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Everything posted by peffy

  1. peffy

    I don't know what you mean by "Source is activated", but I discovered something. If you just press "enter", it thinks you want to make a new paragraph so it puts a bigger space between the lines. If you press "shift-enter", it will go to the next line the way it should. Let me know if that works for you. (I'm using Chrome) i press enter i press enter i press shift-enter i press shift-enter i press enter 3434234234 I stlil think there's too much vertical space in the entire layout. But anyway it already looks a lot better than when I first saw it 24 hours ago. =) edit: Entire post made irrelevant by nostalgia haha T_T
  2. peffy

    Tales of Zestiria - I was super into this game at first, but holy crap the battle/equipment system seems so needlessly complicated. I even dropped the difficulty to the easiest level, but battles still take too long. (Would probably go faster if I bothered to optimize my equipment but I just can't make myself care enough to figure it out). Also, field maps seem needlessly large. They put in fast travel between save points, but it costs so much that I never want to use it. At least the characters are pretty entertaining, especially Rose. Eiyuu Densetsu: Sen no Kiseki (aka The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel) - Totally regret buying the Japanese version. There is so much political/military talk that is beyond my ability to comprehend (unless I wanted to pull out a dictionary). There's also a really weird mix of voiced/non-voiced dialogue. Even in a single scene, some lines are voiced and some aren't. (Playing Vita version, not sure if it's like that on PS3). I like the battle system, but the pacing of the game is so off - there are verrrrry lengthy cutscene sequences (like 30 minutes worth) and non-combat dialogue/side quests to do in between dungeons. It kind of feels like a visual novel with occasional combat, which isn't what I expected at all. Anyway, still having fun with it sometimes.. my in-game counter is at 68 hours =_=
  3. peffy

    I'm not sure if it's only me, but there are some weird issues with line spacing. It's like everything is double-spaced, or 1.5-spaced. (Looks the same in both Chrome & Edge) In this image, you can even see different-sized spacing between lines that are all supposed to be single-spaced.
  4. peffy

    derp, I need to get my head checked. Actually, what I need is scans for "yomigaeri" lol
  5. peffy

    Did you post the scans anywhere? I haven't seen them. Thanks in advance =)
  6. i hate it when a song fades out in the middle of a cool guitar solo

    1. Zeus


      crucify sorrow by gazetto and living dead by deluhi both popped into my head. gj for reminding me i hate it too

    2. lichtlune


      I hate when a solo doesn't end up being as cool as the preview makes it seem.

    3. emmny


      literally my only complaint with ominous - gazette

  7. peffy

    rather than food, i need visual kei
  8. peffy

    I clicked on that thinking there would be an awesome sauce recipe...... $180 FF7 remake woooo! ($240 in Canada wooooooooooo!) .. assuming it's 3 games.
  9. All the money! money!money!money! Suck the boobs! mommy!mommy!mommy!

    1. YuyoDrift


      something you wanna tell us?

    2. colorful人生


      U are cock sucker! Fuck yourself HUSTLER 「I LUV U BITCH♡??Mother Fucker playa

      (MEJIBRAY makes use of such colorful language)

    3. peffy


      Tsudzuku was drunkenly watching old gangster rap videos, probably

  10. Their album from last year was a pleasant surprise (first time I had listened to them). I really liked their "psycho serial killer" theme.. The promo is interesting, I will pick up this mini album but it'll have to go with my June order. .. numetal is buying it anyway, so I'm not in a rush, ha ha ha ...shit have to buy 2 types argh
  11. Aki's such a creeper, lol
  12. peffy

    This art looks so nice. Aside from how much black there is. Also, DOG.
  13. peffy

    The movie should come out before or alongside the game, since a copy of it will be included in the collector's editions. edit: According to Game Informer, the movie will be out via stream/download before the game. edit 2: It is kind of weird, I mean, they can't really show any conclusion involving Regis & Luna without spoiling the end of the game, right? I guess the story will mostly be about the movie-only character Nyx.
  14. peffy

    I named mine Carbz. lol didn't put much thought into it. I didn't really get the point of naming it, though. I guess it carries over if you start the demo again? I will wait for the full game before I try to unravel the combat. I'm definitely going to forget everything I learned by the time I play it. Didn't get any friend request notifications.. you probably spelled it wrong =p edit: Never mind, my PS4, Vita, and phone app all failed to notify me, lol
  15. preview sounds pretty good I'll keep buying their stuff because of Aki's 'onion' hair + Maaya/Shohei.
  16. peffy

    I played the Platinum Demo today. I was impressed, but then, I'm pretty easy to impress. The graphics and music were great. The performance was fine, I only noticed frames dropping once. But I don't like the camera being so close, and I'm not sure what to think of the battle system.. I got my ass handed to me by the 'boss'. I found it really hard to aim the bombs as well (but I suck at aiming in general..) Also had no idea how to use warping, but anyway I expect this stuff to be better explained in the final game. (btw, Noctis' warp dodge thing reminded me of Ciri, lol) I want my own Carbuncle <3
  17. peffy

    Mmm, which game are you planning to play? The series has major ups and downs. I personally think 2, Brotherhood, Black Flag, and Syndicate are good (but with flaws). But if you care about the modern-day story, I guess you have to start from the beginning.
  18. shit I forgot it's april 1 fuck april 1 btw, I don't hate Sou. I'm just more used to Soshi because he was already the vocal when I started listening to them. I would accept Sou as vocal.
  19. peffy

    Nice to hear positive impressions =) Will try to play this weekend
  20. peffy

    Mine just downloaded in 13 minutes. I timed it. (not going to play it now though)
  21. I would like a comeback with Soshi. I NEED SOSHI. NEED
  22. peffy

    this is a fruitless empty meaningless task -40
  23. peffy

    Release date is Sept 30, as previously leaked. I can't believe they are making another CG movie.. and they got Lena Headey (my favourite GoT character Cersei) to voice Luna, so I might actually watch it in English. (maybe a surprising choice, Lena usually sounds pretty mature, I would've thought they'd pick a younger-sounding woman to voice her) Also WTF at all the other stuff. - Free mini anime series - Free demo of content that won't be in the main game - Free smartphone game - Crazy limited collector's edition priced at $280 US.. that's $350 Cdn, no thank you - Audi will make 1 replica car ..???? I want to know how much Square Enix has spent on this game & related projects Best screenshot Some people have been reacting negatively to the demo, in terms of performance, graphical quality, and dislike of the battle system. I'm not worried about performance, it's just a demo and I would hope the finished game will be better optimized. I should really try it for myself, but I don't have time this week. Whatever, we all know I will play FFXV regardless.
  24. peffy

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