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Everything posted by peffy

  1. peffy

    According to the end of the trailer.... PC PS4 PS3 XONE X360
  2. peffy

    If Yakuza 5 & 0 sell well enough, I'd say it's a given that they'll bring over 6. Will be interesting to see if they bring over Kiwami. I feel guilty not buying 5 because I imported/played the Japanese version 2 years ago.. but I think I will wait for the English version of 0. It's a shame they are skipping Ishin. That one might actually be my favourite, I really loved the sword combat and the setting. Omg the vegetable garden and the cooking minigame and the pet cats/dogs.. gnsdonsdiogoidsfhgaijginep so good. That game could've done decent sales if it came out in early 2014, since there weren't so many PS4 exclusive games at the time.
  3. It greatly amuses me to see men have to dress up and put on tons of makeup, in the way that normally only female performers have to... (even if they have to be super photoshopped to look decent) But most of all, I like how the music can be so different from typical western pop music you'd hear on the radio. I'm sooooo sooooo sick of neutered mass-market easy-on-the-ears songs with pitch perfect singers. I like flawed vocals, painful screams, dissonance.. the contrast between growls & pretty melodies that some bands do very well. I also love the.. aesthetics of the Japanese language when sung, and it's always a special treat when it's contrasted with the occasional bad Engrish line.
  4. peffy

    I personally found most of their material to be mediocre, especially the more recent stuff. I see this disbandment as a positive thing. Ryoga is a good vocalist and I will be interested in seeing what he does next.
  5. peffy

    http://www.gamespot.com/articles/2016-is-a-year-of-preparations-for-final-fantasy-v/1100-6433477/ Kitase said 2016 is a "year of preparations", which would imply that nothing will get released in 2016. It seems reasonable to assume that the first chunk will release next year.
  6. Clearly because Tatsuya is a jerk. That's why Meto's on the couch, chewing on his bear's ear in frustration.
  7. It would be AWESOME to see more bands in the vein of early exist†trace. I don't even care if the full band is female, having mixed-gender bands would be a cool thing to see. And you could have weird things like a female member dressing as a male, and a male member dressing as a female, just to fuck with people. Alas, I feel like that "bangyaru" thing mentioned earlier probably prevents this from happening. (actually, I think DISACODE was exactly what I'm talking about? but that's just one band.) I'm not entirely down on the frequent disbandings & member departures. It can be a positive thing. I think, if a band has reached their limit creatively, it's better for them to disband than just stubbornly stick together and rehash the same old ideas over and over. As long as the members go on to join/create new bands, I'm OK with it. For instance, I was sad when AND disbanded, but now that I think about it, their last album wasn't all that great. And now we have REIGN and Liraizo to enjoy.
  8. peffy

    To me, it just looks like a standard "cancelled due to illness" announcement. They are cancelling the show and will reschedule later because PATA is sick or injured. It does not look like he's dying, probably nothing to worry about.
  9. They really wear their influences on their sleeves. By the way, I'm looking at the CD Japan listing and the title for track 12 is "七月三十一日 " there. ... and also I just checked the blog post and it says 七月三十一日 as well. So 七月七日 was probably a mistake. .. ..and I've now said the word "shichi" in my head so many times that my brain itches. shichishichishichi ... nichinichi
  10. peffy

    I might pick this up since I can stick it in my My Dragon order.
  11. peffy

    Haha, I understand what you mean. I still feel like they could've changed the design a little to make it more... feminine?.. somehow. Or provided an option. As it is, it looks like they designed it with male characters in mind, then couldn't bother to change it for females. (Also it was weird that every party member wore the same outfit. I'm the Inquisitor, I should look more special!!) When combined with the masculine animation problem, they had me feeling like I was playing "wrong" for choosing a female character. It bothered me for the entire game. Anyway, I kind of understand why they did it like that. Budget/time restrictions. Still sucks. Can't comment on DLC as I haven't played any.
  12. peffy

    Oh my god, my biggest problem with Dragon Age Inquisition was the crappy animation of my character. I played as a very slender female elf, yet she was walking around with her arms and legs out at 45 degree angles (mostly noticed this in cutscenes). Also, every scene where she was sitting on the throne, she'd sit like a man with giant balls. It was like they made animations for a big beefcake dude and didn't bother to make different ones for a female. And holy crap, why didn't they let us change the outfit inside the castle. I'm practically the goddamn queen, why am I always wearing an ugly skintight brown shirt and ugly skintight brown pants?? (oh wait, just googled this and apparently they patched it to let you choose from some other colours/outfits now... which are all kind of ugly. It would be an improvement to just let us wear our armor.. not that the armor sets in this game were particularly good looking) And holy crap, for the "Formal attire", why didn't they design a formal dress for female characters? It felt really weird to be wearing something resembling a king/prince's military attire. Gah, the more I think about it, the less I like that game.
  13. Nice look! I suppose I will pick this up. I'm very new to this band.. only heard (and bought) GIGA BEST and Itadaking, I generally like what they do.
  14. For me, "Oni to kage" was god-tier, "Shuuen" was meh-tier, and mostly everything they released after "Shuuen" was good-tier. High hopes for this new album, but it's gonna be damn hard to surpass the first one.
  15. peffy

    Oh, I already finished the lyrics. http://hiphopvomit.blogspot.com/2016/01/gossip-baka-aho-manuke-banzai.html In the second line you wrote, you have お父さん, but I'm pretty sure he says お母さん .
  16. peffy

    That stuff looks cool, I wish I had it ! I'm going to type out those lyrics. it is very easy to see ... except the censored part.. which I'll have to guess at thank you for the pics!
  17. I actually now have the opinion that Eiki was the best song Mejibray put out in 2015. I barely listened to it, haven't heard it since May, yet I still remember how it goes. That plodding beat. That part of the vocal performance reminiscent of a man being tortured and/or dying (which is normal for Tsuzuku). That other part of the vocals where he pulls off some great falsetto. Koichi's bass work being allowed to shine. ....I'm not being sarcastic... Biggest disappointment was prob. amber gris disbanding.
  18. peffy

    I'm older than you, sir. You calling me an old woman? HOW DARE YOU. I think Chrono Trigger is overhyped. It's a good game but people worship it a bit too much. (then again, I pretty much think that everything is overhyped..) I never played the Lufia games, mostly because I never heard of them. More games I liked... I barely remember them now, but I remember being enamored with Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, and Terranigma. Hey, what about Pokemon? I only played Red/Blue and Gold/Silver, those were good games. South Park: The Stick of Truth was the best RPG based on a TV show. Also I'm not sure if you would call the Yakuza series "RPGs"... hmm.. random-ish encounters, long convoluted story, tons of side quests and mini games... I guess they are RPGs after all. Yes, Yakuza is definitely one of my all-time favourite RPG series.
  19. peffy

    Yay RPGs! Especially JRPGs!!! The very first game I ever laid eyes on, and played, was the original Dragon Warrior on the NES. I was reaaaaally young at this time. Anyway, I have remained a fan of Dragon Warrior/Quest and I'm really looking forward to XI (though the latest rumour is that it's been delayed to 2017..) I am also a big fan of Final Fantasy.. my favourites are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. (10's anti-religion story kind of changed my life) I kind of hated the 13 series, though I still forced myself to play them. I haven't played 2, 3, 14, Type-0. (I played 11 for a few hours and decided I hated it) I hope 15 and the 7 remake end up being good. I've also played a whole bunch of Tales games, those are always good for fun character interactions. I've also played some games in the Breath of Fire & Star Ocean series. Probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting. As for WRPGs, I really enjoyed D&D style games like Baldur's Gate & Neverwinter Nights. I'm not really into the tactical aspect, so I just turned on god mode and went through them for story/dialogue. Also quite enjoyed the Dragon Age series and Witcher 2. Just started playing Witcher 3. I do want to mention stuff I don't like.. Ni no Kuni was too slow-paced and grindy but I managed to finish it, gonna skip the sequel. I don't really like stories about children. Persona 3, I gave up after a few hours cuz I didn't like the dungeon crawling aspect and the time limit. Then I forced myself to play Persona 4 Golden cuz so many people say it's amazing.. but I got the bad ending (I think it's like 3/4 into the game?) and then just quit playing. Too bad, I wish I could share in the Persona 5 hype. I also don't really like "tactical" or "strategy" RPGs.
  20. peffy

    Since I last posted (coincidentally exactly 1 month ago), I've finished a bunch of games. Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Crappy final boss fight & super disappointing ending, but I still give the game high marks for the gameplay. Stabbing people in the gut/chest/face or slitting their throats or throwing knives into their foreheads NEVER GETS OLD. I even got the platinum trophy, yay for me! Grow Home - I fought through the nausea and made it back to my spaceship thing. Really a fun, cute little game that I would recommend. I just wish it didn't make me sick.. it's really unusual, cuz I don't typically get motion sickness.. Bastion - Interesting story. Gameplay was ok, but I wasn't really sold on it. Not gonna bother with any of the challenge room stuff. Life is Strange - omg, I cried twice during this game. Very cool gameplay mechanics, emotionally affecting story. Highly recommended. Tales from the Borderlands - Decently amusing story & dialogue. I probably would've liked it more if I had played any of the Borderlands games, cuz I assume there were a ton of references I missed. Actually it kind of made me want to play Borderlands, but then I remembered those are FPS and I don't play FPS. Too bad. ---- Currently playing: The Witcher 3 - Only played about 2 hours, seems really cool. I did a quest involving a frying pan and I am amazed this stuff is all voiced and animated to such high quality. It makes me wish stuff like the Yakuza series would voice all their silly side quests. 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 (Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel) - Still pretty early in this game. God damn, so much dialogue. Gameplay seems fun so far. I am starting to wish that I had just gotten the English version cuz there actually isn't a lot of voice acting (the main character seems to be not voiced at all, outside of really important story scenes). Reading all the Japanese is slowing me down.. Also, I am getting tired of the stereotypical anime high school setting. 彼女(あのコ)はオレからはなれない (Ano ko wa ore kara hanarenai / "She won't leave me alone") - This is a visual novel, once again set in high school. I only bought it cuz it was on sale and I thought it would be an easy platinum... BUT IT HAS NO PLATINUM. Stupid me. It has next to zero gameplay.. all the choices are just "Which girl do you want to hang out with". Well, at least the story scenarios have been mildly amusing so far. But I'm starting to think every girl is annoying on some level, and that's a bad sign. Language-wise, it uses a ridiculous amount of internet slang that has me googling a whole lot... so I guess it's been educational. Gems of War - Still grinding out one last trophy ("Reach level 100"). Nothing new to say about it. I almost want to quit but I'm already at level 85 so I might as well finish it.
  21. .......this is why i try to ignore all the gossip and only listen to the music (and ogle the photoshopped photos). yay new single! the recent album was great, will probably pick this up.
  22. omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg
  23. peffy

    uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow totally missed this news (not surprising cuz i usually don't keep up with news) .. Japanese industry rules & fans expectations are very very different from Western countries. Correct me if I'm wrong, because you guys would probably know better than me, but I've heard of musicians that got in trouble for taking drugs, and they basically get blacklisted & all their material gets banned from stores. Whereas many Western musicians are known drug addicts (and/or get caught cheating) and no one gives a shit. welp, I'm not a huge fan of Femme Fatale, I find Kaya's solo work so much better .. hope he goes back to that style. Maybe I would like Schwarz Stein, I downloaded some of their stuff YEARS ago but never bothered to listen to it.
  24. I just finished .......... Life Is Strange Really deeply moving story. Gave me a lot to think about. Actually made me cry... TWICE. I hate things that make me cry. Still giving it a GOTY nomination.
  25. I don't really get the lynch. love. I've done lyrics for their stuff since 2012, and not a single one of their songs has made any impression on me. I guess it doesn't help that I find Hazuki's vocals completely unremarkable... The band is decent enough, just not outstanding or interesting to me in any way.
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