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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    I've ran out of likes for today but thanks for your hard work!
  2. nullmoon

    Unfortunately I haven't read ishiki's particular case. Regardless, I am not under the delusion that all bullies are like this, hence the self deprecating 'pop psychology'. I'm not at all insinuating that all bullies should be excused or sympathised with. As bullying is being exposed on here, I just think it's better to give people encouragement than tell them it's essentially futile to try and stop things. Maybe it's wrong to do so, but in all honesty if I were being bullied I'd rather have someone try and make me feel better than implying that the bully always wins due to social ignorance.
  3. nullmoon

    It's more likely that there's something wrong with the bully. Bullies are usually the way they are due to poor self esteem and personal insecurities. They bully others due to an inability to face and improve upon their own failings. Notice how they usually go for the people who are doing better than they are academically/socially/physically? It all just boils down to jealousy. Rather than better themselves, these people would rather drag everyone down to their level. TL;DR - 'Umbra used Pop Psychology. It was super effective!'
  4. nullmoon

    Haha I have good days and bad days
  5. nullmoon

    This topic makes me feel so down On behalf of the decent people of the world, I just want to apologise that you guys got dealt this shitty hand. Although it might not seem like it at times, the world isn't full of the awful people you have encountered. There are some really awesome people out there who can actually make you feel special, loved and...equal I guess. Don't give up on people, or on yourselves. Everyone is special and loveable, and no one has the right to take that away from you
  6. My dad and brother don't seem to get it, even from a musical aspect. I generally listen to louder stuff so I think they get confuzzled by all the Japanese being screamed at them. My brother's love of Japanese music extends as far as Ai Otsuka. Go figure XD
  7. nullmoon

    I don't think I really clicked with this album. I just find it really boring. I'll probably get stoned for this, but I think Stacked Rubbish is where they actually started to get interesting. It could have something to do with my worship of Agony
  8. nullmoon

    Thanks, you're one clever cookie FACE!
  9. nullmoon

    Am I the only person having error messages? XD
  10. nullmoon

    Self-deprecation is my forte
  11. nullmoon

    I keep getting a "The server returned an error during upload" message whenever I try to upload a photo. The forum is self-aware; knowing what I look like, it won't let me scar your beautiful eyes XD
  12. nullmoon

    I've only just starting to Sadie and the opening to Grieving The Dead Soul gets me so pumped! I have no idea why though, there's nothing particularly "wow!" about it...I guess it's just the way the guitar comes in. Nomanomanom.
  13. Hopefully this will make the band more interesting. I found their last release to be dull beyond words.
  14. nullmoon

    Did someone say cheerios metal? (Sorry, I couldn't resist XD)
  15. nullmoon

    Did someone say binary metal?
  16. nullmoon

    Sweet, thanks!
  17. nullmoon

    It's miles above the crap fest that was Decayed Crow.
  18. nullmoon

    Yeeeeees Vernie! Zero - Alice Nine (one of coolest songs they've done...on one of their most boring albums XD) Un Deux - Dir En Grey (it was a huge sigh of relief for me after being let down by DSS. Un Deux sounds fresh and catchy, yet with that distinct DEG charm) Riot - Siva (bold and Brash, this is Siva's liveliest song. Gotta love that bass work!) Lizard - D'espairsRay (not sure if this has been mentioned already, but this song is yummy. It set a new tone for the band but I love it just as much as their older material) Masui - Kra (Naro & Torte is my favourite Kra album, being their most cohesive and mature album to date. Every song is a gem, and Masui is the perfect way to introduce this polished new sound) Enigma - Deathgaze (for the most part, Deathgaze's last album was utter garbage. This song, however, brought a new sound and style to the table and it really paid off. The pace and heaviness is fantastic...as well as the surprise utilisation of cowbell?! It also leads into Dead Blaze, which I see as their crowning glory) Canaria - ACE (this song sums up what this band is about, with speedy riffs, frenetic drumming and tantilising violin. The hilarious operatic warbling that occasionally crops up with their work is also minimalised on this track. I find the rest of this album quite boring and tame compared to this powerhouse of an opening) Monolith - Crossfaith (for me, their best song hands-down. Fucking awesome piece of music right here) Jesus Christ - Hyde (one of Hyde's coolest songs; massively dramatic and oozing with emotion. The driving piano really works here) RANDOM, OUT OF CHARACTER UMBRA TUNES! This Is Love - Utada Hikaru (i'm not a j-pop fan by any means, and I barely like Ultra Blue bar a few songs. I find the opener to be massively catchy though, with a hummable tune and some nice vocals) Sakura - Remioromen (when I listen to happy music (extremely rarely), this is my go to album. Sakura is fucking happy and I love it, OK?! The bassline is also tasty) BONUS TRACK The Wrong Nigga To Fuck With - Ice Cube (I've recently dabbled in 90s hiphop and this is one of the coolest opening tracks I've heard, purely for Ice Cube's audacious delivery. The beats on the entirety of Death Certificate are dripping with funk and soul, making every song highly listenable despite its questionable lyrical content)
  19. nullmoon

    That's awesome! You're like a chameleon XD
  20. nullmoon

    You look different in every single photo I've seen of you XD
  21. nullmoon

    I agree. I've never liked this song, it just sounds like B-side material. Same with Rotting Root.
  22. nullmoon

    I recommend listening to Arche, it's a glorious mix of old and new DEG
  23. nullmoon

    Yup! I totally agree with you; every time I listen to it I find yet another reason why I love the album. It's definitely in my top 3, which rotates between Arche, Vulgar, and Uroboros.
  24. nullmoon

    There's a Different Sense unplugged?!
  25. nullmoon

    This is the best thing I've ever read XD
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