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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. yakihiko

    He said a friend owns a cd shop, so he can get this...
  2. yakihiko

    So, the facebook guy which leaked DOGMA is now leaking UGLY photos from DVD content. Photos are in spoiler if you want to see... if don't want to see, don't open
  3. Enjoying my sunday with MBHI DVD, can I ask more? <3

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      where even is it [2]

      i cant even find a a website that sells it. can someone upload it? ;-;

    2. Danao


      it's sold on aoostore, don't think it's sold out

    3. Tetora


      They are good live? I like this band but never heard them live.

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  4. yakihiko

    Since they began, shoya had short hair, it's kind strange seeing him with this super long x'D I liked kei and tatsuya hair.
  5. yakihiko

    DIAURA new look yo-ka kei shoya tatsuya
  6. yakihiko

    @ Yes, Blank Space is besides boring it's repetitive with 1 minute of same intro.I have always appreciate Sujk and Leda works after DELUHI, but this time they tried too hard with that album. Adding so much electronic elements like the band did, make Sujk and Leda's individual potential covered by some shitty effects...So, I look back to the past and see DELUHI... why? why do you end? repetitive and disappointing |
  7. yakihiko

    this pic make me on tears, and yes, he needs to record those songs *-*
  8. yakihiko

    This is the single I was expecting GazettE's to do in ages. Really nice preview!
  9. Happy Birthday Mi'ihen \o/

    1. hiroki


      happy birthday <3

    2. Tetora


      Happy birthday brah! 22 years old, I think that's 11 in Visual years?

    3. Mihenno


      thank you everyone! :D

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  10. yakihiko

    Dat Tzk's SUPREME hoodie is so COOL! ... Koichi wearing a t-shirt with Cristo Redentor from Rio de Janeiro city on second pic LMFAO
  11. yakihiko

    Cool I used to like it since the avi pic.
  12. yakihiko

    So folks, what is you thought about the full album? I like the full album, some more others less. But a point I have to say, that I really appreciate the intro they did for Hope (Album's version). My favs, besides the singles tracks, are insert memory and zannen na uta Also, this gem from our queen, kyoselflove, is flawless thx
  13. Looks like Sadie will not return.
  14. yakihiko

    Please, some band that sounds like NAINE, Soniqrush.
  15. I don't see Minpha as a male anymore. Like, a lot of Jrockers try to look like a female, but none do that as Minpha do. Also, thank you for report.
  16. yakihiko

    All this Moran nostalgia for christmas <3
  17. yakihiko

    I would say Speed Disk, Danger Crue Records. As bonus, my dislike label is PS Company, I know they give support to BORN, but they are cruel when a artist or band claim a hiatus, they fired KIFUMI, SuG and Alice Nine.
  18. yakihiko

    first thing I remember was...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKJD563qHfI
  19. Since SADISGATE's released I'm waiting for a worldwide tour, they have good lives performance but they only keep it in Japan :/
  20. yakihiko

    Being ex.UCP thing, isn't this! It's mainly because a drummer depart and they ask for another guitarist to join as official. "Their sound hasn't changed after he joined" Really?? Take a good listen to their works before and after, and than you think more about what you said.
  21. Kouryu and Tetuya to performe with COCO and TOMO(DADAROMA) on 2015.12.4 at Shinjuku club SCIENCE under the name PHENEX. Vo. COCO Gt. 衍龍 (Kouryu) Ba. 金子朋則 (TOMO) Dr. 哲也 (Tetuya)
  22. yakihiko

    Nice setlist, but I'm missing pierrot and marionette. Not surprised LAST DANCE is the last song.
  23. yakihiko

    I'm excited looks like it will be released on 1/30 at Blackhole live.
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