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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

  2. nullmoon

  3. nullmoon

    I took mine from one of my favourite songs by Akira Yamaoka. It was used in Silent Hill 2
  4. nullmoon

    I think they had much variety back in the day. Compare Guren to Aozora to Atria! But I totally agree regarding their newer song(s). Their power metal route is getting kind of old now. Which makes this album title hilariously ironic.
  5. nullmoon

    Totally agree on ベルカとストレルカ. That breakdown is so badass
  6. nullmoon

    Agreed ? But seriously though, how many records have you sold? XD
  7. nullmoon

    It sure does, which is then followed by 'In my humble opinion'. A humble opinion which you don't seem to believe tolerable for some reason? I'm not trying to have a pop at anyone.
  8. nullmoon

    That's what the term 'In my humble opinion' implies.
  9. nullmoon

    Not sure if anyone else is thinking the same thing but the use of the Chiller font for this new single makes me physically sick. They may as well have used Comic Sans.
  10. nullmoon

    NoGoD are hyper bland nowadays anyway. I have no idea why anyone could be excited for this. IMHO of course
  11. nullmoon

    Great idea by the way. It would be good to see something like 'things you love/hate about J-music fans'
  12. nullmoon

    Another Shadow here!
  13. nullmoon

    Has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, this is merely a song title?
  14. Nailed 85kg deadlifts last week so I went to do 90kg at the end of today's session. Big mistake. I was so worn out I couldn't shift it at all XD Curling 12.5kg DBs at the mo (decided to ditch the BB) and I can feel a much better contraction due to the squeeze at the top. Biceps are gonna be swoooooole!
  15. See you fuckers in London!
  16. Currently trying to push towards a 100kg deadlift. I'm 10st which works out to around 70kg. In my last session I managed 80kg for 4 sets of 5 reps which is pretty sweet. I can pick up something heavier than me, yay! I'm also trying to bring up my rear delts as they're virtually non-existent XD
  17. nullmoon

    OK, I haven't listened to them since the days of Judea, Liquid etc. What the fuck happened?!
  18. nullmoon

    Maybe it's like what band is better at being better in their old state compared to their new state?! If that's the case, old Ayabie all the way. Old Girugamesh sucks aside from a handful of songs
  19. I love both sides, personally
  20. nullmoon

    Just received a 128gb sd card for my phone. It shall be filled with music. So much music.
  21. nullmoon

    Personally, I find their newest album (Hakusei) to be one of their best. There are some bloody incredible songs on there. Ammonite is also brilliant, and probably my favourite.
  22. Forgot to mention, i managed to do a 40kg overhead press for 3 reps the other day. Not a fat lot compared to other people, but it's been my aim for a while to reach that weight. If anyone wants beefy anterior deltoids, overhead pressing is beeeeeeeast!
  23. Sorry, double posted and couldn't delete this one XD
  24. I would but marking my progress is distracting as it is XD losin dem gainz wen i go on mi fone ye?
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