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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. Shower Thoughts: Is 6ix9ine just a really misguided tribute to Maria Cross? 🤔 


    1. Elazmus


      This was Maria Cross' intended direction

  2. Someone made a 90s vk essentials chart on r/visualkei... I haven't listened to any of these releases *whistles loudly*, so I guess this is a good place to start (?). 


    1. Zeus


      i'm gonna have to agree with @nekkichi on this one this deff isn't exhaustive

    2. IGM_Oficial


      I'd kill some people if "Sculpture of time" wasn't there

    3. YuyoDrift


      Hey thanks for reminding me I have a low quality rip of that D≒SIRE album lol

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Spotify suggested Clarence Clarity probably because I listen to Iglooghost a lot... Really wonky, but I love every bit of it. It's this weird amalgam of chopped&screwed + R&B (maybe Prince~ish) + IDM, idk how to describe it.



    1. Tokage


      The album he dropped last year is still on my list of 2018 faves, many of the singles that came out in between no now and the new one that didnt end up on the actual album are real good too

  4. Super stoked for their 1st full album!


    1. Shmilly


      Thanks for bringing this to my attention

  5. They massacred my blue boy



    1. Tokage


      god i so fucking hope that copypasta about sonic slowly chasing after robotnik while riding an suv somehow ends up being true

    2. colorful人生



      Hey, that blue boy isn't completely out of the woods yet.



      Hopefully he isn't nearly as grotesque.



    3. YuyoDrift


      ugh whyyyyyy

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  6. This is what I assume it sound like in Cleveland rn...



  7. TIL you can have an "@" symbol on your license plate... Shoutouts to C@LDF@GS  because idk what that even means.


    maybe some chilly 4ch anon, idk.

  8. Troye Sivan has released a ton of fantastic tracks recently, and "Dance to This" is no exception. Love mellow bops like this and Grande is an added bonus.



  9. Well, these guys are on my radar now. 


  10. What's everyone's experience w/ JP music selection for Apple Music v. Spotify? I like Spotify's playlists & curation, but I'm curious about the 15+ mil songs APM has over them. Also Apple Music's Japan subscription apparently includes shit-ton of stuff... Certainly not willing to pay for two music subscriptions at once, tho.



    1. platy


      I'm doing a 3 month trial with apple music. imo it's much better for vk stuff, but that's the only plus over spotify I have so far. 

  11. When did words like "default", "NPC", and "normal (normie)" become insults? lmao

    You know society is ass-backwards when we can't even let people be lame in their own free time w/o insulting them. 

    1. platy


      Never saw anyone use NPC as an insult lol. Unless you spend your free time learning the didgeridoo or going obscure kink parties, I guess you're a normie. 

    2. colorful人生
    3. platy


      That's a pretty useful term for people actually. 

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  12. yo...shiT, this is precious 😆. how did I miss this?



  13. YouTube's new dynamic aspect ratio bullshit is killing me. Give me back my black bars... ;_; 

    * My script is working again, so black bars for now... Still, do I really have to run extensions to make YT look NORMAL?!

    1. Himeaimichu


      I had to turn on night mode just to make it look semi-normal. 

  14. *sheds tear* Rarezhut, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for introducing me to this masterpiece. To everyone I present to you, the weirdest fucking lyrics I've ever witnessed. http://oi65.tinypic.com/2qdsm10.jpg

    1. colorful人生


      plastic post paper

      This is one of the tracks on the Cut22 mini-album. All of the lyrics are a total clusterfuck. They were around from what I think was the mid-90's to early 2000s. This was just to bizarre to pass up.

    2. Shir0



    3. colorful人生


      Also, going with the pink theme. 10/10 Valentine's Card message.

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  15. ♥ vistlip - As You Know. ♥

    1. Tetora


      Just put in cd for first time now. Like it so far.

    2. hiroki


      my favorite song off the mini too

    3. Tetora


      This release is nice and heavy, not sure what my favorite is yet. Just listened once but I like it a lot.

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  16. 12 A.M JST can't come soon enough... *stares at Itunes*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seimeisen


      I'm actually sorta looking forward to the new Royz album, too.

    3. Tetora


      Seimeisen gonna act tsundere like they aren't hugging a Subaru bodypillow as they type that before kissing their Subaru poster goodnight, brushing their teeth with their Royz toothbrush, and then feeling guilty as they change their phone alarm from Right Evil to Emotions, and falling asleep to dream of the new album's first edition bonus.

    4. colorful人生


      I dare dream to be a fan of that level. *eyes glimmer*

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  17. A bunch of ABC's MVs were re-uploaded in HD by avex. Time to appreciate Yasu in HD glory.

  18. A NEXX song I haven't heard of? http://youtu.be/TLIDgj9qvVI Aw yiss.

    1. stylelover


      it was a live distributed release

  19. After what's happened this week ユナイト is a sound for sore ears (is that a thing, lol).

  20. Alas, your trickery has had undesired effects as I squee from dusk till dawn inducing weariness upon myself prior to class. I commend thee felines...

    1. Champ213


      We are happy to deliver.

  21. Another reason why they're my favorite granola bar brand... XD https://twitter.com/NatureValley

    1. Tetora


      Nature valley going to be this generation's Pocky stick?

    2. freesia


      i had lost a tooth trying to bite that granola bar before. D:

  22. Are you kidding me... Glenn Frey of The Eagles died at 67. Too many actors & musicians dying lately :(.

    1. Tetora


      Really loved his music. Wrote some of my favorite songs. Him and Don Henley together : Pure Magic.

    2. colorful人生


      Absolutely. I remember my dad would constantly play the "Hell Freezes Over" live from 1994 on the old CRT. The whole band worked flawlessly together. I liked Glenn's solo work too.

  23. As much as I love the new FFXV material getting released, this will still be my favorite trailer:

    1. Tetora


      Sent shivers down my spine. Let us hope the game still retains that Nomura feel all the way through. Tabata is amazing but Nomura is the best IMo.

  24. Back from Williamsburg, V.A ... Listened to ヴァレンシア??ヴァージニア(valencia to virginia) during the trip... Uh, now about Valencia... *partially crosses out entry in to-do list*

    1. fitear1590


      Lol, such a random title! I live in VA now (not too far from Williamsburg) and I went to Valencia last fall :D

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