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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. yakihiko

    I want to request the lyrics from coldrain's VENA songs. I think they are 75% in english(?) but I'm not a high level english
  2. yakihiko

    LOL! Falta só a Banda Uó agora.
  3. His fb is private profile (maybe to friends only, he don't accept fans).But I can send to you on pm
  4. Now only missing Satoshi to join fb
  5. yakihiko

    You should play it when you have time... I encourage you xD
  6. yakihiko

    And I HATE SUNDAY! I was wishing this shit so hard to hear.
  7. yakihiko

    Wow so long time that I had already forget it, and I know I will forget again. I hope both editions can make here
  8. yakihiko

    @ if you want to play something for PS3, try Journey. It's a simple but beautiful game.
  9. Good preview, can't wait for it to come. Well said, some tracks brings old style's essence like Runaway with No Espace
  10. yakihiko

    平一洋 -the best of :compilation- description: 平一洋/てんてん's best songs from his bands. [Disc 1] (MBHI) 1. 殺して山に埋めたい 2. 嗚咽 3. 汚染区域 4. REAPER MIMIC 5. 目覚める2分前 6. 薄明光線 7. PreDatoR 8. 青空ギロチン [Disc 2] (CPS) 1. In my Dream 2. Shoot myself in the head 3. 溺れる魚 4. Introduction to Gastronomy 5. 地球という名の乗り物 6. 病ム空 7. 純白の絶望とキャンバス 8. Präparat [Disc 3] (kiss my way) 1. 夕暮れ 2. フランケン 3. 骨人的憑依症候群狂想曲 4. プリティージョークw 5. I♥イエローMonkey 6. PC Head 7. keep sing out! 8. 時差ボケ [bonus Disc] (KuRt) 1. Sweet Lemon Broker
  11. yakihiko

    Small but perfect setlist
  12. yakihiko

    Have a great and deserved vacation's trip Trombe.
  13. yakihiko

    Yes, they are so cool *-*
  14. yakihiko

    When you find all the staff up to sale
  15. They will never replace MBHI in me xD do you want to die today?
  16. Every time I see ノスタルジア☆彡, I feel like to listen ノスタルジア by ALSDEAD xD

    1. nick


      Good song, right? P:

    2. yakihiko


      Yes, one of my fav from Idea :)

  17. New step is 虎徹 having a twitter acc, I will follow for everyday cuteness
  18. yakihiko

    Lol, I really think he was drunk... Let us wait he wake up xD
  19. yakihiko

    I do never expect him to have such a thing xD
  20. yakihiko

    Why guys ? Attack on Titan is good xD Since you don't got on the anime, try Attack on Titan: No Regrets, it's two ep if I'm correct.
  21. I like the pv, but I think that effect(?), don't fits with Mejibray, I would like if at least they included a version without it in regular edition, btw, I'm looking forward to it.
  22. yakihiko

    I HATE the act of people selling free flyers, like, the band waste money doing it to distribute on lives and/or instore,... this kind of people take advantage selling it...orz
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