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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. Really, I don't know why, but I'm very very excited for this xD this isn't natural because they aren't on my "hardcore like".
  2. 4:20 --- I really like how COSMOS and MELANCHOLIC sounds, also looking for GHOST and BEAST.
  3. yakihiko

    Now I can vote xD "I have no opinion on this one"
  4. yakihiko

    This is for the Pokemon's lovers out there. Which would be your Pokemon team? You can pick 6, being 1 Mega or Legendary on it. Those would be mine Quilava Gengar Haunter Greninja Alakazam Geodude
  5. yakihiko

    Boa sorte, um dos jogos mais difíceis da minha vida. I played this DLC, isn't so hard like main game, but is strange and complex too xD
  6. yakihiko

    MY BODY IS READY! JAPAN, BRING IT ON! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSqQqjHRx_M
  7. Bad ParaPara ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ ) I will call Meiji's army
  8. yakihiko

    I would give a kidney to see their last live at 21, holy fuck.
  9. yakihiko

    Vocal 1: Taira Kazuhiro (MBHI) Vocal 2: Yoshiatsu (ex.Crazy Shampoo) DJ/Vocal 3: hiLo (ex.NAINE) Guitar: Shion (ex.Crazy Shampoo) Guitar: Rui (Develop's One Faculties) Bass: Yuutoman (Liraizo) Drums: Tetuya (ex.MBHI)
  10. yakihiko

    Someone introduce a pair of pants to this man from Liphlich, I have never see him with one xD
  11. This lyrics are good xD "I dance under the colorless sun" I don't know why, but this is beautiful.
  12. They are really diferent lol I will go for MEJIBRAY, this year was deception between me and the band, but the others songs like worms, BI NAME JIKA, and their majority songs are still relatively strong on me. For 八十八ヶ所巡礼, I have never listen to them but the first song is ok to me, tbe second is not my type.
  13. I'm not the same fan I were for MEJIBRAY like one year ago. For me, the last good release was シアトリカル・ブルーブラック, after this, I couldn't have the same feeling for their songs. But this one, looks interesting, like the track VENOMS were.
  14. yakihiko

    This is my major problem since ever xD
  15. yakihiko

    /\ This would be so perfect XD
  16. yakihiko

    A good quality is enough not dvd xDD I think they will make use of megaphone of the last track like they do on live, it would be great.
  17. yakihiko

    The last live from this line-up as SKULL or from the members, like leaving music? I don't got very well.
  18. yakihiko

    They really look good at live performance, I tried to made a rip for ララララ part but the quality is soooo bad :'(
  19. I'm unable to listen the previews
  20. yakihiko

    I will try to get this too xD
  21. The video is goooood No ohp was on both twitter, so I don't they have one.
  22. I first listen to their most view video on youtube... but if they don't have it, I ask for a friend's recommendation or listen to the first release.
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