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Posts posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. 3 hours ago, platanity said:


    i dont think this is something that you could judge that simple .


    we all dont know the details . 


    after all, artists are most of the time occupied with artistries, not financial issues (=agency fuck ups, etc)

    Of course we don't know all of the details. I know what artists go through but to make a choice like this shows there must be something pretty bad going on. 

    I'm a long time fan and a decision like this seems very sudden and desperate considering the band's overall success and history.

    So don't go pointing fingers at certain people in this thread because you feel obligated for some reason to do such a thing. It's okay to defend a band for your own personal reasons but don't go and shit disturb and learn to take a joke.


    That's my final say on that and I'm quite interested in seeing who ends up aquiring the rights.

  2. I feel bad for them. Because they're not getting the attention they deserve because they're not with the scene. It's painfully sad to see someone lose motivation because they don't feel they can go anywhere. 

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