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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Was trolling through old auctions, and found this:


    • On 2008-07-01, basokiya1217 sold Lebia 「滅びの序章」 (from the image, it's the same tape we're familiar with).
    • On 2008-08-02, night22com sold Lebia 「滅びの序章」 (same tape, again), and mentions that “at this time, KISAKI called himself AINE.”


    Just thought it was interesting that, even before KISAKI started selling fake copies of this tape as his own, people were selling this as a KISAKI band (albeit under a different name). In fact, I wonder if night22com bought the tape from basokiya1217, thought it was the KISAKI band, and re-sold it as such; maybe KISAKI buys it the second time, and re-sells copies years later?


    Of course we should blame KISAKI for putting fake information about “滅序章” in beyond the kingdom, but maybe it's this night22com person's fault that we have this fake demotape floating around lol


    (Btw, I still can't help but think the person on the left in the Levia cover looks a lot like KISAKI, but I guess it's just coincidence.)


    Edit: oh, I should point out that neither basokiya1217 nor night22com were KISAKI. He has a certain “style” in posting auctions, and neither of them match it; plus, their periods of activity overlapped with his account, so I'm sure they were all different people.


  2. On 8/5/2016 at 4:18 PM, Ikki said:

    So apparently none of the crap I buy likes to come the same day and I hate flooding this thread.

    I got this rare beauty today.  I have no idea if it was purchasable or given away for free during Decameron's last tour, but you could only get it if you went to their shows.


    I don't listen to them, but it looks rare haha! Congrats \m/

  3. Don't disagree with the ARLEQUIN one, but I do think that “zombie song” is just a visual kei trope at this point (a la “that one jazz song”), so they could be ripping off any number of people :P Off the top of my head, LIN's "Walking in the rain" (though that one came after Zombie), etc.

    (I think the trend probably started from Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People," right?)


    Re: E'm, I had no idea that the rest of the song after the intro was stolen as well! Thanks for this thread hahaha

  4. 1 hour ago, The Reverend said:



    So Shimizuya did put this on their webshop.... at some point after the release date. It's sold out now, so glad I noticed and was able to grab a copy.


    Came with some swag... which is the least they could do because the cover art/booklet are just printed on computer paper again....


    (Do you think the other members get jealous that this came with five buttons and they all just feature Karma by himself??)

    Omg those jerks! I thought the web shop was already closed by the time I checked. They lame af

  5. 4 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:


    アマンジャク。 - 反骨賛歌



    Do you ever do little reviews or anything? I don't really know many of the bands whose stuff you buy, so it'd be interesting to read some opinions :ghost:

  6. 22 minutes ago, The Reverend said:



    For the other folks here who bought the box-set: how lame was the lyrics 'booklet'??

    I got it for Ev a while back. Me being me, I'm like "how can I open this bullshit without destroying it?" I'd read that some glues weaken in cold, so I threw the thing in the freezer and am waiting for it to loosen up, so I can carefully open it--then Ev gets home and just straight rips it open in 1 second ( ;∀;)


    And of course, then finding out that it's just shitty plain lyrics on computer paper was like the biggest disappointment ever

  7. 16 minutes ago, Shaolan974 said:

    Sooo it's postponed right ? I thought it will be released at 2016/07/27 and their 5th single at 2016/09/28 '__'


    Their OHP previously said July/Sep/Nov releases will be delayed. So seems to me that the single originally planned for July (4th single) will be released in September instead.


    5th & 6th singles still TBA (or cancelled), imo

  8. 1 hour ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:



    According to their twitter, they are selling the following items at their July 8th show between 4:30 and 5:30pm:


    -"IDOL" : 5,000 yen

    -Live photo: 500 yen

    -Lighters: 200 yen

    -Towel: 2,000 yen

    -Checki Folders: 1,000 yen

    -Old Checkis: 500 yen each


    Not 100% familiar with what the deal with "IDOL" is, but  I think this is what that previously mentioned Lucky Bag for $50 is. (Hopefully it's good!!!) Album art for it is ace tho


    Summoning @Suuu I hope that CD/lucky bag will be available through V STAR somehow ;0;

  9. 5 hours ago, IGM_Oficial said:

    Wtf are these alphas of Kisaki's former bands?


    α (alpha) basically means "bonus content". Something not worth mentioning... Probably a sticker or photo, or something small like that. (If you ever see it on a CD, it could mean vocalless version, etc.)




    Btw, LIN last live DVD/demo CD is not limited to this lucky bag. It's available to any person who spends 8000 yen on any items at the shop. (Since this lucky bag > 8000 yen, it automatically qualifies!)

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