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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. DIV posted on his official FB about it getting up for US around November.
  2. Me too, I actually only remind it because someone from the band RT it.
  3. yakihiko

    Yes, they sound different from the visual kei bands that acts those days. Maybe it's this which catch me to this band. Also, I will change the DVD content when I got some news about it, and thank you for this remind. So nice to hear you are addicted to this band too
  4. yakihiko

    Develop One's Faculties or DOF is a band that had his debut on October from 2014, all their members wasn't new on the music scene, most of members comes from bands like cocklobin and Chemical Pictures. Members are: Vocal & Guitar: yuya (@dof_yuya) birthday: 05.08 (ex. Minerva, cocklobin) Guitar: rui (@dof_rui) birthday: 07.26 (ex. the Pumpkin Head, Chemical Pictures) Bass: detto (@dof_detto) birthday: 07.13 (ex. eve, 江戸川パラドクス) Drums: Johannes (@dof_Johannes) birthday: 06.08 (ex. CROW, ichigo69, mellow pinky, meth., cocklobin) Their Releases: Albums: reincarnation (1st press - sold out) 2015.10.28 reincarnation (2st press) 2015.10.28 Singles: フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた 【会場限定盤】 2014.12.20 フラスコを振ると天秤揺れた 【通信販売限定盤】 2014.12.20 混沌とした世界の中で足掻き続ける生命とは 2015.5.8 hope 【通常盤】 2015.5.13 hope 【通信販売限定盤】 2015.5.13 What are your thoughts about this band? How much are you excited for the new album?
  5. 3 days ? So much jrockdrama from Avelcain >.>
  6. I feel in love with the kitty <3 バンドマン+子ネコ=かわいい XD
  7. Don't fear Ferni, the announcing is that little cat will join the band as new member.
  8. yakihiko

    After so much things getting related here about YT Red, their slogan could be: "We want your money, not your entertainment"
  9. GOD DAMN! This zubat flying on my ipod screen, I thought it was an insect and almost drop it on the floor! x'D

    1. Biopanda


      no way at all this could possibly get annoying when you're trying to read a thread and have ADHD :'3

  10. yakihiko

    This is a disaster! I also think Danger Crue Records is blocked. Besides some indie channel from bands will goes to this list, if not yet there.
  11. Vivi? Like, REALLY? XD Well, he will needs a larger inventory of black on his wardrobe now. I have no doubts he will do a great job.
  12. yakihiko

    I think you should post it on the YT Red topic, also we can try to make a bigger list of channels from japanese music and others like you did.My fear is that we will need to pay to watch this contents now.
  13. yakihiko

    @@Pho I always had an Azumarill when I used to play it, it's a good pokemon if you stay and evolve the skills.
  14. yakihiko

    Happy Birthday ex. xUVERx now @-NOVA- and @Candy Warhol
  15. Vocalist 業-karma- from AvelCain will be absent and pause all activities from 24th of october on until unknown due to health problems. Other members on twitter ask for fans to wait for his health to recovery and to apologize any trouble.
  16. Yes, their creativity is huge( ´ ▽ ` )ノ glad the live limited song will made it ◡̈
  17. Someone who bought Coldrain's VENA and not using the numbers/code inside?

    1. Tetora


      Didn't buy any of their new stuff, it good?

  18. yakihiko

    Pink Ryoga is on!
  19. yakihiko

    Thank you for give the description about it being the cover. Also, I get myself confuse, I thought Ruki was Aoi xD
  20. yakihiko

    Thank you for this @Zeus I think YouTube Red isn't a good idea, I remember years ago You Tube don't had this ads they do nowadays, and they are wanting people to pay for this ends? It's so clear that they are desperate for money. They are even doing a music app, I'm afraid they will ending up transferring all music related to this and charging people to see it, same for Games with You Tube Gaming. And we can't forget the amount of people that will google You Tube Red and get redirect to Red Tube.
  21. yakihiko

    The event DNL Present's-Silent Night will take place at 池袋EDGE (Ikebukuro EDGE) on 2015/12/23 Cast members are: 慎一郎 & 杏太 平一洋 (from My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND) MAKOTO (from THE BEETHOVEN) タケヒトsupported by 葵 FANTASISTA (ex.Kagrra) will update when further news come.
  22. yakihiko

    Welcome to MH, hope you enjoy it!
  23. Ryoga senpai noticed me for the third time XD

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      :DD wish i was noticed xDD

    2. Tetora


      Nice, time to put the moves on him.

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