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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    I haven't seen that way but it sounds like the one I mean; the exact same as the Vulgar version but a bit faster, a bit heavier, and with TMOAB/Uroboros-era screaming.
  2. nullmoon

    TRTA's Obscure is what I was hoping for when the remake was announced many moons ago. I was so disappointed.
  3. nullmoon

    Out of interest, is anyone remotely excited about this compilation? I have all the albums so far but can't see much merit in this, especially when the Decade releases are still relatively recent. It probably would have made more sense to do a new CD covering the last three albums and then tack on the re-recorded songs to the end as bonuses (if you can call them that).
  4. nullmoon

    I think for me it just feels bloated without an engaging flow. Also, there are some songs that are a straight up mess (I'm looking at you, Pink Killer). If we're talking oldies, Macabre all the way. Kisou just happens to be an awkward transition between the old school delights of Macabre and the crunchy deliciousness of Vulgar @Saishu
  5. nullmoon

    My seemingly completely unpopular opinion is that Beautiful Dirt is cool. I wouldn't ever say WTD is in my top DEG albums, but I think it's decent. Then again, I'm one of those heathens who puts Kisou dead last (although Filth is one of my all time faves).
  6. nullmoon

    What's with this trailer? XD
  7. Why is the track order such a mess...?
  8. nullmoon

    Jumping in to say Deathgaze did it first on Enigma! This song is now 100% derivative XD
  9. nullmoon

    Out of interest how do we pronounce the band name? Literally 'oz'? As in the wizard of? Always wondered if it was an abbreviation, a reference to Australia, or a nod to ounces XD
  10. Between the two albums, is their discography pretty much covered?!
  11. nullmoon

    Did Aoi always look good old? O.O
  12. nullmoon

    Losing Para:noir was the real tragedy.
  13. nullmoon

    I'd never heard of them until they popped up on my Facebook feed a few weeks ago. For a UK based VK band, they're surprisingly amazing!
  14. nullmoon

    Here to represent Zero Time Dilemma! Everyone in the world appears to hate it, but I thought it was amazing! Virtue's Last Reward was my 'nam.
  15. Dir En Grey - Taiyou no Ao To this day I can't listen to it, it's just so BORING.
  16. nullmoon

    This is depressingly generic
  17. nullmoon

    Not a single mention of Ayabie here?! Shame on y'all
  18. nullmoon

    Has he had lip filler?!
  19. nullmoon

    This week, it's been this gorgeous song. Exodus in general is a solid EP. Loving it
  20. nullmoon

    I tried JVC Gummies once. Never again. I think the sound is pretty much 100% treble based. Nearly tore a god damn hole in my eardrum XD
  21. nullmoon

    ^ 'The Rose Trims Again' Kyo. Awesome
  22. nullmoon

    Make that two I always found it to be one of the most cohesive songs on there.
  23. nullmoon

    @Saishuthat's so damn cool
  24. nullmoon

    What song?
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