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Posts posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. 11rg3f9.jpg

     I went to work and came back to read more of this thread. Surprising how many people just can't understand why this decision was made despite the mods clearly explaining. Just let things go. Move on as humans or continue to post here and provide more entertainment. 


    I do hope people feel more motivated to post the news now that it's a free environment to do so.

  2. Over the weekend when I was hanging out at a great park (off of 35th ave and pinnacle peak in case there are any AZ trainers this park is also known as "Charmander Park") and we were talking in the car before leaving and we watched a dude smash into a light pole. Don't pokemon and drive. You'll smash all your windows and ruin your friends pokenights because you're an idiot.


    Also I have a nice group of people at work who are part of Team Valor because our work uniform is red. It just kinda fit into place.

  3. 2 hours ago, Zeus said:

    Also surprised to see so many nice words about Houyoku. I absolutely detest that album and could never get into it. I feel like I'm missing out. :\


    Yeah, it's pretty much my favorite album by them and no one really digs it. Maybe it's just down to personal taste and life experiences when it comes down to it. I really wish you and others enjoyed it more because it really didn't do that badly overall. 

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