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Status Updates posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. what kind of virus protection should i buy?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. GazeRockSnob


      I suppose you can get symantec then since it is true you have to pay for it to be effective. Also, for hardware and external devices, use USB Disk security~~

    3. GazeRockSnob


      And by pay for It I meant Norton xD

    4. Rize


      I used in the past McAfee, pretty good software ^^

  2. why can't everyone just stop being mean to each other...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. beni


      Some enjoy it unfortunately.

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      There's nothing to understand about that. With time, i learned one thing about M-H. M-H is just like everywhere else: you have 2 kind of people: the good one, and the retarded dumbfuck that everyone is wondering why they're allowed to stay here for so long without getting their asses kicked.

    4. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      As much as I hate to say it because I genuinely like them, the mods either don't care or have become immune to said users. It sucks because it pretty much gives said users the free will to run rampant as they please.

  3. wtf is going on with tumblr?? it's giving a security notice

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. hitsuji-hime


      You can just go to Tumblr, go to Settings > Account, then change your email, preferably to a new address. Sorry if I'm talking too much ^^;

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      no i literally can't do anything on there if i try it takes me back to the rest password screen.. this what it says.. "Security warning

      We've detected suspicious behavior on your account.

      To ensure your account stays safe, never enter your password on any site other than www.tumblr.com

      Please reset your password before proceeding"

    4. hitsuji-hime


      Well, if you're having trouble accessing the email you use for that account, then reset the password of your email and then go ahead and reset your Tumblr password.

  4. Resident Evil 6 or...Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City?? or both? :v

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tetora


      4 is GOAT, but 6 fixed a lot of things about 5, just play it on Veteran mode, skip normal. Raccoon city is not by Capcom, and as Kyo said it is not as good.

    3. Elazmus


      4 is still easily the best I agree, 6 is okay if you can tolerate it not being RE anymore, and a truly awful new character

    4. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      neither. btw 1 is the best, just in case you were wondering...

  5. am I the only one who can't see the status update on main page anymore? o.o

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. nick


      Does the entire sidebar on the right display properly? If not, you may have accidentally closed it. There is a switch on the top-right corner. You'll have to hover it to see it more clearly though. http://i.imgur.com/nUqRoD5.png

    3. Amoz


      Or if you see "Recent Status Updates" but nothing showing on it, you might have closed just that part and need to press the button to the right of the text.

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      XD okay I fix it i must of close it on accident xD thanks

  6. Rip Tzk's Instagram :/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shir0


      Twitter's drama once again [2] urgh -.-

    3. Shir0


      Twitter's drama once again [2] urgh -.-

  7. my mom has a lump in her chest...im freaking out omg i don't wanna lose my mom........

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. colorful人生


      I hope your mother gets better. As long as it's just the bump everything should be ok (removal, etc.). It could also be Lipoma which is non-cancerous.

    3. ricchubunny


      It will be alright Rose! Don't worry! Your mum will be fine! :)

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      Thanks everyone ;___;

  8. The test came out okay my mom is gonna be okay ^__^

  9. if I took a pic of myself will you guys laugh? D:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jigsaw9


      well, the question is do you want us to laugh or not? ;<

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      never wanted anything more in my life than HJ pix

    4. Rize


      Noooo, why should I <3


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. yakihiko


      Happy Birthday \('0')/

    3. Aferni


      Happy Bday Messiah

    4. beni


      Happy birthday. :33

  11. ALWAYS making typos on phone -__-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. beni


      Dat name. x'D Loving the 'Shadow' spam aha.

    3. kyoselflove


      Now you have to spam anima, cause that song is awesome too.

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      yeah i had that name for a long time xD i wanna change it

      but i kind of like it now lol

  12. shit if you hate my dish washing why don't you wash the fucking dishes then!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bear


      Shit. I will make her stop. You can thank me later. :)

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Some people can't wash dishes properly no matter how much you try to teach them :/ I find it utterly frustrating.

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      ...... bear don't you dare

  13. got dynasty's warriors 8...yay...30..dollars...why...;;

  14. bye 22....i'll miss you... ;____;

  15. i hope sadie doesnt disband... ._.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shir0


      *than GANGSTA lol

    3. PsychoΔelica
    4. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I think they will took time to learn sheet music from ARCHE xD (joke)

      after 10years, they have the right to take a moment for they ^^

  16. Father's day is the day i hate the most...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      i just hate because my dad isn't alive anymore :/

    3. Tetora


      Same Rose, I like to appreciate all dads there for their kids on this day. I look at my friends who are already fathers, and how good they are to their kids, and how much that means cause I wish I had that.

    4. hitsuji-hime


      Eh, I don't care much about my dad either, he cares more about fighting roosters than his own children.

  17. had a really good dream last night :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tetora


      Both stories sound like great material for fanfictions. -Dips pen in ink, starts writing.-

    3. kyoselflove


      Let me read those when your done, Tetora.

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      there's a another part i remember he was standing on the side walk with a creepy ass smile on his face o_o;(well perverted actually)xD

  18. fuck Sigma 2 im gonna play razor's edge <.< that game too hard for me

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kyoselflove


      Ninja Gaiden is so hard.

    3. Tetora


      It helps if you have IRL experience being a ninja.

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      good luck with that :v

  19. I give up trying too find a good avatar pic ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. beni


      -.- STUPID LINKS. XD Sorry I can't help. It's just that, your avi comes up as a tiny '102 x 150' size. I tried to linked a bigger version of it I found so let me try another one. http://www.asianstyle.cz/upload/profily_clenove/831cb/1d9cf5e4cb8831fc9b7fc841e1916359.jpg Ooh, it's not the image which is the problem itself? o.o Wow, what's happening then? :/ So not being helpful.. ;;

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      I hope they didn't change the image's sizes D: normally I don't have to resize a picture it justs fits wtf >.<;;;

      maybe I can try using a different picture...

    4. beni


      Yeah, exactly! I'm sure it hasn't changed though, I just changed my avi yesterday in the day, not too many hours ago. I think, try another pic and see if it still does it. I believe it's just the one you have now being silly.

  20. mom go fuck yourself and leave me me alone

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nekkichi


      what happened to dad :/

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      My dad is dead..

    4. kyoisKILLINGME


      and she's ungrateful of the stuff I do like what the hell ._. she always wanna argue with me it's annoying

  21. i officially hate dogs...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      ugh my foot hurts so much.. ._.

    4. Biopanda


      Dogs are literally the best.

  22. brutal vk music makes me happy ^___^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. emmny


      LOL that was brutal 4 sure

    3. togz


      it's aiight

    4. blackdoll


      gonna give it a check cause he pigsqueled good. but they need to step their non breakdown parts up

  23. should i change my name back too haunted jealously or keep this one? :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kira_Uchiha


      Alright alright alright xD

      Get ready to get some random hallujahs all around ;3

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      i almost didn't remember xD it was DeadRose

    4. Tetora


      Oh yeah that one was good too, but Messiah is nice.

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