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Everything posted by peffy

  1. peffy

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagome_Kagome - this explains everything about where those lyrics come from. I literally just went to my blog and searched "kagome".. these are all songs that use "kagome kagome": Grieva - 鬼ノ犇ク籠目唄 (Oni no hishimeku kagomeuta) Kiryu - 魑魅魍魎ノ跳梁跋扈 (Chimimouryou no chouryoubakko) Kiryu - 夜鷹 (Yotaka) Memento Mori - 乱歩絵図ノ子守歌 (Ranpo ezu no komoriuta) MoNoLith - わらべうた (Warabeuta) THE KIDDIE - 1414287356 These songs reference some part of the song, but don't actually use "kagome kagome": AvelCain - 籠目歌ノ呪縛 (Kagomeuta no jubaku) BugLug - ENMA jealkb - 塞翁が馬 (Saiou ga uma) Kiryu - 十三夜 (Juusanya) Kiryu - 後ノ今宵 (Nochi no koyoi) Kiryu - 朔宵 (Sakuyoi) Kiryu - 誰彼刻 (Tasogaredoki) Kiryu - 残月 (Zangetsu) Memento Mori - 菊ノ傘ト籠女唄 (Kiku no kasa to kagomeuta) R-shitei - 帝都に死す (Teito ni shisu) R-shitei - 八幡の薮知らず (Yawata no yabushirazu) Shiina Ringo - 映日紅の花 (Ichijiku no hana) Zin - 怪ミ隠し (Ayashimi kakushi) Obviously there must be a lot more.. these are just songs that I've done lyrics for.
  2. peffy

    Sorry if this stuff has been mentioned before.. don't have time to read the whole thread... but I just wanted to pop by and spam some of my favourite j-jazz .. uhhh honestly not even sure if this is really "jazz".. but too bad. This stuff is pretty old.. 8-21 years old. Thanks for listening~ or scrolling past this~
  3. peffy

    This stuff came with my copies of Kiryu's Irodori type C&D. I also got the exact same poster as @itsukoii. (it is REALLY UPSETTING how often I get trading card doubles.. I even got triples once..)
  4. The CD is free. Hope someone can pick it up and share =/
  5. peffy

    My dream last night was a string of random scenarios, which is normal for me.. the 2 parts I remember are 1) My mother was driving me around in her car, but we forgot to put our seatbelts on. We realized it a bit later and put them on. Cars usually start beeping if the seatbelts aren't on, so I was wondering why it didn't warn us. 2) I had a pet cat, but had to leave it in a car parked in the garage at my workplace. I went to visit it to scratch its head and feed it. It was a very cute orange-white tabby. (I've never owned a cat)
  6. I had a mild attraction to TSUKASA (D'espairsRay/THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S/enka dude) for a short time. About 5-6 years ago. Nothing since then. There are a few that I find very attractive-looking but I wouldn't say I have crushes on them. edit: my name, it has colour
  7. peffy

    I am totally Person 4 except I don't make fun of people who love 7. god damn it, a full-blown modern 6 remake could be so cool. can you imagine suplexing a ghost train in today's graphics..?
  8. peffy

  9. peffy

    I have 2 uneven-leveled monitors which causes the black spaces. My wallpapers shuffle every 20 minutes so this is just what's showing right now I feel very bad that icons are covering Koichi.. I should clean up..
  10. peffy

  11. peffy

    this is unacceptable -13
  12. peffy

    http://gematsu.com/2016/03/rumor-final-fantasy-xv-launches-september-30 If true, it's coming a lot sooner than I'd have guessed. We'll find out for sure at the event on March 30. I really hope the game is good.
  13. peffy

    oh, I'm still using alternative, lol. this was a while ago, so I don't remember clearly, but I switched it on and off briefly at the beginning and didn't notice much difference. I knew why they patched in the alternative mode so I figured I should just keep using it.
  14. peffy

    ^ Yeah actually I have seen the same thing. It's a dumb argument. They are different systems in different types of games. I personally can't comment, because I've never played Bloodborne/Souls.. I've seen "let's play"-type videos and I know it's not something I would enjoy (I can't stand having to re-do a lot of stuff every time I die, which is why I play most games on easier difficulties). I did turn on alternative movement shortly after starting the game, but I don't remember feeling that much of a difference.
  15. peffy

    I'm still binge-playing Witcher 3, I really want to get it over with so I can play something else. Looks like I've got 2 big main quests left, hopefully I will finish it tomorrow. Thus far, I'm really impressed with the quality of the writing, even in some random side quests, and graphics, even though I'm playing on PS4 not PC. I wish I had more time to read through all the books and letters since the world is quite interesting. I feel a bit bad for leaving so many points of interest untouched, but I just can't spend 200 hours doing everything.. ;_; By the way, I know some people complain about the combat and movement.. I don't have any problems with the combat cuz I'm just playing on easy and it's fine. The movement is a bit of an issue, especially when I need to position myself *just* right to loot a crate with candles on top of it.. that's probably my biggest complaint about the game. Stop putting candles on top of everything!! T_T
  16. peffy

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