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Everything posted by peffy

  1. peffy

    Nice, the album was not bad, I will be looking forward to these singles!
  2. Hello again, Prince MiA.... I have not listened to the preview. I want to be surprised when I listen to the CDs I ordered. And then be like "wtf did I just buy". To be honest that is part of the appeal of this band. "wtf did I just listen to."
  3. peffy

    I've only been really into VK since 2010, and I still really love it. I am not likely to "burn out" because I don't listen to songs/albums on repeat, and I still listen to non-VK artists. I also lack the time/willingness to seek out new bands to listen to, so maybe I'm not as exposed to "shitty" bands as others are.. I have a bunch that I like and I tend to stick with them. Even within the limited group of bands I listen to, there are bands with interesting ideas, or great lyrics, or vocalists with really nice/intriguing voices, etc. I cannot stand 80s/90s VK though. I haven't liked anything I've heard (full disclosure: I haven't heard very much). A big part of it might be the production values (or, lack of good-quality rips). Modern VK just sounds so much better to me, from a technical quality standpoint.. (and I don't even care if the vocalist has been auto-tuned like hell, as long as it makes them *sound* pleasant enough to my ear.) I also really hate the look of old school VK bands.. the makeup and hair just look bad to me (plus, lack of photoshop). I use too many brackets.
  4. Because fangirls in Japan will eat this shit up. It is easy money for the band.
  5. peffy

    Trailer was removed because of some controversy. A framed photo/painting in the trailer was revealed to be original concept art "stolen" from Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. Here's the slightly modified trailer: There is a lot to be said for dedicated hardware. PCs can pack a lot of power, but I think the problem is optimization? When there are pretty much infinite combinations of hardware components, it can be difficult to optimize. Also, PCs are not dedicated - they have to reserve power/memory for other programs & background processes. When a game developer has hardware with set specifications, especially in the case of Naughty Dog which is owned by that hardware's manufacturer and probably has a gigantic budget, they can accomplish a lot more than you'd think is possible. (I based all of that on forum chatter I've read over the years, I don't really know a lot about it.) I have never played an Uncharted game, though I 'own' Uncharted 3 & Golden Abyss via PlayStation Plus. Actually, I did play a demo of the first game but the gun fight it gave me was very off-putting. I don't really like guns in games....
  6. In case you missed it before, this is not the first Otome dating sim Mahiro has been in. "Boku wa anata ni koisuru" (Falling in love with you) was released 3 years ago, and featured 6 VK vocalists. Aoi (Aoi-168-) Yugiri (DaizyStripper) Mahiro (Kiryu) Mitsu (ν[NEU]) yo-ka (DIAURA) Subaru (Royz) That's the only one I know of. I actually downloaded it to my phone, but didn't want to pay $3.99 for each dude so I never played it.
  7. More info: http://www.4gamer.net/games/335/G033503/20160225088/ "Bakumatsu Meiji ~Koisuru Ryujinsama~" Platforms: iOS 6.0+ / Android 2.3.3+ (it specifies docomo/au/Softbank, not sure if that means it's limited to those carriers?) Plot intro (please excuse my quick and possibly inaccurate translation): You were on a vacation with your friends, but suddenly got dizzy and traveled through time to the Meiji era. A mysterious group of 5 people found you. "Why is there a person here??" says Kurosaki Mahiro, mercilessly pointing a sword at you. These men are Ryujin (dragon gods/spirits) called "Kiryu" who were forced to take human form by Amaterasu (the Shinto sun goddess). To return to the Palace of the Dragon King, they have a mission to defeat an evil god, and somehow you are forced to help them ?!?! On top of that, your duty is to work in the red-light district as an Oiran (courtesan) to extract info about the evil god from soldiers. While working to complete the mission and return to your own world, love is born.......... Which Ryujin will you fall in love with?
  8. Kamijo should be the opening act for Queen Kaya. Really hope Kaya releases more solo music.
  9. peffy

    Crimson Shiva - Shokugan <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  10. I do not know why, but I just eat up everything this band releases. Of course I'm going to throw my money at this mini-album.
  11. peffy

    The original Zoolander is one of my favourite movies ever... but I watched it once, between 10-15 years ago. Not entirely hyped for Zoolander 2, it has pretty bad reviews... HOWEVER I saw in a trailer that !!!!MINOR SPOILER!!!!justin bieber gets killed!!!!MINOR SPOILER!!!! so I kinda want to see it.. I'm REALLY hyped for Deadpool, one day I will get out there and see it. If they make an X-Force movie based on the original Uncanny X-Force team (Deadpool, Psylocke, Angel, Wolverine, X-23, Fantomex) .. except, please swap Fantomex with Domino... I WOULD DIE. X-Force vol 3 & Uncanny X-Force are my favourite comic series.
  12. peffy

    Yeah.. well I thought Xillia was ok (even got the platinum trophy).. but I kind of hated Xillia 2 for some reason. Probably cuz a lot of it was cut and paste from Xillia. I bought Zestiria recently ($35 sale on PSN), but haven't started it yet. I have heard very mixed things about it. This series probably needs an overhaul, but I doubt it will come with Berseria.. it's a PS3/PS4 game. When they finally drop PS3 there'll be a better chance of improvements.
  13. Yes, I know.. in fact ジョウ/Jyou and Joe are pronounced exactly the same. ジョウ is generally written out as Jou, but could also be spelt Jo, Jō, Joh, Jyou, Jyoh, Jyo, Jyō. I could've sworn that page was titled "jyou.html" before. Or I just did not notice it before. Was just wondering, because she must've used Jyou officially before since that's the accepted default Roman spelling of her name, so it is odd that web page is joe.html. .. or maybe it's just that the first person to spell out her name in Roman letters used Jyou and it spread from there. shrug.
  14. peffy

    EGO-WRAPPIN' - 憐れみのプレリュード .. not actually listening to it, but it's stuck in my head after reading news of their upcoming best-of
  15. I really love some of their songs, gotta remind myself to check this out!
  16. peffy

    http://gematsu.com/2016/02/tales-berseria-rokurou-eleanor-further-introduced Two new characters have been revealed for Tales of Berseria .. The girl looks kinda weird, but hot damn, I like the look of that ronin-samurai-looking dude. Dual sword wielder too.. Getting too hyped over here... I might actually buy this off JP PSN .. can't bother waiting for localization .. nggggg...
  17. Song sounds OK so far, but I expected it to have more Asian-ness to it, given the Buddhist temple stuff... ... WHICH I LOVE. My dream house would basically look like a Buddhist temple. ... I like the band's look too.
  18. QUESTION.. I just noticed the URL for Jyou's profile page is http://www.exist-trace.com/profile/joe.html .. Is her name supposed to be spelt JOE???? Was it always like that? Did she change it? People have always seemed to use "Jyou". From CD Japan's description.. "exist†trace 6曲入りミニアルバムリリース! 「ワン野口CD!限定トライアル盤」はCD音源は通常盤と内容変わらず、ジャケットや歌詞カードがないCD音源のみの仕様。" Which I think means that the trial CD has the same songs, but has no booklet/lyrics/jacket.
  19. peffy

    Absolutely, pre-order culture is one of the worst things about video games these days. When you need things like the infamous Watch Dogs pre-order chart just to figure out what bonuses you get, you know there is a problem. And that's compounded with excessively buggy games that need extensive patching for weeks/months after release. There is almost ZERO purpose to pre-ordering a game, unless it's limited edition or you want those bonuses which are mostly crap/useless. Even worse are DIGITAL pre-orders... I've pretty much sworn off pre-ordering, especially since the price of games in Canada has skyrocketed because our dollar has tanked. Around 2 years ago they were $60, now they are $80.. but I just saw one upcoming game priced at $85, and some believe it could go up to $90 soon...... I now wait for price drops on everything because I refuse to pay more than the US$ price. Buying Japanese games (and music) has also gotten more expensive, because although the Yen's value crashed, the Canadian dollar crashed even harder.
  20. peffy

    I have played a number of VN's, mostly otome. I try to restrict myself to the ones on Playstation platforms, meaning zero 18+ content. They are great for learning Japanese. Hakuouki - I think this was the first one I played in Japanese and it was difficult as hell due to the historical setting.. lots of terms I did not know. Hakuouki Sweet School Life - Totally disturbed that this girl was dating her teachers White Album 1 + 2 Diabolik Lovers (Limited V edition + More Blood + Dark Fate) Code:Realize Amnesia + Amnesia World - Only liked 2 of the guys, and World was total crap waste of money Steins:Gate + Hiyoku renri no Darling - Actually I did not like these very much 彼女(あのコ)はオレからはなれない - Playing this on & off right now, it's kind of terrible Danganronpa 1 + 2 - Played in English, not sure if these really count as VN 999 + Virtue's Last Reward - Played in English, not sure if these really count as VN XBlaze Code Embryo - only bought this cuz I wanted to support English localization of VNs Love Plus Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side .. there might have been a couple more for DS that I've forgotten. Reine des Fleurs - I bought this last August and haven't touched it yet.. but it has the most beautiful characters ever Hatoful Boyfriend - Bought for Vita, haven't played yet
  21. all the pink around here is making me nauseous

    1. CAT5


      cΔn you be my valentine? :P

    2. Seimeisen


      Good... Good... *cackle*

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Consider yourself lucky I can't reach you 3:-)

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  22. peffy

    I felt REALLY BAD about leaving certain albums off my original 9 and I can't stop thinking about it... so here are albums #10-18 Not in any particular order 1. 王菲 (Faye Wong) - 唱遊 (Sing and Play) 2. スネオヘアー (Suneohair) - a watercolor 3. HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT - VARY 4. ATTACK HAUS - W8 5. 東京事変 (Tokyo Jihen) - 教育 (Kyouiku) 6. REDЯUM - TOO YOUNG TO FALL IN LOVE 7. BUGY CRAXONE - NORTHERN HYMNS 8. グリーヴァ (Grieva) - 鬼ト影-オニトカゲ- (Oni to Kage) 9. ゴシップ (Gossip) - 出戻り鬼畜サイコ野郎(再犯) (Demodori kichiku psycho yarou (saihan)) Every single one of these is amazing for different reasons pls check them out kthx
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