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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. I haven't listened to either of them before. Pentagon is ok but that kind of band is a dime a dozen in the VK world at the moment. Plus, the opening to the song sounds as messy as Hybrid Truth's. Chanty has a much better sound to me; I would say it's fresh but as I don't delve into indie that much, they're probably pretty derivative too.
  2. nullmoon

    That's so rad! Most sleeves look like a garbled mish mash of random awfulness.
  3. nullmoon

    New! Audience Killer Loop by Dir En Grey.
  4. nullmoon

    Awesome NoGoD and FACT choices!
  5. nullmoon

    Kyo's vocal cover is awesome at least
  6. nullmoon

    This is an awesome idea! Definitely agree with Miscast. As for Dir En Grey, for me it simply has to be the opening riff to...
  7. nullmoon

    NEW! Sakura by Remioromen.
  8. nullmoon

    How wrong can you be, O2? HOW WRONG?!?!
  9. nullmoon

    As I've never seen them live, I'm just happy to see them live
  10. nullmoon

  11. For about 2/3 of the video I thought he was eating like an idiot on purpose...then I realised those aren't even his hands XD
  12. nullmoon

    I'm going to have to disagree on this one unfortunately. I found the film to be more of a thriller than a horror film. I found there to be little tension in the film and the eponymous Babadook was laughable at any opportunity outside of the book itself. If I recall correctly, he once emitted a stock t-rex roar?! I also found the performance from the lead actress really quite hollow and her lines/actions pretty funny at times (telling her child to eat shit and booting down doors like a commando comes to mind). Each to their own, and i'm not shooting down your opinion at all dude. A lot of people loved this film, but I just don't get why. The reading of the book was the most tense and terrifying thing I've seen in a while, but the rest of the film just felt amateurish and lacklustre. In my opinion, of course
  13. nullmoon

    One week until Dir En Grey
  14. I don't think i'll ever be ready for the amount of hilarity i'm predicting with these guys.
  15. nullmoon

    YES also, glad to see Architects on here as well! Your musical tastes seem just as nuts as mine XD
  16. nullmoon

    Do it do it do it! it's such an amazing nostalgia trip!
  17. nullmoon

    I recently obtained the Metal Gear Solid HD collection. After bossing MGS2, I've just started Snake Eater. I'm in love all over again
  18. nullmoon

    Agreed; I think it just had more variety, thus a better flow. It also has Agony, which I barely ever mention Oh, and CHIZURU!
  19. I see '#triggered' as a prelude to your user pic XD HWRARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! *planet explodes*
  20. nullmoon

    It's mild and sunny where I am, mwahahahaha!
  21. nullmoon

    Hmm that would explain the name of their last album :/ I wonder why they were thinking in advance like that? Maybe one of the band members was getting married?
  22. nullmoon

    I've never listened to Royz but this song is awesome i'm getting a strong pre-major ViViD vibe, which is always a good thing
  23. nullmoon

    Sucks huh? *hugs*
  24. nullmoon

    Haha, it's still a nice thing to do though
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