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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. 38612.jpg

    This week we have an interview with newcomers DIVEL, who shares some details of their formation.


    ➡ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-divel/


    We post exclusive vkei interviews every Tuesday at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous interviews include La’veil MizeriA, Astaroth, and The Ghost inside of Me. Check vkgy's interview archive for more.


  2. 38195.png

    This week we have an interview with stylish vkei band nurié.


    This one had some really interesting answers. They really seem to want to shake things up!


    ➡ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-nurie/


    We post exclusive vkei interviews every Tuesday at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous interviews include La’veil MizeriA, Astaroth, and The Ghost inside of Me. Check vkgy's interview archive for more.

  3. 37805-image.jpg

    This week we have an interview with dark, delicate vkei band The Ghost inside of Me.


    This one’s really long and really interesting. They gave great responses. They’re super nice to overseas fans, so be sure to support them!


    ➡ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-the-ghost-inside-of-me/


    We post exclusive vkei interviews every Tuesday at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous interviews include La’veil MizeriA, Astaroth, and Shuuen no Rasetsu. Check vkgy's interview archive for more.

  4. 37332-image.jpg

    This week we have an interview with Sendai-based visual kei band NOCTILUCA.


    It’s interesting to get the perspective of a band who’s outside of the usual Tokyo or Osaka. So we hope you enjoy it. Available in English and Japanese.


    ➡ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-noctiluca/


    We post exclusive vkei interviews every Tuesday at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous interviews include La’veil MizeriA, Astaroth, and Shuuen no Rasetsu. Check vkgy's interview archive for more.

  5. 35166-image.jpg


    Hey, vkgy's John here 👋 Today we have an interview with the current reigning kote kei revival band, La'veil MizeriA!


    It's just as full of ellipses and strange phrases as you'd expect, but there's some good content too. If you were † born under a tragic blood-red moon... I think you'll love it. Available in English and Japanese.


    ➡  https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-la-veil-mizeria/


    We post exclusive vkei interviews every Tuesday at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous interviews include Astaroth, luvielle, and Shuuen no Rasetsu. Check vkgy's interview archive for more.

  6. 34746-image.jpg


    Hey guys 👋  We have a new exclusive interview, this time with young vkei band JIRUDORE (ジルドレ).


    The interview is quirkier than I expected it to be, so I hope you guys like it. Interview is available in English and Japanese.


    ➡️ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-jirudore/

    We post exclusive vkei interviews regularly at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous vkei band interviews include Shuuen no Rasetsu, luvielleNETH PRIERE CAIN, and CLACK inc..

  7. 34344-image.png


    Hey guys 👋  We have a new exclusive interview, this time with vkei band Shuuen no Rasetsu.


    We planned a longer interview, but it had to be reduced in light of issues with COVID-19. But these guys have a long history in VK, so I think it’s still a worthwhile read.


    Interview is available in English and Japanese.


    ➡️ https://vk.gy/blog/an-interview-with-shuuen-no-rasetsu/

    We post exclusive vkei interviews regularly at vkgy, so be sure to check back every week. Previous vkei band interviews include luvielleNETH PRIERE CAIN, and CLACK inc..

  8. For the record, I thought it would be cool to interview these guys because of the Revival Judith connection.

    For various reasons the interview did not turn out like we planned, but we had already agreed to post it by that point. Once we make a promise, I would rather post one weird/bad interview than break that promise.


    We’re in a position right now where we’re so small that negative word of mouth from one band could fuck us, I feel.


    If the concern is that we will just be posting interviews from “jrock” bands: I understand, and I agree. But I want to assure you that’s not the case.


    I discussed with Brengun at the beginning of this that I would rather post nothing than post non-VK stuff. I think VK-only spaces are rare, and I want to remain one. Brengun has her own website for “jrock” things.


    We have three interviews which are confirmed and scheduled. All three bands are firmly VK. Our list of bands that we’re reaching out to is all firmly VK. This particular interview was an exception.

    As for the bands being small: yes, we will have to start with very small bands. I think that’s more interesting anyway, but we also have to be pragmatic and realize that a large band isn’t going to respond to us. I’m not sure if anyone has a problem with that, but I just wanted to put it out there.


    Our current schedule is a new interview every other Tuesday. So our next will be on 3/3. I think that everyone will be more satisfied with the next ones. But if that’s not the case, keep letting us know.

  9. You're right, looks like a continuous session. Seems like member lineups and schedules are on Twitter at least. I'll dump it on vkgy's Discord so I can remember to add it later.


    Apparently DAISUKE was in a band called DEVi before that. I didn't know!

  10. For release information, band history, etc, that can of course go into vkgy. I’d be happy to repost interview translations in the blog too, but I would want permission from the translator first.


    For everything else, I think your best bet would be to download HTML copies of the pages you’d like to preserve, and just upload them to a server somewhere.

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