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Status Replies posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Now this is Western Visual Kei done the right way:

  2. Leaving this here without comment.
  3. why did no one tie me down to a chair point a gun at my head and tell me to listen to el-ethnic legist- earlier???

  4. Today i met HYDE from L'arc en ciel and VAMPS, and got his sign. I uploaded it on twitter and look HOW MAN FUCKN RTS IT GOT. MAAAAAN https://twitter.com/ritsuppy/status/647930979429023744

  5. Just saw I'm gold now o__o. Wow, thank you guys very much! ^__^

  6. If you like horror games and you still haven't played Amnesia: The Dark Descent, go get it now. It's free on steam...

  7. Can we all go on ahead and appreciate Gackt's new look?

  8. http://fuckyeahvkeipromopics.tumblr.com/ made a tumblr dedicated to adding promo pics since last.fm is currently in critical condition
  9. did last.fm literally fuck up all my scrobbling... what the hell

  10. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

  11. anyone know if there is a way to change your username on last.fm i think my sn on there is a bit confusing

  12. ex-Cradle Loki is such a b*tch!

  13. "foxy foxy" is great. I love BORN.

  14. BORN's New PV Kicks A$$

  15. Need to listen to more BLU-BILLION.

  16. This is amazing and wonderful

  17. Currently doing a dance around my house because ONE OK ROCK just got a major US record deal.

  18. Ever since I quit WoW I've been searching for a free game that'll fill the gap and help me I can't stop playing Neverwinter

  19. I can't stop crying at animes and television series, and I feel like a complete and utter wimp.

  20. Remember when VK meant something? I do. Yayoi is a legend. He's still going at it!

  21. エトセトラ - スト???????鬼ゴッコ (PV) [VHS] -----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIWm_PPAAwc

  22. And I am ever reminded why I hate any of kind of relationship bullcrap or get into anything with anyone who likes me in general. celibacy inc!

  23. Brazil visual kei

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