Since the full thing got out already,
After listen to the full DOGMA, I can say the same as @Disposable said:
"It's still the same Gazette on this album as the last one and the one before that. The riffs are still by all intends and purposes Gazette riffs"
DEUX that was a track I could clear see ppl enjoying, and looks like a TOXIC song in the end, most like UNTITLED.
RAGE was by far my favorite one, vocal and the instrumentals on it, are very similar to an old band I really loved, B.C.
INCUBUS was a song dat pass by unnoticed in the preview video, but the full song is kind amazing, also bit like DIVISION.
LUCY and GRUDGE are like a generic song itself, but I do enjoyed those a bunch tbh.
7/10 - 7,5/10
DOGMA is the song I less really appreciate in the end. Probably I need to have a little more to listen.