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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. I value sleep too much to be a night owl.
  2. nullmoon

    New job please! I have a sales pitch on Wednesday for a company...and I'm not the salesy type so I would like a miracle, please!
  3. Laser chainsaw gatling gun. With Buster Sword attachment.
  4. nullmoon

    I've probably mentioned this several times but Ayabie's Aoi is sexy as. If I was gay, I'd totally hit that. Buuuut I'm not gay, so Aya Hirano please
  5. nullmoon

    Ohhhhhh I understand now! That's awesome, it's definitely something unique I would probably end up breaking my fingers if I tried that.
  6. nullmoon

    String tricks?
  7. nullmoon

    Why are there barely any Stacked Rubbish songs on day 2?!
  8. nullmoon

    Haha 'might' ALWAYS means yes
  9. nullmoon

    This is really interesting stuff!
  10. nullmoon

    New video!
  11. nullmoon

    Good to know...surviving, I mean. Not the battles Life is just like that I guess, but then without all the bad stuff we wouldn't be able to enjoy the good stuff half as much
  12. nullmoon

    You ok? :/
  13. nullmoon

    That's awesome, I'm happy your current relationship is so great
  14. nullmoon

    Thanks Ito, I needed that
  15. nullmoon

    Wow this band is great! Thanks for the heads up
  16. nullmoon

    Shortest - A week? Longest - Six years (+40ish days) Current - No. My girlfriend told me she didn't love me. After six years. I thought she was the one but I guess not....? Maybe she just got bored of me but I really thought it would last forever. She's currently confused about how she feels. Life is fun.
  17. nullmoon

    Same here, I found it really underwhelming bar a few tracks :/
  18. nullmoon

    I still don't know what the deal is with people hating Toxic. It's not as 'bleep bloop' as everyone thinks it is (Division has a lot more of this going on) and actually has a lot of catchy and varied tunes.
  19. nullmoon

    That opening ROAR by Ruki at the start of that video is fucking WOW!
  20. nullmoon

    Am I the only person feeling underwhelmed from that? In comparison, the Attitude sample in the Division promo had me wetting my pants.
  21. Haha the latter sounds like the funnier story
  22. I thought he had 'family' issues? As they're seemingly resolved he should get back to D.I.D.
  23. nullmoon

    They're all incredible, but it's Big Cup or GTFO.
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