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Everything posted by peffy

  1. I forgot how much I liked Janne Da Arc. 

  2. peffy

    When I played Sims 1, I got bored quickly and started devising ways to kill them all. Trapping them in a 1-square room with no doors and watching them cry and piss themselves to death is a classic way to go. I don't remember the other deaths.
  3. In case anyone else is interested, I've posted Paradox lyrics here http://hiphopvomit.blogspot.com/2016/04/index-tokami.html Metamorpha & Luminescence will be posted within a few days. edit: Lyrics for all 3 releases are complete now.
  4. peffy

    Looks the same for me. (I'm also using Chrome) How did you not notice it before o-o It's been bothering me since DAY ONE But I didn't think it was important so I didn't mention it.
  5. peffy

    99% of the internet talks like that
  6. peffy

    general show complaints (episode 1 spoilers) Anyway, I generally like everything else in the show.
  7. Hmm, I don't know Starwave's bands except for Fixer. If you do have scans/lyrics you can throw them at me, I will eventually do it =) I don't really know any translators, most of them quit/stop updating after a few months, or they don't take requests. This forum is probably the best place to ask people.
  8. I will volunteer. This is my job, kanji & romaji =) edit: Actually, rocklyric has lyrics from Metamorpha and Paradox already http://rocklyric.jp/lyriclist.php?artistid=1657&artistname=Tokami&sort=title If you disable javascript you can copy & paste edit 2: I can still do the romaji for you. Also, if you already have the scans you might as well send them, because sometimes rocklyric has mistakes.
  9. Haha, I thought 天照 was alright but I reaaaaaally liked all the B-sides from that single. 彩 is similar for me - OK A-side, but really really liked the B-sides. Don't think about the visuals too much! I don't even remember what the band look was, lol. Kiryu in general is still capable of putting out some mediocre stuff and some omfg mind blowing stuff, I don't expect this new album to be any different.
  10. peffy

    Vita Report: I just finished Hatoful Boyfriend. I was expecting a lot of dumb silly parody pigeon dating... but it surpassed all of my expectations. There wasn't really a lot of dating... I was surprised at how short each path was, but shit eventually goes down. I will be playing Puyo Puyo Tetris on and off. I understand the basics of Tetris, as it's a game I first played when I was like 6 years old. However I suck horribly at Puyo Puyo. The focus isn't really on clearing the board, it's on making long chains of matches that will crush your opponent. Too advanced for me. The dialogue in the story mode is written for kids, which means it looks like a lot of hiragana with few kanji, which actually makes it harder for me to read X_X PS4 Report: I've somewhat made peace with Tales of Zestiria. Dropping it to easy mode and doing some hardcore herb picking/eating is making battles go a bit faster. Way too much backtracking though, especially for the side quests. ... on second thought, maybe battles are just going faster because I spent the weekend backtracking through old areas with weaker monsters. Shit.
  11. peffy

    I only read the books up to page 70 of the 5th book, so I have no clue.
  12. peffy

    Getting pretty hype for tomorrow's episode Too bad there's no way to legally watch this show (in Canada) without subscribing through a cable tv provider. I'm not paying that much to watch one show. (and this is the ONLY tv show I watch) Time to frequent torrent sites again. =/ fan theory "spoiler"
  13. lol 23 day countdown for 1 day revival .. interesting that Sou will perform, tho edit: Huh, no Ryuto.
  14. non rectangle version.. it's about 21.5 hours from now.
  15. peffy

    3 minute guitar solo gooooooo
  16. I can't be bothered to decipher all the legal disclaimers, but.. I assume they aren't going to ship it overseas. T_T
  17. Hmm, I'm more impressed with this song, but I'd still put him in 4th place in this battle. He's perfectly competent, but his voice is just not as appealing to me as the other 3.
  18. MInami's cutesy voice makes me want to murder people. I'm not familiar with Lustknot, the sample provided sounds kinda average. Kaya has a great powerful voice, but I do notice him going a little off key at times (especially in Freya, unless the song is just written that way, which would be odd). My personal favourite is Mahiro, it is not easy to sing like that. He's also pretty versatile.. I was really impressed with what he did in "Tsukubai" and My Dragon's first single. Buuut, in terms of "most skilled" I'd have to go with Ran. Perfect falsetto, wide range, and sounds pleasant. First time I listened to Xepher I was kinda blown away. (all of this is IMO, I'm not a trained critic)
  19. Holy crap, Prince died.. ?

    1. Tokage


      holy shit, my dad must be sad as fuck, rip

    2. Biopanda


      Goodnight, sweet prince

    3. Show next comments  42 more
  20. This 12-year-old Chinese hip hop track is my current jam. Great beat, catchy, and has elements of traditional Chinese music. Plus, the PV is ridiculous fun (the singer is more famous as an actor in HK Triad movies).


    1. hiroki


      whoaa. i didn't even know he's a singer ._.

    2. peffy


      Yeah, he started singing in the late 90s as more of a comedy/pop singer, then transitioned to hip hop/R&B and stirred up controversy because he was "acting too black". lol

  21. Is the corpse supposed to be the same girl he killed in the Akai Bathroom PV? That would be really cool, and show how the song is connected to Akai Bathroom. The song sounds amazing, I love this kind of ballad. This band quickly became one of my faves after some random person requested their lyrics last year.
  22. peffy

    jealkb - still lovin' you what a classic. <3
  23. peffy

    They just want to make it more obvious that they're targeting first year high school girls. Maybe. I don't actually know anything about this band.
  24. peffy

    Well, this was 6 years ago. Plus, the club had security staff that would pull you aside if they saw you recording. It was D'espairsRay in Toronto. I assumed most 'pro' level shows would prohibit taking photos/videos, guess I'm wrong hehe
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