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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Sweet! Hopefully I can make some progress with this. If I had my own place I'd totally buy a drum kit Hahaha no problem XD
  2. nullmoon

    ...those moves. He has hips for days.
  3. nullmoon

    Oh wow thanks! I'll make sure to check it out hopefully i'll have something put together soon. Watch this space! XD
  4. nullmoon

    Great! Thank you! Haha no problem Unfortunately not but it's definitely on the cards (I generally focus on covering stuff by ear). I need to find some suitable backing tracks really but I have no idea where to find them
  5. nullmoon

    Aww thanks, that means a lot! I remember you mentioning alternate picking to me AGES ago and I've been working to improve it
  6. nullmoon

    Dude that sucks Sadly, life is just like that sometimes. For what it's worth, you did everything you could in that situation. Most guys would just run in that situation, taking the easy way out, but you stuck by your girlfriend. You did everything you could to help her, and that's massively admirable. I'm sure she had her reasons, but sometimes people simply don't appreciate others. The best thing to do is concentrate on yourself. Moving on will be a much easier and rewarding experience if you can do this. It might take a while but doing this will allow you to be the best person you can be which in turn will help you find the real love of your life. Soul mates are merely a concept. You'll find your girl yet
  7. nullmoon

    Bleh Haha it's settled then, you are my teacher
  8. nullmoon

    I just use my phone to be fair, you don't need anything special Thanks for the advice! If English isn't your first language, then kudos to you because that was a solid explanation! I'm self-taught so I have no one to guide me haha! I definitely need to work on my finger technique in that case as it's pretty non-existent at the moment. Once I have that down I'll work up to slapping
  9. nullmoon

    Definitely. I'm having trouble learning how to slap and using fingers across different strings. Do you have any tips? Awesome, do you have a channel? Thanks man, much appreciated!
  10. nullmoon

    Stuff I actually own. Japanese: Oldest: Dir En Grey - Missa (1997) Newest: Dir En Grey - Arche (2014) In general: Oldest: A-ha - Headlines and Deadlines: The Hits of A-ha (1991) Newest: Kintsugi - Death Cab For Cutie (March 31st 2015)
  11. nullmoon

  12. nullmoon

    Coming to a cinema near you - "Disney's Diru". Wholesome family fun!
  13. nullmoon

    Two words: Demon Crab.
  14. nullmoon

    Personally I really enjoyed the PV. Minus Toshiya's goofing around. It totally ruined the atmosphere for me XD
  15. nullmoon

    Very much so! Hahaha shhhh! They'll hear you!
  16. nullmoon

    I've heard of them, and I remember liking a few tracks from KuRt, but I just think Tenten is pretty standard fare for a VK vocalist. I know it's a different genre entirely but I much prefer Skull XD
  17. nullmoon

    Sweet setlist! Awesome that they played Audrey again! I really hope they play it when they come to London
  18. nullmoon

    I tried listening to this but I found it quite bland. This is of course blasphemy, but I really don't see why everyone loves Tenten so much?
  19. nullmoon

    I would actually recommend with 00s stuff and work backwards. I think you can appreciate older bands much more this way
  20. nullmoon

    Fine by me! I've been hoarding life savings especially for this day.
  21. nullmoon

    Nice work, this looks amazing!
  22. nullmoon

    Hey Beni, can we share? I also live in the UK
  23. Fuck it, bring back UnsraW
  24. Hmm I don't usually mind Yuuki's cleans but it really sticks out here :/ He would be better off growling the whole thing
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