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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. Some mix of songs with same style of Monster and Gravitation would be appreciate
  2. yakihiko

    10/10 for this sentence If he wants Germany for beer, he wants Amsterdam for...atmosphere? Uhum xDThank you for the interview Afernii
  3. Get back to Twitter Elazmus (spread the chain)

    1. yakihiko


      It's your 0 0 curse

    2. Shir0


      loool wait what? so it only doesn't work for me? D:

    3. yakihiko


      For me too xD

      Don't work and also my last tweet got erase from universe

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  4. Me too, that was sad not seeing our country when they say world tour :'(
  5. yakihiko

    Ryoga posted a video on instagram from a possible new song. https://Instagram.com/p/67u5IhsNyJ/
  6. Where is South America my boys ?
  7. yakihiko

    @@bonsaijodelfisch, you forgot to put NIHIL as INFUSE INTO v.2
  8. yakihiko

    Can't wait to have it :>
  9. Mirror Frustration looks really good and SOSOS is pretty cool.
  10. yakihiko

    MEJIBRAY from SHOXX POSTER MAG credit on pictures
  11. yakihiko

    I noticed that too after the change from Codomo Dragon's theme x'D
  12. yakihiko

    Giving a try to ジョジョの奇妙な冒険
  13. yakihiko

    @@plastic_rainbow@@Delkmiroph I played for PC and there is really hard parts on it. I haven't finish yet
  14. Week for BFN new single *o* <3

    1. Tetora


      Which are your favorite songs by them?

    2. yakihiko


      グロウ・テスト・クラーケン, 四次元マッシュルーム, SHOW the cloven hoof and SHOOTING STAR(new fav) xD ... and yours?

    3. Tetora


      Oh, nice picks, I like Monster World and Dead Devil Dancing.

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  15. yakihiko

    GazettE's fire is still on in me after all.
  16. yakihiko

    I believe they will not do PV for OMINOUS, cos they already release a thing for it.
  17. yakihiko

    Last Heaven was exclusive to who bought a music player that I don't remember name, and TDD was for Film Bug 3. Maybe the future "Moviments" they will bring one or two more PV.
  18. yakihiko

  19. yakihiko

    DEUX MVhttp://vimeo.com/137300635
  20. yakihiko

    DOGMA MV MAKING OF https://vimeo.com/137295511
  21. yakihiko

    I did, also UNTITLE and DEUX are similar too, same for half to end from NIHIL with INFUSE INTO.
  22. yakihiko

    Since the full thing got out already, After listen to the full DOGMA, I can say the same as @Disposable said: "It's still the same Gazette on this album as the last one and the one before that. The riffs are still by all intends and purposes Gazette riffs" DEUX that was a track I could clear see ppl enjoying, and looks like a TOXIC song in the end, most like UNTITLED. 8,5/10 RAGE was by far my favorite one, vocal and the instrumentals on it, are very similar to an old band I really loved, B.C. 9,5/10 INCUBUS was a song dat pass by unnoticed in the preview video, but the full song is kind amazing, also bit like DIVISION. 9/10 LUCY and GRUDGE are like a generic song itself, but I do enjoyed those a bunch tbh. 7/10 - 7,5/10 DOGMA is the song I less really appreciate in the end. Probably I need to have a little more to listen. 5/10
  23. yakihiko

    The DOGMA song is more like Dir en Grey than Slipknot xD
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