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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Visitor Q. I can't even describe this film. Just watch it. Very confused, dumbfounded, mesmerised and hooked/10
  2. Any fans of Hotline Miami and its bitching OST?
  3. That drumbeat reminds me of Inside Beast.
  4. Doesn't 'Belka and Strelka' refer to the dogs who went to space as opposed to...clowns? I haven't read the lyrics
  5. nullmoon

    I started reading Junji Ito's 'Uzumaki' today. I've never been so transfixed and horrified in all my life.
  6. nullmoon

    Shit...it's a good thing I'm seeing them in London then O.o
  7. Just as food for thought, has anyone experienced the opposite? I have a friend who pretty much refuses to listen to Western music on the basis it pales in comparison to K-Pop and J-Rock. In a sense they're not wrong XD
  8. nullmoon

    Haha I'll have to remember their power next time I go looking for a date I just use this site and go for the message board option. Simply copy the hotlink for websites code once it's once and insert it into the comment box after clicking on 'Source' http://postimage.org/
  9. nullmoon

    Aww thank you! ^^" My brows are so huge haha
  10. nullmoon

    I know it's so soon after my last pic but I looked half decent for once and had to share this rare moment
  11. Definitely the language barrier. Ironically, I listen to J-Rock BECAUSE I don't understand it. There's been many a time when a musically great song performed in English has been ruined for me by lame lyrics. I never get that problem with J-Rock; I can focus on the music itself and appreciate the song as a whole.
  12. nullmoon

    Just me being bored at work. Don't all swoon at once.
  13. nullmoon

    My notes for my first review. I should have been a doctor...
  14. nullmoon

  15. nullmoon

    Hmm true, but it at least resembles the song. I fear I would be fighting a COMPLETELY different corner if I'd seen, say, Different Sense XD
  16. nullmoon

    It sounded great when they played it in London last year
  17. nullmoon

    I think that's where Arche came from to be fair; it's a lot more simplistic structurally and instrumentally when compared to DSS and Uroboros. It certainly shows when they play the new stuff live; they absolutely nail it
  18. Thanks @『Hotcakes Butt MK II』
  19. Kids War? Is this an unreleased track?
  20. nullmoon

    Ugh I can't post images for shit. God damn XD
  21. nullmoon

    I would LOVE to know what's going on with the Vulgar cover. Not knowing is a curse which plagues me every day.
  22. nullmoon

    If it was real, surely he would be gravely disfigured. Or dead.
  23. nullmoon

    I'm a big fan of the piano. Tasty shit right there.
  24. This is surprisingly good...?
  25. nullmoon

    You have become a man.
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