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Posts posted by cvltic

  1. 4 hours ago, emmny said:

    someone gotta creep tanu and get the true tea, im sure the fans know exactly what happened

    u rang? 👀

    warning: the following information is generally unsubstantiated and was probably originally written by 17 year old girls. please take it exactly as seriously as you feel appropriate


    posted in the Vexent thread on October 24th 2016 (before the official announcement that Touka was MIA):


    Touka is shit at guitar and tells his tsunagari band info and talks shit about the members to them, got exposed on tanuki and got all serious and bought [his cat] with tsunagari money but in the end defaulted on his loan for his guitar and pet cat. He's been fired from all kinds of part time jobs and whether it's a weekday or a holiday he's indulging in pachinko/slots with Mirai. Here is a stereotypical trashbag who uses Vexent's name to rip off women for you

    This sets the stage for his supposed financial problems as the fans have been griping about him scamming people out of money and being a drain on society since August. The last two Vexent threads were titled "[Dicks Exposed] Vexent [Shoplifting Band]" because of him, lol
    He had been a hot topic because he was allegedly bragging about kiseru (a way of defrauding the Japanese train ticket system) and shoplifting, as well as some dick pic incidents before any of this happened.
    They start noting he hasn't been posting at all around 10/27, and everyone basically immediately knows he ditched the second the band announces they can't contact him. Some observed that the band didn't seem particularly worried about his well being or they wouldn't have brought up the money thing right away... which is probably true.


  2. 39 minutes ago, sume7 said:

    What evidence do you have of this? Because to me it seems they still have relatively large fanbase for a VK band anyway. I mean Ai's solo career is doing well so far and this band of Naoki's is gaining recognition, so this seems to suggest that DEATHGAZE's member still have a decent size following and why wouldn't DEATHGAZE itself not if it's members do? I think that there may be a lot of different reasons that they went on hiatus but lack of a fanbase isn't one of them, clearly or Ai and Naoki wouldn't be getting promoted so hard with their new projects. 

    ??? "gaining recognition" is a bit nebulous, Naoki's band was just announced and their official twitter has 160 followers... there's no way to measure until we see the trends in venues they're playing and who they're playing with
    if it helps by "fanbase" i don't mean overseas fans (deathgaze dominated in terms of overseas fans imho) and net/CD fans, i mean the people who drive the band financially by adding to the headcount and attending shows

    now i can't give you "evidence" because it's not like i have statistics about japanese deathgaze fans but i can tell you my perception from what i've seen and why is it how it is:
    while i personally enjoy Aiemon dot com and his solo act, he's a pretty minor act based on the crowd turnout i saw and the venues he's playing/who he's playing with. like, it shocked me because i expected him to have more fans in the crowd.
    as for deathgaze itself, a bunch of diehard fans rolled on them in their last year of activity and stopped attending their shows. 2013 was absolutely filled with drama between the members and fans which is probably what many younger bangya know about them more than their music sadly. yes it was all petty gossip but fans really and truly did quit because of it and it stained their legacy imo.

  3. 4 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    idk, most likely starting up with session members who didn't want to/couldn't commit permanently

    you're almost certainly right, Naoki's pre-deathgaze band did this exact guitarist-free formation w/ support members + Hazuki just did all the guitars for recording but i wanted to delude myself lmao



    7 minutes ago, sume7 said:

    I'm honestly not to excited about this I'd rather see DEATHGAZE come back.

    i'd like deathgaze back too but i think that particular dream is dead, their japanese fanbase kind of rolled over and died at the end of their lifespan

  4. in no particular order



    merry go round

    the god and death stars




    fuck it, Sadie even though the end of their run was kinda bad


    i like bands newer than this too but i feel weird putting them on this list next to some of the others :c
    honorable mentions: Pentagon, UNDER FALL JUSTICE, Smells, gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy, dim my division, [...], Sadie, BORN, early D'espairsray, Rentrer en Soi, P∽L

  5. i don't get the appeal of Fixer, Jey couldn't sing his way out of a wet paper bag imo (& yes i recognize the irony of this as a JUSTICE fan)
    but i have never listened to them recorded so maybe they're better on CD?

    it's not a top 10 but just some SW bands i've appreciated:



    Calmando Qual (although not for their SW work)

    Tokami/Schwarz Kain AKA Tokami 2

    VELVET EDEN (although not for their SW work)


    Sandwich de 120pun?




  6. fuck it i'm bumping the band thread so i can fill it with garbage later




    found this on IG, good to see the actual title for KILLING CULT make its debut

  7. every day that passes without a time table announcement raises my anxiety levels and i'm not even attending

    since no one mentioned it Yoshiki has been apparently on a blocking spree for anyone who complains about the lack of concrete information on twitter
    will VJS go off without a hitch despite all these bad omens? will anyone go see Mumiy Troll? will Yoshiki's block button survive the amount of complaints i estimate there will be when shit actually kicks off?

  8. i left Japan a little while ago & i was thinking about this exact topic because i went buck wild while i was a gov't sponsored student... i tried to do the whole ensei gya thing for lynch. as much as i could because i probably never will be able to again lmao

    i did the math and i spent about 220,000 yen on live tickets and domestic travel + lodging in Japan in 2016 for them.
    the DARK DARKER DARKNESS #2 tour was an ambitious time for me b/c i tried to do half the tour.

    mad respect for gya who do zentsuu, idk how they do it. i think i caught a cold every time a tour came around

  9. if it's Yayoi rumors we're talking about allow me to leave a summary made by a 2ch user in 2006, ten years ago.
    reminder that this is all just anonymously circulated and you're free to think these people are completely wrong and libelous.




    "Yayoi is a company worker now. By the way here's the Heroic Saga of Yayoi.

    When he was the president of Eternal, the members of the bands signed to it were threatened and had their money taken by time.
    Some other examples are him trying to forcibly postpone the sale of Gazette's music and when he beat the shit out of Ruka from Nightmare with a folding chair because he didn't like him. [in fact, Yuuga is his alleged accomplice who beat up Ruka again later. RIP Ruka]

    [omitted because it's just them saying his bands break up right away and he's even worse at singing than Frypan. oop]


    After Eternal went bankrupt everything thought he cooled down but he started Climax Records and his final band, jewelry.
    But even a half year later they only had a single digit number of fans. As a result their music releases were a huge financial loss.

    [summary of the jewelry drama about their bassist stealing money from staff and knocking up his teen gf]

    For a while Yayoi was doing yakuza stuff for his family* but now he works at a company.

    That's about it."
    *long story short Yayoi's dad, who ran EXCEL, was considered to be definitely involved with yakuza and Yayoi is rumored to have worked with the yakuza too. Allegedly Yayoi enjoyed bragging about his yakuza daddy a lot to people who annoyed him.

    also i bought all of jewelry's CDs what do u mean huge financial loss


    basically the rumors concerning Yayoi threatening the bands signed to him and skimming money from them have existed since Eternal, fwiw.
    and this matches up quite neatly with what uglymouth + their friend says.

  10. 23 minutes ago, NICKT said:


    Is this the one?


    yep, plus the tweet directly before was him acknowledging a little easter egg in the lower corner of the lyrics booklet (there's the paint splatter as per the cover and in the paint it says "L/N", as in replace the L with N). i actually didn't notice the L/N note until he retweeted the fan who mentioned they saw it


    oh, and lastly in his song explanations on twitter prior to release he said that KILLING CULT wasn't the real title and a hint was in the lyrics booklet! somewhere

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