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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Yeah, these vocals just don't work.
  2. Kudos on coming back from the brink! It's really tough on your willpower after having time off. I did really well last year up until December when I got a bit ill and then a bunch of other minor things got in the way until now. Keep it up!
  3. You should definitely document it so you can mark down your progress. It's great to see improvement over time. I use an app called FitNotes which is super easy to use
  4. I'm currently working with a Push/Pull split twice a week (so 4 days with weights) coupled with 2 days of yoga. My hamstrings and hips are ridiculously tight. After one session of yoga I could touch my toes for like the first time ever! Flexibility is key to me because I want to be able to do proper back squats instead of half-reps. It's definitely working because the DOMS in my quads this week after each push session has been unreal! Currently I can bench more than I can squat so I REALLY need to sort this out. My legs are embarrassingly weak compared to my upper body! For scope, at the moment I'm benching 50kg for 4 sets of 8 (I can do 60kg for 3 reps so I assume my 1 rep max is around 65kg?). My back squat (past parallel) is 45kg for 4 sets of 5. With that said, I'm increasing weight in each session by 2.5kg so soon I should be able to surpass my benching level So! In terms of my aims, I want- -stronger legs (both quads and hamstrings) -slightly less child-like calves -bigger/rounder shoulders -stronger biceps (I haven't really focused on these ever) -stronger core muscles -more flexibility Aside from that, I'm pretty happy! My chest, triceps, and back are pretty well defined. My girlfriend likes my butt too, so I guess I also have that covered XD Sorry for the long post! Just thought I'd share some stuffs!
  5. nullmoon

    0, motherlickers!
  6. Running is definitely more motivational outside. I've done two half marathons now...I wouldn't ever steam of running 13.1 miles on a treadmill. They're so boring and just don't feel the same. I think the changing terrain and environment during an outdoor run is what makes it so much better
  7. nullmoon

    Totally agree with you about Wither Mind. It blew my dick right off.
  8. Fair enough! The beauty of workouts is that they are different for everyone
  9. I was part of the previous thread just as a heads up, if you're trying to build strength you need to reduce the reps waaaaay down otherwise you're merely doing cardio. If you can add weight to your exercises then this will help build strength. In general - 3-6 reps for strength 8-12 reps for hypertrophy 15+ reps for endurance
  10. nullmoon

    Tomo from DADAROMA is average looking and scrawny as fuck. I don't see the attraction.
  11. nullmoon

    DEG's Akuro no Oka. There's so much feeling in that song.
  12. nullmoon

    Much better encore New song and Soshaku remix? Consider me intrigued!
  13. nullmoon

    Nothing in London? What the balls?
  14. nullmoon

    I haven't really liked anything by them since V. Their last album just didn't do it for me. This wasn't helped by the fact the opening to their tetralogy song was ASS.
  15. nullmoon

    This band... These guys never fail to amaze me. They're incredible.
  16. nullmoon

    Just this year, I've found three bands that really stand out above the rest. DADAROMA Chanty IX -NINE-
  17. Looks like Sai called it XD and Boruto? BORUTO?! Seriously?!
  18. nullmoon

    I would rather it was a mini full of quality tracks. Every Dadaroma song is brilliant. Compare this to Mejibray who pump out far too many songs, most of which being throwaway :/
  19. nullmoon

    Ohhhhh! Thanks so much Lestat!
  20. nullmoon

    Thanks for getting back to me! Where do I find the editor? :'( i can only see a topic moderation thing...?
  21. nullmoon

    Is there a way to do this? I would like to change the title of my bass cover thread so that it has my new username rather than my old one. Thanks
  22. nullmoon

    Just bought baconnaise as a Christmas present.
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