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Everything posted by nullmoon

  1. nullmoon

    Why are you rising to this...again?!
  2. Turning major killed them. They need to reform with the original members and bring out another album like Virgin Snow Colour. That album was perfect.
  3. nullmoon

    Very excited about this. Newer new version of 'NoGoD' would be cool! Can you imagine a new version of Aozora?!
  4. nullmoon

    Arithmetica, I love this! Your artwork is really cool; I love the mix between the cartoony (sp?) characters and the ultra-realistic MELTY GUTS
  5. nullmoon

    I swear I'm the only person who does any work where I'm employed. It's SO annoying TT
  6. nullmoon

    Luna Sea - I'd listened to their best of but didn't find it so great. Downloaded Mother and holy crap, what an album! X-Japan - Never really gave these guys a chance but the album Blue Blood has changed that! Big fan of the harder songs! deadman - I'd heard of these guys often but never gave them a chance. I'm not too fussed with their older stuff but their last album is incredible with a beautiful atmosphere. 9GoatsBlackOut - Incredible band. I'd only ever listened to 690min on a compilation album but delving deeper helped me to find one of my now-favourite bands. Cocklobin - I've only really listing to Dark Design Catalog so far, but man what an EP! Just as a side note, does anyone know of any thrash-punk bands like The Piass?
  7. nullmoon

    Sorry, were you guys NOT expecting this for a vocalist's solo project?!
  8. Kra's album 'Escape'. Apart from a few songs it really doesn't stand out as a great release from them. I was also mildly disappointed with some of the tracks on their latest album...'Resistance' just annoys me. Apart from these examples I love them to bits
  9. nullmoon

    Haha, ohhhhhh I totally agree about the new stuff, it's bloody awful XD
  10. nullmoon

    I dunno, songs like Selfish Love are so goddamn cool though
  11. nullmoon

    Morbiusss- you've summed up my thoughts exactly
  12. nullmoon

    I would be, like, totally gay for Aoi but he looks like shit in this game XD
  13. Thanks! Hopefully i'll be buying some of this soon
  14. Wow this looks awesome! In regards to the items, what kind of condition are they in? It doesn't really say...
  15. 2 dates?! Surely this should be renamed as 'Jupiter's European Flying Visit'? XD
  16. nullmoon

    Am I the only person who hates the bass chords at the start of Karasu? They're so jarring.
  17. nullmoon

    I listened to them a bit more and my opinion has done a 180. The D.I.D versions are much more powerful i think i prefer the original Amaryllis too...mainly because of that sweet pinch harmonic in the verse Lilley of the Valley is actually really good, you should give it a try
  18. nullmoon

    I'm a big fan of Dir En Grey's The Rose Trims Again, which is their best live in my opinion. Big shout out to Blitz 5 Days for being effing awesome too
  19. nullmoon

    Agreed; probably the worst hairstyle anyone has ever had. Ever.
  20. nullmoon

    Shouldn't they calculate these things beforehand?! XD
  21. nullmoon

    I agree, it's one of the only songs on there that really stood out for me
  22. nullmoon

    Haha fair enough I get what you mean to be fair, the album is a step in the right direction for appeasing the fans but it's disappointing in the sense of it not being a big enough step. (pssst I also like Toxic )
  23. nullmoon

    Do you like the album or not?! XD You also say you like Toxic, but then later refer to it as dubstep shit?!
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