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Status Replies posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. All this indecision in my head on what to review next...

  2. First big announcement has been made, from today on wards V STAR PROMOTION will be working closely with Deviloof! However that's not the only announcement we have up our sleeves, please look forward to another announcement that will be made in the next few days.

  3. Thanks everyone for the support and condolences over my loss of a dear friend yesterday. despite that yesterdays initial meeting went well, after tomorrows follow up meeting I hope I will be able to announce the new band V STAR PROMOTION will be working closely with!.

  4. I just got news about the death of a dear friend in my home country, I feel shaken and not in the best of shape, although today's meeting is relatively low pressure, I wonder if I should reschedule....

  5. I'm feeling so much better now... finally.

  6. Major props to all these newer bands putting their releases on international digital stores!

  7. My new pc is a fucking beast!!

  8. My new pc is a fucking beast!!

  9. My new pc is a fucking beast!!

  10. サウイフモノ hnng They'll be missed T.T

  11. people only care when the band is disbanding...please care when they are still around

  12. my albums best took at least like 7 hours to do in total why do i do this to myself

  13. Is anyone actually paying $200 for VIP tickets for Gazette in U.S.

  14. Is anyone actually paying $200 for VIP tickets for Gazette in U.S.

  15. The magical 2015 music tour is done. Feel free to enjoy the ride~ Thank you everyone for their support and sorry it's so huge...

  16. Can confirm: Best not to view list's on mobile devices, my chit is exploding, be back later.

  17. 2015 list should be done either today or tomorrow. at the latest tuesday depending on how bad work is over the weekend.

  18. 2015 list should be done either today or tomorrow. at the latest tuesday depending on how bad work is over the weekend.

  19. "we'll be back"
  20. So many disbandments going on this month and further into 2016. This is truly sad.

  21. Damn I love VK.

  22. Just heard my Dad was admitted to the hospital for possible heart problems...

  23. Fatal Frame 5 or Until Dawn..umm...

  24. Fatal Frame 5 or Until Dawn..umm...

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