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Everything posted by peffy

  1. peffy

    Is this not standard for most concerts? I've only been to one VK live, and they searched my bag and confiscated my camera at the front door T_T;;
  2. peffy

    I'm not a fan, this was the very first game in the series that I ever played, and will probably be the last. I liked the battle system.. kind of reminds me of a mix between Final Fantasy X (turn based & you can see the order of upcoming turns) and Chrono Trigger (positional attacks). I've seen people recommend the series because of the story & characters. But I stupidly picked up the Japanese version, so some parts of the political/military aspects were lost on me. Also, it probably has more resonance if you'd played the previous games. I super hated the pacing, though.. you can be stuck clicking through 30 minute cutscenes/dialogue, and doing a series of super boring fetch quests in between combat dungeons/field areas. I got to the point where I was like "I don't fucking care why your cat's missing, I'm not going to read 5 minutes worth of pointless chit-chat just to accept the quest, I'm going to skip all of this and use a walkthrough to complete it." However, some people really like that part of the game. *shrug* I've seen this particular game compared to Persona 4, because of the school setting and somewhat similar "social links" mechanic.
  3. peffy

    One that immediately comes to mind, because I noticed it when Kanon Wakeshima covered it.. hide - Beauty & Stupid "あなた好みの Sixty-nine いやよやめては OKサイン" "栗の花咲きゃ Bye bye bye bye" If you don't understand this line.. it means "Bye bye when the chestnut flower blooms" Chestnut flowers are known to smell like semen. When it "blooms", he's probably talking about orgasm.
  4. The SCAPEGOAT song I'm about to upload literally has 2 lines of lyrics. However I think it sounds pretty cool.

  5. peffy

    I just finished playing Trails of Cold Steel. I'm so angry. That ending was atrocious. Well, it wasn't even an ending, it was a "to be continued, please buy the sequel". Also, I hated the final battle Anyway, the game clocked me at 90 hours for one playthrough. I'm not sure how it took me that long. I'm debating whether or not I should do the second playthrough to get the platinum. Although I hated several things about this game, there's a lot that I really liked. Laura <3
  6. omg we can search for 3-letter band names now! not 2-letter tho

    1. nick


      Yes, it's much better now. 2-letter words may be too common to search with.

  7. peffy

    I heard about this in Canada last year. Google tells me you can also get mermaid lessons in US, UK, Philippines, Singapore... and probably more countries..
  8. peffy

    * January 1, 2016 * This year I'll spend less money on bullshit like VK CDs, gotta save some cash! * April 18, 2016 * I've already ordered 32 CDs this year... approximately $750 ..
  9. peffy

    man, schools got weird when i went to school, music was only played in music class..
  10. peffy

    what the hell kind of class is that? unless the class is on "crappy japanese pop culture", your friend should complain to the .. principal/head teacher/supervisor/etc
  11. peffy

    I really like the design of Faith in Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Too bad it's a first person parkour game that literally makes me feel ill...
  12. peffy

    Hmm, for example if you only want to search in "News" - go to the News forum - click the search box - The text "All content" shows up on the left of the search box. Click it and select the option "This forum only" It works for me.
  13. peffy

    a friend just made me watch babymetal fuck babymetal
  14. peffy

    oh my god why did they stop teaching it?? ... huh, upon googling, it's also been removed from Canadian schools. lame.... Yeah it's generally not that useful in everyday life, but it's still important to be able to read it, at the very least. Especially for stylized designs & historical documents and stuff. Anyway, here's a Chinese scribble. It's ugly, sorry.
  15. peffy

    My writing can change depending on my mood/energy level and what kind of pen/pencil I'm using. This is my quick scribble writing. (also, fuck lines)
  16. peffy

    Tales of Berseria has a release date now. Aug 18 in Japan. Cover art looks pretty nice (as opposed to how cluttered most other Tales covers look) I'm really hyped for this game, despite currently playing Zestiria and being pissed off at the battle/equipment system. I'm just sooooooooo happy the protagonist is, as I like to say, a セクシーお姉ちゃん. Looks like she's super angry and murderous, at least at the beginning of the game, which is a huge plus. Also, the samurai-looking dude is very... attractive.. New trailer (whoa, almost naked in that thumbnail)
  17. peffy

    THE BLACK SWAN has the famous kitten. Kotetsu FTW.
  18. peffy

    oh, yeah that's a thing that happens when you have more money than time.. also PS+ gives me 6 free games per month which I may or may not have interest in playing... .. According to the Google Docs spreadsheet that I had to make (otherwise I'd never know what I have), I have 240 games that I've never played.
  19. peffy

    ohhh haha. Well I know Skullgirls has a pretty good rep as a fighting game. I actually have the PS3 version from PS+ but I've never played it.
  20. peffy

    I haven't played it, it didn't look very good... and why did you link to Skullgirls? is it.. on sale?
  21. peffy

    Yeah the blonde is the "normal boob" girl I mentioned. I think her default outfit in the main series is literally a gothic lolita dress, so yeah, she's a lolita. Also, her height is 4'10" ... If you're into well-animated big boobs, this may be the game for you. They developed "Soft Engine 2.0" specifically designed for wet skin, clothes falling off, and "realistic breast deformation, which will be exclusive to the PS4 version of the game."... too much boob physics for the Vita to handle, I guess.
  22. peffy

    I didn't want to post a pic because I was at work and it's veering into NSFW territory. But here are the front covers of the game's 2 versions. Google the game's name, you will get a lot of big boob screenshots. In the past I had some interest in trying a Senran Kagura game, until I saw how big the boobs were. And to use another recent example, Nights of Azure seemed interesting until I saw the boobage.
  23. peffy

    This doesn't really belong here, because the game is already out, but I'm also not playing it, so I guess I will stick it here.. I saw some gameplay footage of Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 that made me really interested in playing it. Act as the owner of a tropical paradise island and "raise" these girls by playing dumb mini-games with them, and oh yeah there's like beach volleyball or something. But I have one big problem. I HATE GIGANTIC JIGGLY BOOBS. Do any of you males (or lesbian females) really find them attractive? The only character that looks acceptable to me is Marie Rose because she has normal boobs (..except that her face & height make her look really young). Every other character has super oversized squishy melons.
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