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Posts posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. I'm not sure what bands to list right now because you're already supporting some pretty great groups. I do hope though that some of those items would be available to overseas fans as well.

  2. First of all, I would like to thank everyone who is supporting Deviloof!


    At the end of the day, when I decided to start helping Deviloof I was very much aware that they are band that will have people that love them, people that hate them and a smaller majority of people who don’t feel strongly either way about them, more so than any other band V STAR PROMOTION’s works with.


    The reason V STAR PROMOTION decided to work with Deviloof is to broaden our market, our goal is to have something to offer to as many people with varying tastes in music.


    And the fact that people have varying and different tastes in music is what this discussion leads to.


    Everybody has their own taste in music, what one person might think sounds terrible could be a masterpiece to other people, it doesn’t mean that either person is wrong, it also doesn’t mean that the song in question is innately good or bad, it all comes down to personal opinion.


    This is also the case in defining a music style, music is a vast and ever changing entity.

    Music never stays the same for long as artists and fans are always thinking of a way the change and develop it further, by this genres of music are also constantly changing and developing.

    So any genre of music can also be thought of differently by different people, what might be brutal to someone might not just cut it to other, and on the reverse side what might be brutal to some might be too much for others.


    And there is nothing at all wrong with that.


    Working with Deviloof, I have faith that they will continue to work hard to grow as artists and that they will try their best to bring new and unique music.

    It is not always going to appeal to everyone, but that’s music.


    If you like Deviloof, once again I would like to thank you for your support.

    If you don’t like Deviloof I value and understand your opinion, but please understand that the people that like them have their reasons and right to do so as well.

    The same goes in reverse.


    Thank you.



    All of this.

  3. I think there would be a lot of interest here, Suuu. Most of us can't make it overseas for Q&A sessions so I think it would be a dream come true for a lot of fans here.

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