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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    This is pretty much my life and is the reason why online dating is horrific. Everyone I like doesn't like me, and I don't like anyone who approaches me XD Maybe try joining some meetups so you can at least hang out with people who have similar interests? Sometimes just being around like-minded people, rather than aiming for a partner, is good enough
  2. nullmoon

    Cool! Is there anything stopping you from getting to know her more? Maybe your sis can put in a good word?
  3. nullmoon

    I hear you. You could always try something casual? You get that interaction but at the same time you get your own space?
  4. nullmoon

    Dude, not sure if it's your intention but you're coming across as mega hostile. It's almost as if you accidentally hit on your sister and you're trying to hide it XD In all seriousness though, @Gesuwas just making an observation. She can't speak for the actions of other people.
  5. nullmoon

    Sounds like something straight out of a Junjo Ito manga O.O
  6. nullmoon

    I agree with 1 and 2... But 3? Seriously?!
  7. nullmoon

    I just joined Tinder. I hate it. That is all.
  8. Rhapsody In Beauty has been my earworm for the past two days and I'm loving it ❤️

  9. nullmoon

    Honestly I think 12012's later releases were some of their best (just not that album XD).
  10. nullmoon

    Lostprophets. I know Watkins is a disgusting waste of life but Start Something is the soundtrack of my teenage years.
  11. nullmoon

    Totally agree here. This is why I don't get people who spend more time working than with their family etc. Sure money is great for security, luxuries etc but if you can't be happy and enjoy life then what good is all that money? If we truly get one shot at life, we may as well spend it doing what we love (providing it pays the bills!).
  12. nullmoon

    I listened to the secret acoustic chorus track of D'espairsray's Yami ni Furu Kiseki and it gave me all the goosebumps ❤️
  13. Thanks for the add! :D

  14. nullmoon

    Totally agree with you on both accounts. I Believe In Me is such a great major album!
  15. nullmoon

    D'erlanger are pretty dope
  16. nullmoon

    I coloured my hair and wore glasses today. Am I K-Pop ready yet? XD
  17. nullmoon

    I'm attracted to my therapist. Brilliant XD
  18. nullmoon

    I've wanted to ditch Facebook countless times but I use it to access so many sites that I can't make the leap. I miss MySpace. I loved cramming a song of my choosing into someone's eardrums.
  19. nullmoon

    From experience, people get real pissy when they find out. If they're so bothered, why do I never hear from them?! I think people just want to keep updated on your life. I honestly have around 30 friends on there, and even then it's slightly bloated with family members and people I can't quite get rid of yet. Get a new account and ghost the old one XD
  20. nullmoon

    That sucks I guess at the end of the day it's making the decision that will be best for your own peace of mind. You can still be an awesome uncle/aunt/both?!
  21. nullmoon

    @Gesu There was so far too many reactions I had to this so I settled on laughter You raise a lot of good points though and I can also echo the annoyance relating to parents/friends/strangers being weirdly invested in the output of your genitals. It's your body and your future. It's also the 21st century and staying at home to cook and clean and raise kids is, hold on to your hats, not the inherent destiny of all womankind. People need to stop projecting their own fears and regrets onto others. Also, I found out an ex of mine was pregnant a few months after we split up. I have never felt so much fear in all my life. I essentially thought my life was over. Thank Jebus it wasn't mine. I don't need my life to be Jeremy Kyle's wet dream.
  22. nullmoon

    First CBT session is tomorrow...fun! Meds aren't doing anything so hopefully this can help rewire my brain XD
  23. nullmoon

    Kids seem to really grind my gears. I'm reluctant to have them for their benefit as well as mine. I don't think they'll be too pleased about me chokeslamming them out of exasperation.
  24. nullmoon

    Getting into a rebound relationship. I didn't realise it at the time but soon found out that I still loved my ex. I obviously told this to my then gf...in her room (not neutral ground. What a noob). Received a lot of hate messages, sorry messages, angry messages, I love you messages. Proclaimed my love to my ex (who had deeply hurt me previously, I might add). Turns out she had a new bf. This situation was a big mistake. This is why I have not written in full sentences like a grown up. Learn from my errors! XD
  25. I'm a little late to the party but yeah, been there, done that so I can totally sympathise with how you're feeling/felt (hopefully things are a little less poop now!). Love is weird and I can't even begin to explain it. My hope is that you find that special someone who makes you feel how you feel about Mr. Dreamboat (that's his name now). It's most likely the case where you haven't found anyone new who ticks all the boxes in the same way he did. Don't feel guilty for not feeling a certain way about potential suitors; there's no point forcing yourself into relationships just to make others happy. HOWEVER don't create unreasonable expectations as that will mean you'll (un)knowingly push away any real chances of love. It's impossible for a person to emulate another and if you gently persuade them that way, they won't exactly be themselves anymore. In my wizened state I have realised that I fall in and out of love far too easily...so clearly I don't have a real concept of what true love is. However I think I have ample time and space to work things out before heading into the fray again. If you've made it this far, I'm sorry. I have no idea what I'm talking about XD TL;DR - Life and love is confusing. Focus on the here and now, not theoretical relationships or theoretical sexy times. As painful as it is, the people you/me/we're all thinking about probably don't even remember us. Plushies cure everything. Buy a plushie. Buy more plushies.
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