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Status Replies posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Just found out that PLC's new album is on itunes internationally, but not in the US store. Wow so racist.

  2. In my determination to get a lot of work done yesterday I ended up coming down with a 39.4 fever....
    so not much work was done.
    But I have just finished processing a new comment video, will hopefully be made public tomorrow

  3. Anyone playing Mobius Final Fantasy? Ayyyyoooo whaddup?!

  4. I've barely been at work for 3 hours, and I've already had:


    3 Cups of coffee

    3 Donuts

    1 Mountain Dew

    1 Banana

    2 Slices of pizza


    I'm gonna get fat.










    not really lol maybe die-a-betus

  5. Been watching Void Burger's Silent Hill 2 LP while working. I find myself watching more LPs lately than actually playing games :'3

  6. Anyone playing Mobius Final Fantasy? Ayyyyoooo whaddup?!

  7. Anyone playing Mobius Final Fantasy? Ayyyyoooo whaddup?!

  8. I just saw Su-metal's pantsu.

    Am I pervert, pedophile and these things?

  9. VAMPS featuring Chris Motionless? Wat? How did this even.. 


  10. Please join us this month on recommended tracks! We love guest reviews!

  11. V STAR PROMOTION will be making a big announcment in the next few days! look forward to it everyone

  12. That moment when you find something that makes you so happy yet you just get the sads...

  13. Just spent 4 hours wandering around town with my friends and now I can't stop doing the pokemon go

  14. Just spent 4 hours wandering around town with my friends and now I can't stop doing the pokemon go

  15. best $1 i ever spent

  16. So I've heard conflicting opinions... Should I do the free update to Windows 10 or not?

  17. Selling our poster signed by everyone on UNDERCODE in 2012. It is in wonderful condition, and has a tiny pinhole in each corner.  Currently for sale and taking offers.


  18. Go aweiiii sadddd. I don't neeed youuuuu~

  19. Any blink-182 fans out there listening 'California' and willing to share a thought?

  20. God, please, you were so nice allowing Psycho Le Cemu to be back and then, Metronome. Now give us Janne da Arc. Amem.

  21. holy shit starku has it going the fuck on

  22. holy shit starku has it going the fuck on

  23. Long day at work, just chilling at home having some drinks on the roof and jamming out to Siam Shade. Life is pretty blissful.  Guess that no drinking thing only lasted as long as my hangover. :X'D:




  24. All that Sanji goodness in your sig and cover photo makes visiting the forum even more worthwhile. <3 ='D

  25. THE BLACK SWAN is just so awesome.
    Just strating to love them really badly haha. 
    RUVISH is just so damn good. 

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