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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    What the hell is going on? XD
  2. nullmoon

    I totally agree. It depends entirely on the person and their culture, however. Whilst I'm not condoning misogyny, I genuinely think this is just a misunderstanding. Unless I'm wrong, RoseOfHizaki and you're actually a turdbag? XD
  3. nullmoon

    Am I the only person who didn't read RoseOfHizaki's comment like this? I don't think he's trying to be offensive. I read it as tongue-in-cheek, rather than semi-misogynistic...
  4. nullmoon

    Are you me?! I was also in a 6 year relationship that I thought was the real thing...I guess not :/
  5. nullmoon

    Same here...but with a girl XD
  6. nullmoon

    I listened up until the higher pitched, highly strained vocals and had to stop. Mejibray are more of a single band than an album band, and even then they are pretty hit or miss. It's a tragedy that this single is from the same band who wrote 'Karma'.
  7. nullmoon

    If they play Mr Newsman when they come to the UK (which I highly doubt), I will completely and utterly lose my shit.
  8. nullmoon

    Obligations huh?
  9. nullmoon

    This sounds like a metal cover of Sugar XD
  10. nullmoon

    This bit got me XD
  11. nullmoon

    I'm so ready for this.
  12. nullmoon

    What's with the recent absence of Different Sense?
  13. nullmoon

  14. nullmoon

    Agreed. Although not a Guns N Roses fan, I have two words to support your argument. Chinese Democracy.
  15. nullmoon

    I remember the GRIEVA song sounding more like modern DEG.
  16. nullmoon

    I saw Fightstar recently and they were flawless. They absolutely nailed their heavy stuff.
  17. nullmoon

    Zukki from -OZ-. All you need to do is listen to Blaze to see why. K from NoGoD is awesome too
  18. nullmoon

    I have a new dream thanks to you.
  19. nullmoon

    I also have a face...but the server won't let me upload an image XD
  20. nullmoon

    there also so many random indiefag bands who cant sing to save their lives omfg Good call on the fucking death metal chicken being a good WTF moment fucking awesome song
  21. I don't listen to Sadie but this sounds beautiful.
  22. nullmoon

    This band blows.
  23. nullmoon

    To each their own If you haven't actually checked it out already, the performance of Obscure during The Rose Trims Again accomplishes this without changing the structure of the song. The vocals are awesome
  24. nullmoon

    Literally...snaps? XD
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