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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. yakihiko

    GazettE's DARK AGE could be forever, those releases were by far, the best in a long time.
  2. yakihiko

    This banner was posted on their twitter.
  3. @@emmny I don't think Develop One's Faculties could fill the void that Moran left [2]. I really like DOF and how they sound and line-up, but filling Moran's whole is not possible. In both terms, music and looks. @@The Reverend Try this, you will really like it. It's a perfect album. @@doombox I do really like Inner C, personally I think it's better than Dystopia as well, and sound more familiar with her others bands. @@Seimeisen @@CAT5 I'm glad to know you liked 猫とアレルギー album, it's a good release. Tbh I tried more due to the album art, the main track 猫とアレルギー it's my favorite, the melody it's very comfortable and calm. @beni talking about BENI, why I'm not surprise?
  4. After a long time, I was able to listen the album again. I can say MELANCHOLIC, ETERNITY, BEAST, GHOST and FALLEN to be my fav there. When this made up here, I also shared the same with @doombox on twitter, that I don't had my attention after the half of the album, and literally delete it. Also, funny to see @doombox liked the ones I dislike more lol Honestly, I gave another chance to DARK, only because they did the live with BORN.
  5. Before you burn everything, save the games related to me
  6. yakihiko

  7. yakihiko

    So sad, I saw the news about him last night and woke up and read about him passed away. I used to listen to their music on past and even talk with him sometimes. I hope he can be in a nice place and continue to rock in heaven. RIP Shota and thank you for your music and the human being you were.
  8. Happy Birthday nullmoon

    1. doombox


      Happy Birthday!

    2. CAT5


      Happy Birthday, Enjoy!

  9. yakihiko

    Yes, on the site @violetchain showed, looks like DIAURA is their Major band only, Gossip and Grieva are from MadWinK, and 黒百合と影 from 闇革命. But nothing for MALISEND or Mediena. Also the company main logo have only this four bands.
  10. yakihiko

    I have to admit, all the KnB CDs feat. players are useless xD@@Original Saku Tri is so nostalgic and cool, you should really speed up XD --- I have stop JOJO part 3, so boring :<
  11. yakihiko

    DADAROMA vs AvelCain - 2MAN TOUR 『雨鳴り響く踏切』 2016/2/24 大阪FAN-J 2016/2/25 名古屋ell.SIZE 2016/2/28 新宿RUIDOK4
  12. yakihiko

    ask to @@CAT5, he will give the correct things.
  13. yakihiko

    Come to my place during summer, you will regret this words
  14. yakihiko

    /\ I never played this series, Dragon Quest games are good? Since I do still own PS2, I'm kind looking for games to buy and play. I should probably try this/those if it looks interesting. I will probably get 3DS next year, around June. I'm in need to play some Kingdom Hearts and others games for DS/3DS.
  15. yakihiko

    Very Nice, my next buy related to games, should be a N3DS
  16. yakihiko

    DIAWOLF is a project featuring Show and Tora from A9, their style is electro music. OHP / FACEBOOK / TWITTER Show Ohara instagram / twitter birthday: 7/5 Tora Amano instagram birthday: 9/17 CDs: 1st EP: REBELLION (2015.4.12) 1.REBELLION 2.Heavenly Dark 3.Everlasting Flavor 4.VICTIM 5.INFERNO REBELLION MV 2nd EP: TURBULENCE (2015.11.18) 1.TURBULENCE 2.UNCHAINED 3.DIE FOR YOU 4.FALLEN 5.AFTERGLOW TURBULENCE MV Have you guys listened to it already? Liked or not?
  17. yakihiko

    Nintendo 3DS runs Nintendo DS games? I know this is not the place to post it, but I don't know where to do. Sorry.
  18. yakihiko

    HELP GUYS! I'M DESPERATE! My PC got a red screen on, what should I do??? I have a bunch of works that I need to get to next week. SOMEONE PLEASE! MAY GOD HAVE MERCY OF ME!
  19. I got red screen on my W8, should I press "run anyway"?

    1. Zeus


      red screen of death means there's a problem with your graphics card. it won't always happen. reboot in safe mode and when you succeed in getting to the desktop google for more instructions. rsod is a pain in the ass but it seems fixable.

    2. yakihiko


      Really really thank you <3

    3. Chi


      ah qndo eu tive problema com isso foi qndo atualizei meus drivers de vídeo. entrei em safe mode e reverti os drivers. se tiver o numero do erro joga no google.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  20. yakihiko

    Oh thank you, looks good. I will try it someday if the game has a PC version.
  21. yakihiko

    Journey Toukiden? What is this game about?
  22. All pictures from the collaboration between ペンタゴン and KERA. Pijamas T-shirts and hoodies
  23. They will, haven't you read their ameblo update?
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