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Posts posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. 7 hours ago, TheStoic said:


    I have never listened to Blesscode - but that track was on point.  It gave me some crazy DuelJewel vibes - which was a great surprise.  I also never listed to Neverland, but the recommendation has piqued my interest in more.  Thanks!

    I wasn't kidding when I said it reminded me of them. Just solid great visual music to listen to. BLESSCODE has the potential to be a long lasting band if they keep this up. Also you should definitely try Neverland. They're pretty great as well. I feel like they go under the radar because they're not doing the metalcore thing.

  2. They really slowed down over the past few years and I was worried this would happen eventually. Sad to hear Manabu is seems to be retiring but hopefully the rest of the crew can move onto other things.

  3. This is sad to hear for sure. I thought they were really getting their creative juices flowing but perhaps they've all grown so much as musicians that they simply don't feel they can keep going in a direction that they can agree on for the future. I wish the best for all of them and hope to see where they go afterwards.

  4. The world of vk and it's ever revolving doors. This is the life and how it is though. This one doesn't surprise me though. It didn't feel like something any of them were taking that seriously.

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