqua' sounds pretty good.
  16. Apparently this is all a hoax, and not the first one.
  17. nullmoon

    Vanishing Vision is so bad XD
  18. nullmoon

    I haven't listened to this single but I agree with the general points made about the band. They certainly sound like Versailles but they just aren't the same. Although Kamijo is all on his own, his releases have so much more creativity and energy. His mini album in particular was just plain astounding.
  19. nullmoon

    Agreed! I love Precious Heart and the op songs but the rest are sooooooo booooooring!
  20. nullmoon

    Totally forgot about 2.0...it's probably the coolest opening ever. So fucking badass
  21. Hello, you sexy people! I'm not sure if I can do this here (if not, feel free to incinerate this post) but I'd just like to ask for some money XD Earlier this year my best buddy's dad passed away from MND (which I'm sure you're now all aware of!). In honour of his memory I'll be running with my friend in the Birmingham half-marathon. I never do anything for charity because I'm a miser and i think it's a waste of time but I thought this would be a good way to pay my respects and raise some money for some research into this crappy disease. If you'd like to support me I would be very grateful and my friend's family would really appreciate it. If not, then that's totally cool, usually I wouldn't donate either XD My donation page is here - https://www.justgiving.com/Kevin-Houldey/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Kevin-Houldey&utm_campaign=pfp-share
  22. nullmoon

    For me, probably the best ever is Dir En Grey's 'Mode of Adam'. The way it kicks in is just plain astounding. Plus, dat bass line
  23. nullmoon

    YES. I used to skip this song but the first time I listened to it properly it blew my mind. SUCH a good song. Easily one of their best for me
  24. nullmoon

    I don't mind track 10 to be honest! I agree with Seimeisen though; while Follow sounds awesome, the previews don't sound that interesting.
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