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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    I can't talk to girls. I see someone I think is cute, and then convince myself not to say anything for fear of their revulsion at me. Confidence -1 every time this happens XD
  2. nullmoon

    Remember when Zion came out and Crossfaith were untouchable? I find them so bland now. This insistence on generic sounding choruses really kills it for me. They come across as any other American metalcore band when they employ that shit XD
  3. nullmoon

    I never got on with MHBI. I still don't see why Tenten is revered as a god XD SKULL please
  4. nullmoon

    A comeback...?!
  5. nullmoon

    Pretty sure you were dishing out a fair few opinions in this thread today, but OK. Message understood.
  6. nullmoon

    While I agree with your points, your closing statement irks me. Last time I checked, healthy debates and sharing an opinion actually makes for good conversation.
  7. nullmoon

    Everyone keeps mentioning this need for change. What exactly do you want them to change to though? I bet there would be zero complaints if every album was like DIM based on how much people bang on about it. Don't get me wrong, it's easily their best album, but I just feel these demands for change are ridiculous given the fact they've always had a distinctive sound. Not every band can pull off a Dir En Grey.
  8. nullmoon

    Are these supposed to be funny? This is like primary school humour XD
  9. nullmoon

    I like the heaviness of the previews. I have to agree that it's nothing we haven't heard before though. To me it sounds like a darker Toxic, which I have no qualms about. Personal highlight for me is the inclusion of 'dickhead' in a song
  10. nullmoon

    Preordered Fightstar's new album
  11. I can't take the video seriously when the crowd has upmarket shopping bags on their heads. At least have hoods or something, jeez. I'm still confused about whether or not I like this song. At times, I feel its complexity is akin to a garbled mess of noise. Don't get me wrong it obviously took a lot of skill but it just sounds complicated for the sake of being complicated.
  12. This is incredible, Aferni. I feel like I'm playing Castlevania on the NES
  13. nullmoon

    Hahaha you somehow found a song I like then! Great job
  14. nullmoon

    This sounds awesome! Does anyone recommend any particular releases from them?
  15. nullmoon

    New! Chorus and solo from Love Song by Deathgaze.
  16. ...The Piass are still going?! They need to make some music already!
  17. It's funny how their plan to become relevant again via a quadruple A-side has failed miserably (on here at least). I feel kind of bad for them but not really. Make better music, please?
  18. nullmoon

    New! Conceived Sorrow by Dir En Grey.
  19. nullmoon

    I've read a lot of articles today XD it was on IGN...somewhere...I'm probably mingling comments with actual facts
  20. This is...confident? Especially when the preview track is annoying as hell.
  21. nullmoon

    The new FFVII will be a remake and not a remaster. As a result it looks like a shit ton of things will be changed including the turn-based combat. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/06/19/e3-2015-final-fantasy-7-is-a-remake-not-a-remaster?%20hub%20page%20(front%20page)&utm_content=15 Mass debate in 3...2...1...
  22. nullmoon

    OK so the music to this was amazing, but the voiceover was so cheesy and pretentious. The 'five guys' thing sounds so out of place amidst the needlessly flowery language; it really bugs me. May as well say 'these broskis' or 'deez muthafuckas'.
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