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Everything posted by peffy

  1. That's a shame, I really liked BANG ME cuz I thought it was really funny. boy bang bang bang bang me now yeaaah
  2. Maybe they were just really salty about not getting Budokan, which led them to write that song. Like "whatever man, we don't NEED Budokan, fuck going major" Or maybe "going major" has nothing to do with Budokan? Major = (theoretically) making more money and having execs control your image & output. Or maybe the whole Budokan thing was a joke in the first place? Not that I care. As long as I like the new songs they can say whatever they want to say.
  3. ヶ is an abbreviation of 箇 , so they do mean the same thing. I am guessing both the band name and song name refer to the Shikoku Pilgrimage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimage) . R-shitei is so educational! I agree with the translation of the 2nd track.... or maybe it's "We don't give a shit about going major". Something like that.
  4. peffy

    Man I kind of wish I was a NEET. So envious of you! I would probably say gaming is my main hobby, but since I have a full time job and a "volunteer job" with my website, my gaming time is really limited. And I don't even have a social life to worry about. Presently I am working my way through Witcher 3. At the rate I'm going, I'll finish it in like 6 months......... (I'm way too obsessed with looting every single container.)
  5. peffy

    how do u guys play so many games
  6. Here are 4 of the individual pics (pulled from their twitters) Otake is a lazybutt who hasn't put his picture up yet. sorry these are so big.
  7. yaaaaas give it to me The title in English is "The misery of others tastes like honey"
  8. peffy

    I know I played Bahamut Lagoon with an emulator. So I was totally cheating with save states and .. maybe cheat codes. I don't remember a single thing about the story. I did also play a Tenchi Muyo game.. I'm sure I finished it, but again, remember almost nothing about it. I played these games like 15 years ago.
  9. peffy

    No, it's just digital hoarding.. I have done the same with other types of downloaded media. Music, movies, tv episodes, comic books, games... I am terrified of holding/playing with/taking care of babies and young children. Am I weird?
  10. peffy

    I've been listening to a lot of my faves from my pre-VK days, man there are some amazing songs I forgot I liked.
  11. I placed an order for both upcoming MEJIBRAY singles just because I want new posters....

    1. -NOVA-


      i want those posters so bad but im on a budget :( plus ive been collecting the band photos so regular editions for me x)

  12. peffy

    Hmm, I was fairly certain I didn't see Sammo's name in the credits so I checked.. Ip Man 1 & 2 were choreographed by Sammo, while Ip Man 3 was choreographed by Yuen Woo Ping. This does make me more interested to see the other 2, so I can see if I'd notice a difference (I probably wouldn't).
  13. peffy

    Yes, that is certainly a confirmation that he's very ill. I do stand by my original interpretation of the facebook post, though. They probably did not know or did not want to say how serious it was. I don't have any attachment to PATA but I hope he gets well.
  14. wherefore art thou, mailman?

  15. peffy

    Yeah, well as I said before, I don't watch a lot of movies, so I'm very much not a film nerd . I still enjoyed Ip Man 3, though there were some characters that probably had more back story in the previous films. I may eventually watch the first 2 films, but anyway I mostly watched it for cool action scenes and I was satisfied. As for Star Wars.. I'm pretty sure I've never watched an entire one. I've definitely seen large chunks of the original trilogy, and chunks of ep 1.. I'm not really interested in sci-fi, so Star Wars isn't a series I'm into.. I actually looked up spoilers for ep 7 because I kept seeing people whining about getting spoiled, so I had to know.
  16. peffy

    Star Wars (no interest) The Revenant (too long) Daddy's Home Dirty Grandpa Ride Along 2 .. a few others I'd never heard of Both of us were in the mood for some kung fu action, and thought it would be fun to see a Cantonese movie in a theatre (both of us speak/understand it on some level) and besides I was already familiar with the basics of Ip Man's real life story. .. Comparing it to something like Lord of the Rings is a bit much, obviously LOTR is a gigantic epic story, and in a case like that I wouldn't start from the middle.
  17. peffy

    I would say SNES had the best JRPGs. I played a lot of them with emulators & fan translations when I was young. PS1 and PS2 are also highly regarded in this area, but I never owned either of those consoles (kind of stopped playing games during those eras). PS3 is generally considered a dead zone for JRPGs, especially compared to its predecessors, but it still has some good ones. .. I have no opinion on later Nintendo consoles, I briefly used a DS Lite, never owned a Wii or 3DS. I am really interested in Sony bringing slightly-upgraded PS2 games to PS4. They have already released a few well-regarded JRPGs - Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicle & Arc the Lad. I would kill for them to release Dragon Quest 8 on PS4.
  18. D'espairsRay - my first male VK obsession.. HIZUMI was amazing, so sad he is not singing anymore. CindyKate - Yui was so fun to listen to, so sad he is not singing anymore. AYABIE (Yumehito vocal era) - I actually really liked Yumehito's voice (I did not like Aoi), so sad he is not singing anymore. Dolly - actually they are "on hiatus" but it's been over 3 years and I feel like they will never come back. DOPPEL is good for my Mitsu fix and the songs are Dolly-like, but they don't release enough material. amber gris - well, I felt like they ran out of steam towards the end, but I miss Temari & Koto. lolita23q & DELACROIX - Both disbanded right after I started to like them. ALDEBARAN & UnRealistic - disbanded way too soon.
  19. peffy

    You forgot a number of other games... Dragon Quest Builders (in Japan) <-- I downloaded the demo but haven't had a chance to try it yet Dragon Quest Heroes 2 (in Japan) Star Ocean 5 Kingdom Hearts 2.8 whatever the fuck it's called World of Final Fantasy (aka "that chibi FF shit") maybe Dragon Quest XI (seems likely it will be a 2017 game) I very much doubt KH3 will come out this year. and Just Cause 3 came out in Dec. 2015... ? anyhow, I'm very happy the Japanese side of Square Enix has gone nuts with the console games, for a while I was afraid they'd just pour their money into mobile games.. Now, I just need these games to be good.
  20. peffy

    My friend got 2 free movie tickets that we had to use fast. There was literally no other movie we wanted to watch.
  21. peffy

    Ip Man 3 I don't watch a lot of movies, and I haven't even seen the first 2 movies in this series. This is a Hong Kong series based loosely on the life of Ip Man, who was Bruce Lee's master. I figured it would be a light kung fu action movie, but nooo it spent considerable time on a very sad moment in Ip Man's life and my tears came out. Other than that, there were a lot of cool fights, and guest star Mike Tyson (yes, the boxer) was hilarious when he tried to speak Cantonese. (I suppose that's only hilarious to people who know what Cantonese is supposed to sound like)
  22. peffy

    The latest FFXV gameplay footage - The stealth is optional, you can skip the sneaking around and just barge in and fight everything normally. Warp-kill seems cool though. - The music is nice - The UI is a bit busy, hopefully it will be adjusted for the final version - Hellooooooo sexy dragoon lady <3
  23. peffy

    Oh my god, I played this many many many years ago, totally loved it, don't remember much about it. How did I forget Jupiter goes to Canada??
  24. peffy

    ...I put a lot of thought into this and it was really freaking hard to get my list down to 9. I've tried to pull from a wider variety of times and genres.. but this still skews heavily towards Japanese & rock. Click the spoiler for a short description and sample song! In chronological order.... 1. Matthew Good Band - Beautiful Midnight [1999] 2. fra-foa - 宙の淵 (Chuu no fuchi) [2001] 3. 周杰倫 (Jay Chou) - 范特西 (Fantasy) [2001] 4. 椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo) - 加爾基 精液 栗ノ花 (Karuki, zaamen, kuri no hana) [2003] 5. D'espairsRay - MIRROR [2007] 6. 安室奈美恵 (Amuro Namie) - PAST < FUTURE [2009] 7. R指定 (R-Shitei) - 人間失格 (Ningen shikkaku) [2010] 8. Dolly - CAPSULE [2010] 9. Crimson Shiva - PANDORA [2014] WOW I PUT WAY TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO THIS. but it was an interesting mental exercise.
  25. "WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL" surpassed my expectations

    1. ricchubunny


      YES ME TOO! The previews were so bleh to me, HOW THIS ALBUM ENDED BEING SO GOOD?! Im in love <3

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