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Everything posted by peffy

  1. I've belatedly realized that Koda Kumi's album "WALK OF MY LIFE" is a masterpiece of obnoxious urban pop. <3

    1. peffy


    2. beni


      Damn right!

    3. YuyoDrift


      she IS pretty good

  2. peffy

    Isn't that pro-war imagery? Off the top of my head, R-shitei and Gossip have also used the military flag. R-shitei's song, Gyokusai melancholy, is (I think) about a kamikaze pilot going off to kill himself for his country, and it always struck me as being critical of Japan's military practices. If I am correct, they're using it ironically to make a point, not trying to glorify it. Or I could be wrong and these VK bands really admire Japan's military past. Which would be concerning, considering my family's history with Japanese troops, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the music. *shrug*
  3. peffy

    PSN: peffsi I live for trophies. I don't actually play any multiplayer games so it's fairly useless to add me. And I'm too lazy to add you. Add me if you want. (but let me know you're from MH)
  4. peffy

    I watched FLCL and had no idea wtf was going on. At all. (and, wow, completely did not realize where YuyoDrift's avatar was from) It didn't help that I was super distracted by the soundtrack featuring the pillows. I was enchanted and had to download those songs.. which is one of the reasons I am here in a Japanese music forum today. .. I see the pillows will be back, but honestly I haven't found much value in anything they've released in the past 10 years. hmm.
  5. peffy

    I refuse to watch that trailer, I must remain pure
  6. peffy

    i love faye valentine!
  7. peffy

  8. peffy

    I should mention, I learned Traditional Chinese writing from age 4 (though I'm not fluent in that language at all), so that was a handy shortcut to learning Japanese kanji, which is like 90% identical to Trad. Chinese... Pretty sure kanji is the biggest roadblock for people trying to learn to read/write Japanese.
  9. peffy

    Am I missing something, or is there no way to see an alphabetical list of artists in your library? All I see is sorting by number of plays & time period... (Yeah, alphabetical order is useless for the artists with Asian-language names, but still.. seems like such a basic thing.) Man I miss the old view where it would display a rectangular pic of each artist. The tiny circular picture is so lame. I use Chrome on 2 different computers, never had a crash/freeze from Last.fm. Could it be a conflict with an extension you're using?
  10. peffy

  11. peffy

    dunno about being a "weeaboo" but... first time i watched an anime was 20 years ago (Sailor Moon) first time i watched an anime with japanese voices was 16 years ago (Noir) got into japanese music 12 years ago (Ayumi Hamasaki, The Pillows) began to teach myself japanese, and started romanizing lyrics, 11 years ago first time i played a video game completely in japanese was 7 years ago (Tales of Vesperia PS3) got really into vk 6 years ago (exist†trace, D'espairsRay) opened my lyrics website 5 years ago i feel old now, thanks
  12. peffy

    "My Dragon" is one possible literal translation of "Kiryu". 己 usually means "self" or "you", depending on where it's used and how it's pronounced, but I am guessing the band is using the other meaning, which is the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac. 龍 means "dragon", and is also the animal that precedes the Snake in the Zodiac. Given how silly the band is in general, I don't think it's a bad name. If my theory is correct, I actually think the name is clever. Anyway, opinions.
  13. peffy

    I finally went to see Deadpool and it was great.
  14. peffy

    Ohhhhh. That mix of Japanese instruments and ... whatever you call that jazzy/swingy rock style. Love it. Very happy to see the band doing something different. I'd like to know who the ladies are.
  15. peffy

  16. peffy

    ^ It did take a while, but I was super bored at work, so it's alright. It's good to stretch my writing muscles.. ever since I finished school, my English has deteriorated. Thank you for responding lol I did go ahead and order 3 games from Amazon Japan. 1 of them is not available on PSN (Puyo Puyo Tetris). The other 2 games (Ryu ga gotoku 0 + Kiwami) ended up being a few bucks cheaper than buying them digitally, even with the import/shipping costs. The difference is that Amazon actually puts games on sale, whereas good PSN Japan sales are super rare. Also, I have to pay a markup on PSN codes (sold by 3rd parties), and sales tax is included in PSN prices (they are stripped out of Amazon's prices during the checkout process). I think Microsoft's been saying they're aware of people's issues with the Win 10 store (like lack of graphics options or mod support) and they will address the issues. But of course they would say that. Still, I agree that the way they're trying to force Win 10 on everybody is kinda gross, and 99% of PC gamers use Steam so it's a huge uphill battle. However, if a PC person didn't have an Xbox One but really wanted to play the latest Forza, it's nice that they at least have some way to play it. I guess. Since I posted, there've been credible rumours about the existence of "PS4.5". I'm not going to get upset about it until concrete details are released. If all the new games still work on my old PS4 I won't care, it's never been important to me to have the best graphics/framerate. VR is more exciting for non-game applications, I think. Virtual tourism could be big. You could 'visit' famous landmarks all over the world. You could also, for instance, tour a planned building/house before it's ever built. But I'm not convinced that every home needs to have a VR headset. (unless people get really into VR porn... lol)
  17. peffy

    Based on their recent releases... and not in order because that's way too hard Pentagon Kiryu Grieva Gossip R-shitei SHIVA GIGAMOUS Avanchick SCAPEGOAT DOPPEL
  18. peffy

    I'd also like to know what happened, if you don't mind discussing it. I'm past my 20s T_T
  19. peffy

    I just finished Game of Thrones (the Telltale game). In the beginning I was pretty into it, but then some stuff happened that was out of character, and it became apparent that no matter what I did, all the main characters were fucked. So I made it my mission to get as many of them killed as possible. Really good voice acting though. I love the accents in that series, and it's cool that they got the real actors to do voices for the game. Up next.. ? Maybe Tales of Zestiria. Then I will get to work on one of these games that just arrived: Meanwhile, still chipping away at Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel on my Vita. This game has pacing problems, but the combat is alright. I don't think I will play another game in this series, though. According to the internet in general, you should try out Stardew Valley.
  20. peffy

  21. peffy

    Ah, well if nobody cares to discuss the news I post, there's no point in posting it. It takes time to write that crap up. hmm, I don't remember the tutorial for 13-2. Actually I barely remember much about the game, except that I got the platinum trophy for it. It was pretty easy. Story didn't make any sense, and I hated Serah. Oh well, the ending made it worth it. heh heh heh. As for 13-3, it would've been difficult if I didn't look at a guide. That game also had a lot of time limit stuff, but there were ways to get around it so it wasn't tooooo annoying. Anyway, to be on topic, I just found out that they're releasing yet another Project Diva game on PS4.. games, actually. Future Sound & Colorful Tone. This was announced a few months ago but I missed it somehow. There will be more than 220 songs between the two games. Sega says they wll be offered "at a bargain price", so maybe I will finally use the 8000 yen sitting in my Japanese account wallet. http://gematsu.com/2016/03/hatsune-miku-project-diva-future-tone-details-future-sound-colorful-tone-versions
  22. peffy

    evidently, nobody cares about game industry news, so I won't be doing that again. Gonna stick my neck out and explain why I don't like Persona. I played a few hours of Persona 3, but got bored & frustrated. I decided to give Persona 4 Golden a shot, because it is so popular. I made it far enough to get a bad ending, and then said "you know what, I'm not actually having any fun here, I'm just going to stop." I don't even know who the murderer was, and I still don't care to find out. - As it turned out, I don't really like dungeon crawling all that much, so I didn't enjoy that aspect of the games. - I don't like time limits, so the highly structured school/social elements weren't that fun. I didn't like having to choose who to spend time with. - The vast amount of personas to collect/fuse/upgrade etc was too much, I don't like that level of management. - Can't say I was a big fan of any of the characters. Maybe I outgrew high school settings. I hated Chie, Teddy, Yosuke, and Nanako. I actually unfriended/blocked an acquaintance (only knew him from the internet), because he kept spamming me with pro-Persona messages, and telling me to watch Persona 5 trailers, despite the fact that I told him multiple times that I had no interest in Persona. Whereas for Final Fantasy, I actually managed to beat 13, 13-2 and 13-3, although I fully acknowledge that they are considered "worse" games than Persona. At least I was able to force myself to finish them.
  23. peffy

  24. peffy

  25. peffy

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