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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Just now, emmny said:

    from what i understand they were #scamming under their sublabel when they were under ains

    now that they're no longer under ains i guess they're keeping the email/contact info--maybe they owned it the whole time from before they joined ains, so they're keeping it cuz they have the rights?


    they'll stay on ains in SECRET and they're sending this big announcement to further scam the government.




    I'm guessing they've just made a deal to take the yamikakumei label name with them (eg. they'll continue to call that their label, but behind-the-scenes staff will change). 

  2. They lasted a LOT longer than I expected them to. I hope their last live goes well~

    Anyone know what their mobilization is like? I always assumed they weren't very popular

  3. didn't they allegedly re-record the guitars+bass tracks for -dispersed- and it didn't make jack shit of a difference? there was like one moment i remembered in the hopeless but outside of that i have a tough time figuring out why they changed the tracks if the newer versions stuck so much to the originals lol.

    No, that was a mistranslation by someone on this forum, iirc

    I only ever saw the band say (*only*) TRIPPER had re-recorded bass (and something else, guitar I think--can't recall off the top of my head), and the change is evident if you listen to both versions.

  4. Erm, I think "meeting" only means "themed party"... RAZZLE DAZZLE holds theme nights where they play a bands videos, etc, but it's unofficial. So I don't think KISAKI or any Matina/UCP people showed up (except some RAZZLE DAZZLE staff which are ex-Matina/UCP)

    So prob no photos of old band mates or discussions of a new label ^^;

  5. That's weird, they just got a new drummer and stuff.

    Welp. I will be looking forward to Seiko's next project..

    Agreed, super weird to bother getting a drummer if they had an idea that they were disbanding soon. (And lol)

    I didn't expect this to happen so soon after Lycaon's disbandment but I'm honestly not too surprised considering that Izumi overworks and underpays bands. I'm sure they're disbanding to escape him.

    Signing with Shimizuya is basically a death sentence.

    I hope Sibile doesn't meet the same fate but I wouldn't be surprised if they also disbanded within the next year or two.

    Just saying: Lycaon was with Shimizuya for their entire career of 7/8 years. Avel will have been there 3/4 years. I haven't talked to Karma or Yuuki lately, so I can't say whether they were overworked, but I assume the bands had good experiences if they stayed that long.

    I think I tried them once or twice. I heard they were supposed to be really good but I don't remember anything exceptional from them. I'll wait for the best of album.

    lol their best album is already out, it's called AvelCain ;). Seriously though, their best work is that or Jiseki no Mushiro, so if you don't like either of those, you just don't like AvelCain.

    As much as i liked them, this had to happen sooner or later. What is a band that cant write their own songs and cant play/sing songs written for them live? For that they were too sucessful. Just hope their management/eve finds some other random guys to replace them with a similiar atmosphere band and a less arrogant/fake despressive frontguy.

    That's basically my opinion. I'm sad that they're disbanding, because I enjoyed their work. But at the same time, what are any of those members going to do without Eve? None of them can compose well. And I don't recall liking any early Lycaon stuff, so I wonder if Eve's compositions even sound good with other bands.

    I'm interested to see if anyone involved in AvelCain ends up in a better situation--right now, I can't imagine that being the case!


    LOL I can sorta see it

    I agree with this statement 100%, but I believe they're gonna put Bob, Acid, and maybe Dax. I bet they're gonna crown Bob, which I don't want.

    One thing about Bob, she definitely does her homework. Like she is in on all the podcasts, Reddit, etc.--I really appreciate that.

    Who do you want to win? (as of now)

  7. My attempt at being psychic:

    - Thorgy, Bob, & Acid Betty will be top three

    - Acid Betty won't deserve to be there at that point, but she'll cause enough drama to stay

    - Kim Chi will go home earlier than most expect, b/c she'll fail at some personality challenge

    This season's looking great so far!

  8. white gays love to spit this "im only into white guys.....JUST A preference!!" shit and even the word preference makes my skin crawl. i mean its not realistic to be attracted to everything but don't spit out ur racism/fat-shaming/internalized homophobia/transphobia for a certain race/body type while excluding all others in the name of preferences. it sounds a lot like the tumblr bullshit or complaining for the sake of complaining but when u see how much people are excluded by certain ideals of beauty/attractiveness in a community which is made of misfits rejected by society only to establish their own hierarchy and continue on rejecting others for their looks is upsetting. im not sure how relevant this is in the straight world, they have their own issues to deal with, but i don't like the local gay culture and i stay away from it. i don't mean to start a fight over this and call people racist or whatever, race is complicated; just consider where your "preferences" come from.

    That's definitely an issue. There's a difference between, like, being inexplicably turned on by large noses vs telling non-white people to not bother contacting you. Maybe you've only been attracted to white guys up until this point, but how can you exclude entire races from your pool of potential partners? Are you so sure that there's not a single dark-skinned person you'd find attractive?

    On the flip side, I think it's also important to be aware of fetishistic preferences. Like, do you just get turned on by typically-Asian features, or are you hoping for an Asian gf because you assume she'll be inherently subservient to you?

    Not that good people have to get all ten punches on their “Races I've Fucked” card... but I think it's in everyone's best interest to examine their “preferences” and ask whether they come from a subconscious racist place.

  9. GG my life is complete. Thanks to the nicest Panigya in the world. She doesn't know how much all that meant to me. Plus panda is ripping that club vijon VHS for me, oh gawd I can't wait to finally view it after 13 years.

    So is your Panic disco complete complete now?!

  10. I suppose Suicide Ali had 2 songs I enjoyed.

    Ooh yeah, I really liked their song 風のslave!

    I think Calmando Qual also had one or two songs that I liked back in the day.

    Scarlet Valse: I try all their releases, but they never capture me completely. Rose Cruel Scar is a super good rush song tho.

  11. lol,

    so Qual, Tokami and Sound Bee are shit bands?

    For me those are starwave best.

    and still have their own typical sound.

    Livert wasn't that bad too, they did sound live prety good, even better live than on CD.

    but, this topic isn't for to diss the bands and saying that all suck. because its just a matter of taste. I think many other bands suck which you 3 think are amazing. but it isn't about dissing bands. because SW does have bands which enough people love.

    however maybe the dislike of SW bands is because people simple hate kiwamu... so whatever band would join people simple going to dislike it no matter what.

    Don't be upset! I don't like Calmando Qual, Tokami, or SOUND BEE HD, but that doesn't mean they are bad bands. Even if we don't like something, it's still ok that you like it~

    Lots of people think many UNDER CODE bands are lame, but it doesn't bother me :P

    (And btw, I think I liked some songs by the band lix.)

  12. Here's my only problem with Starwave: I've always found its bands boring. For myself only, they've always lacked the je ne sais quoi that makes a band special.

    But there are tons of good things about Starwave. The shittiest, most unpopular band will still be guaranteed good costumes, nice photoshoots, several releases, a full album, live DVDs, PV collections, etc. I think that's really great, honestly.

    And seriously, Starwave is one of the few labels to treat overseas fans like humans. That's really refreshing, in what's otherwise a pretty xenophobic culture.

    As far as KIWAMU? Idk what people accuse him of, but it doesn't really matter imo. This is shitty music for 16 year-olds, so who cares if the dude is mean? My idol is a tax fraudster who sells bootlegs and fakes hospital visits--but he's not running for office, so why should I care?

  13. And it's long been said that Yoshiki burned alot of bridges when he forcible broke out of the Sony contact. You member how they went major with a big splash with blue blood? Well most bands sign a record contact for multiple albums. How many did X release with Sony? Just two. Blue blood and jealousy. Of course he tried to sell art of life as an whole album of music but sony wouldn't accept that. Then yoshiki and x had dreams of being international or breaking into America with art of life, remember the Rockefeller center NY press conference, so they forcibly got out of the Sony contact and switched labels to go to Atlantic. Since then they've been somewhat blacklisted and known for being a difficult band. Rock music doesn't sell that much in Japan anymore, physical album sales are a fraction of what they were, so it didn't surprise me that they haven't found a label for all of these reasons. Who wants to sign a contract for what every music company knows will only be for one album with a difficult diva-musician?

    Wow, I had no idea about that! That's really interesting

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