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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. yakihiko

    Wow, what we do for some badass exotics items
  2. I'm still perplexed you didn't included coldrain on BNT'S :o

    1. doombox


      I already added a song from this album for bnt. I can't add one every month. XD

    2. yakihiko


      Explain to CAT Words of the youth were a digital single xD

    3. doombox


      Haha! Actually they are going to get a mention in my end of the year list next month, so so I'll get to talk more about them then. ^_^

  3. What Minpha thinks about getting like 2.000 favorites in every selfie on twitter? Why this happen?
  4. yakihiko

    @@togz I really dislike the join of San (tbh I never knew why he joined), Toki was able to do the guitar by himself, they only needed Higiri to become the official drummer.
  5. I just have to cry and accept that all my favorite bands are ending.

    1. Zeus


      it happens to all vk fans eventually

    2. freesia


      some members may recycle into new bands

    3. togz


      That happened to me pretty much by 2010 so I just followed the memmbers in to new bands and now those keeps disbanding. It's the VK way.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  6. yakihiko

    Divergences between the members? FUCK! I hope they can become friendly with each other again :/ I don't want another yaki's band to end
  7. Such an amazing song! <3 Also, MBHI DVD is finally get shipping! \o/
  8. I'm still curious to know what door-zaki-ma-die and Renyus means
  9. Now I know why Shuu's goatee was missing xD
  10. yakihiko

    Lycaon just giving a instant kill on fan girls before disband. btw, sad to see they leaving, I was enjoying their last releases (Camera Obscura, Gypsy and Last Dance)
  11. yakihiko

    A friend of mine took this pic and post on her twitter.
  12. yakihiko

    Now I understood xD thank you... in my country funk is literally ass style.I only listen to a small group from vk bands that are active, most ones are out of the scene. As @hiroki mention, "the vk is vast...". It's vast but in the end you will only enjoy bands with members you used to like on their past bands, not always for the music.
  13. yakihiko

    VK funk?
  14. yakihiko

    Just finished JOJO part 2 yesterday, and today going for JOJO part 3! oraoraoraoraoraoraoraora!
  15. VAPor xD Their best period so far, the number is understandable.
  16. I was going to try join this month too, but DOF's album just dropped here yesterday.--- Thank you all for the reviews. @@fitear1590 At first when DIV just upload the spot, I thought like "hmm they are going into a path know as EDM? It's going to be super good or super bad". When I got able to hear it all, I surprised myself... it was a decent music. I really want to see if they will try it more. @@emmny Because of PLASTICZOOMS, I got a bit of feeling for goth songs, but I never had a look for one. I think emmuree will deserve a attention from me now. @@CAT5 I was already going to try THE MORTAL, because of the goth beat, it sounds cool and dark, but I haven't noticed the covers (maybe it's lazyness from me) and you gave me a push for me to check it out. (Lord of darkness... lol) Mine ↓ Develop One's Faculties/insert memory The long awaited first full album from the band has finally released, and it's great combination. insert memory is probably my favorite, it's all you have waiting for and a bit more, looks like a mix of their songs in one song. The guitar's riffs are amazing, not only in this track but in all the album. The full album it's a trip, a good trip. coldrain/HEART OF THE YOUNG This is one of the songs which you can find Masato and his friends showing that they can make songs without the heavy beat they are used to do. Beautiful lyrics with a great rhythm following vocals. HEART OF THE YOUNG it's no doubts, a masterpiece, along with the album which have some classic and powerful vibe from old records in some tracks.
  17. yakihiko

    Tenten dressed like a kawaii lolita for halloween x'D
  18. Preview for かくれんぼ
  19. yakihiko

    hahaha kouryu pt.2 kouryu, tetuya, ryo.
  20. yakihiko

    I have to say, we do share the same feeling. This was very clear to me after blur single release. At this point, Nightmare is not that band who I used to listen every moment of the day. They changed a lot, they can still make some boss songs to me? Yes, Shiva was one of them, but it ends there with only two more attractive songs, the rest looks annoying in my ears. I still need to hear the whole new single, but I'm kind meh, not really interested on it. I'm really getting more into RUKA's side project than Nightmare... and this is sad for me to say. I will always try Nightmare new releases...
  21. yakihiko

    I think they throw away this release, they haven't said a new date yet. Part III is still coming in November by their release shedule.
  22. yakihiko

    /\ They got one of the worst title to use x'D Pinto actually means "dick" in my language.
  23. yakihiko

    So funny lol, I'm definitively getting it.
  24. yakihiko

    Tokyo Ghoul Jack is so amazing!
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