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Status Replies posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. do ppl furitsuke to adele 

  2. Aww yiss the headaches are gone

  3. This is so cute. I want to try to make it. ;w; 


  4. hype for ff xii the zodiac age

  5. hype for ff xii the zodiac age

  6. Elm might have actually beat Ensoku for longest fuckery title ever in the whole of vk

  7. Just got home from work and realised I'm red now! :D

  8. for old lj users, apparently there's this going on: http://jrock-wank.livejournal.com/58828.html

  9. Metronome returns, the year is saved.


  11. V STAR web shop is now officially open


  12. When you planned to be productive today but then a friend asks you to show them some Japanese music...

  13. Damn, got a little emotional after listening to Imperial City today :'D

  14. Finally watched all Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Games. Never laughed so hard.

  15. Finally watched all Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Games. Never laughed so hard.

  16. We already know the worst thing of getting into VK again, what about the best? New bands, new musicians to follow, new ideas, new concepts. The new bands I've  listened (thanks to @Paradoxal) sounds great!

  17. http://www.vstarpromotion.com
    V STAR PROMOTION's Official Website is now open!!!!

  18. RIP VisualScandal (≧∇≦)

  19. Vacation week so far has been terrible... Been sick and then money problems made things fall through...

  20. Listen: D'uAL- Suicide Game

  21. Mirin' Vagrant Story pic.

  22. All this fucking music...

  23. Hey yo mejibray 悲哀 (hiai) could have been the best vk ballad of all time why did you end it so soon?


  25. is there any urge to disband or wtf is going on currently

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